A maximum likelihood method for detecting bad samples from Illumina BeadChips data
Tóm tắt A maximum likelihood method for detecting bad samples from Illumina BeadChips data: ... 1.6.4 Identify samples that have different ancestries ................................ 12 2 Genotype callers 14 2.1 Illuminus ....................................................................................................... 14 2.2 GenoSNP ........................................................................................... 22 3.3 Remove bad samples .................................................................................... 24 4 Experimental result 25 4.1 Input file format ........................................................................................... ...ngtsson, Terence P. Speed, and Rafael A. Irizarry. Exploration, normalization, and genotype calls of high-density oligonucleotide snp array data. Biostatistics, 8(2):485-499, 2007. [CM01] Francis S. Collins and Victor A. McKusick. Implications of the human genome project for medical science....
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