A Vietnamese – English Cross-Cultural Study on Expressing Sarcasm
Tóm tắt A Vietnamese – English Cross-Cultural Study on Expressing Sarcasm: ...n situations. Most of these actions are taken with utterances. What one speaks when greeting or departing someone can reveal much about him. In other words, whether someone is judged to be cultured or uncultured is much relevant to what he utters in social communication. Therefore, language is...wo main sections. To begin with, the first part requests the respondents to fill in their age, gender, marital status, and living area (residence). All of the obtained information about the respondent serves as a useful source for comments and later analyses. In the second part, question 1 a...sed. When the happening does them no harm or has no impact, fewer people of both groups will choose to pun in expressing sarcasm. Of the four types of pun, oxymoron gains most user’s sympathy of both groups, and people stuck in a marriage appear more sarcastic. Differences Firstly, the dif...
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