Actual test 01
Tóm tắt Actual test 01: ...ent. (C) How much Is it? 34 Could you give me a ride to the airport? (A) How was your trip? (B) Yes, Flight 312 to Miami. (C) When should we leave? 35 How is Mr. Johnson getting to the conference venue? (A) 2 PM at the lastest. (B) By taxi. (c) The Hawthorne Hotel. 36 Who's worki...look cluttered and disorganized. We need to make a plan that maximizes the office space. W: Okay. (49)I'll talk to the manager about it when she gets back from her lunch break. Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation. M: (50)Karen, are you registered for the Young Executives’ Sum...ental Freight charges a lot for those extra services. Perhaps I'll use Budget Shippers instead. Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation. M: (51)Caitlin, were you in the break room this morning when Donald was there? (50) (51) He was talking about a scientific lecturer who’ll be s...
ving a telephone conversation. 9 (A) The wood panels are being positioned on the wall. (B) Several pieces of wood are being stacked on the ground. (C) A machine is constructing a wall out of wood. (D) Someone is inspecting the roof of a building. 10 (A) She’s washing the dishes. [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: (B) She’s displayed the mugs on the counter. (C) She’s watering the flowers behind the sink. (D) She’s prepared some cups to hold hot water. PART 2 11 When will the report be finished? (A) I’ve never been to that resort. (B) It’s ready for you now. (C) I’d love some help, thanks. 12 Does this soup taste ail right, or is it too salty? (A) Actually, it could use more salt. (B) Thanks, but I had a late lunch. (C) All the suits need to be cleaned. 13 Who's been chosen as the new board member? (A) It’s not mine. (B) In the board room. (C) Dr. Edgar Garcia. 14 Where did Allan go in such a hurry? (A) He’s late for a doctor's appointment. (B) No, that's okay. There's no hurry. (C) I'll go to Sydney next week. 15 What extension can I use to reach Ms. Porter? (A) Right, I missed the deadline. (B) At the front desk, I believe. (C) Try 6-2-1-6. 16 How long does an electrical repair job usually take? (A) It depends on the extent of the damage. (B) I've been on the job for about four years. (C) You'll have to ask an electrician how to do it. 17 Which applicant seems most promising? (A) Well, they lowered his salary. (B) I'm interviewing for it tomorrow. (C) Mr. Ahn will probably get the job. 18 Did you shop at the downtown market? (A) Yes, I'll meet you there. (B) I marked everything I changed. (0) Yes, but I didn't find much. 19 Who do I talk to about a suspicious charge on my account? (A) I think I saw Roberta do it. (B) The identity theft protection team. (C) There was something about his tone I didn’t trust. 20 Where did the delivery person leave the supply shipment? (A) We’re all out of supplies, I’m afraid. (B) Delivery was scheduled, but it never came. (C) You have to sign for it first. 21 Is this rug on sale like the rest? (A) Sure, sit down and relax. (B) No, only the floral patterns. (C) Honestly, I don't like it. 22 You ordered the pants in beige, right? (A) That’s my preferred color. [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: (B) No, I didn’t try them on. (C) I designed the pants myself. 23 Didn’t Mr. Tilley say he was finished planting the garden? (A) I’ll give you some tomatoes, if you'd like. (B) He's working the late shift at the plant. (C) Yes, but there's a lot left undone. 24 Why is no one answering the phone in the warehouse today? (A) Really? I didn’t wear the suit. (B) I'll swing by the house and ask him. (C) They're busy putting together an order. 25 Would you like to book the plane tickets you’ve selected? (A) No, I’m still comparing prices. (B) Thanks, for a total of ten days. (C) Yes, the food in first class was fabulous. 26 Isn’t the employee picnic taking place soon? (A) No, I’m afraid it’s for employees only. (B) Yes, but it seems like so long ago. (C) It’s been canceled for budgetary reasons. 27 This promotional letter will have to be completely rewritten. (A) Do you have the client list? (B) Is the quality that bad? (C) Congratulations on your promotion. 28. ill the cargo be shipped in a wooden crate or individual cardboard boxes? (A) Just let me know where I should stack them, (B) I agree the wood is a great material (C) It will be shipped In a wooden crate. 29 You already set the clock ahead one hour, didn’t you? (A) I’d rather keep it behind the bookcase. (B) Actuary, the time displayed is correct. (C) Oh, I think it’’ take a lot longer than that. 30 Have you plan to get this stain out of the upholstery? (A)I think it's there for good. (B)The one with the checkered fabric. (C)I’m so sorry about the stain. 31 That coffee machine isn't working anymore. (A)Can I get a dozen copies, please? (B) Oh, I thought it'd been fixed. (C) Well, I’d rather not work weekends. 32 Didn’t someone sign us up for the IT conference? (A) Marge was supposed to do that. (B) Sorry, I didn't see the sign for it. (C) Sums, if you don’t mind, that would be great. 33 If you’re not doing anything this weekend, let’s catch a movie. (A) I'm afraid I’m going out of town. (B) Really? Where are you moving to? (C) I would have done it if I could. 34 When did those condos on Duval Street go up? (A) Take a left here and they’re on the right. (B) You know, I never noticed them before. (C) No. this elevator is going down. 35 Why hasn't the lawn been watered? [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: (A)The water has a funny taste. (B) We're having a very dry summer. (C) I thought it was going to rain. 36 Do you know if the receptionist faxed the order forms yet? (A) In an alphabetical order. (B) Yes, I got the confirmation. (C) No, i never get good reception. 37 The sushi place isn’t far away. (A) Yes, an hour and a half. (B) No, just one plate, please. (C) Great, let’s eat there, then. 38 Where do you keep the spare key for your car? (A) Don’t worry. It’s In a safe place. (B) I can’t spare any time for you now. (C) So, that's where I put It. 39 Let's stock up on snacks at the next service station. (A) Didn't you just eat? (B) Are we out of gas already? (C) That's my favorite radio station, too. 40 Why don't you replace your monitor with a larger model? (A) Can you recommend one? (B) You think mine Is too big? (C) Will they keep an eye on it? PART 3 Questions 41-43 refer to the following conversation. M: (41)Have you finished watching the extra-credit video for Professor Canner’s class? I need it back to write my essay. W: I sat through the first half, but I got Interrupted. I never found out what happens to Beatrice when she grows up. Can you tell me? M: Yeah, (42)her father teaches her the violin and she becomes a famous concert performer. I thought it was a good film. W: Well, I'll have to see the ending some other time. (43)Come over later today and I can give you the video. Questions 44-46 refer to the following conversation. M: I run a barbershop, and starting next month (45)we’re going to be completely redoing the interior. W: (44)So you’re looking for a place to store your equipment? Well, we have spaces of all sizes. Do you know how much space you’ll need? M: The shop is about 300 square feet, but of course when I pack everything together it will take up less room. W: Right. (46)I’d recommend that you come and check out the units we have available. Questions 47-49 refer to the following conversation. M: Kathy, I need your help. (47)My cousin Robert is coming into town this weekend for a visit, and I’m supposed to play tour guide. W: You could take him to the Modern Art Museum. They’re hosting an avant-garde sculpture exhibit right now. Oh, and the film festival starts this weekend. M: I don’t know. Robert is not really into art. (48) I think his hobbies are more related to sports and outdoor activities. W: (49) Why don’t you take him for a hike in Petroglyph National Park? It’s only an hour’s drive from town. Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation. W: Hi, I’m looking for & replacement faucet for my bathroom sink. The old one Is leaking pretty badly. M: Okay, can you tell me the diameter of the hole that the old faucet It set into? It could be 2, 4, of 8 centimeters. [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: W: According to the manual, it’s a 4-centimeter hole (60) If you have one of those available, I’d love to come pick it up today. M: I believe we have one in the warehouse. (51) I can have it ready for you by 3:30. Just remember, (52)we do close at 5:30 today. Questions 53-55 refer to the following conversation. W:(53) I just got the presentation schedule for this month’s department head meeting. Jose, you‘ll be starting us off with a look at how the new television promotions are doing. M: Television promotions? I thought Katie was going to address those, while (56) I give a talk on our new customer outreach initiatives. Isn't that right, Jill? W: Yes, you’re absolutely right. I got you two mixed up. Katie will go first, then you, and (64)Marcus will end the meeting with his monthly sales report. Questions 56-58 refer to the following conversation. W; Did you get the memo this morning?(56) (57)Everyone who works on the assembly line is supposed to meet in the conference room in one hour. M: No. I got in late because of all the construction on the highway, What’s going on in the conference room? W: It's a mandatory training seminar that's going to last all day. I’m not certain what it’s about, but it’s being led by someone named Winston Chang. M: Oh, (58)he’s in charge of the new technology department. I bet he’ll be speaking about how to use the assembly operators they installed last week. Questions 59-61 refer to the following conversation. W: (59)Since the grand opening last month, we’ve gotten a lot of complaints that the guest rooms aren’t bright enough. I guess the overhead lights aren’t very strong. M: It sounds like we should try putting a lamp in each room. Let’s see, that would be a bulk order of 120 lamps. (60)I think we could get a discount from our supplier. W: (61)I’ll look through their catalog and choose a model that will match our decor. After that, what will we need to do? M: Management will want us to write up and submit a proposal for the expenditure. I can start on that now. Questions 62-64 refer to the following conversation. W: Congratulations, James! (62)I heard you were hired last week as a project manager for that green construction firm. What is it called? M: Good Earth Homes. (63)Yeah, it’s great because I’ll be able to set my own schedule. And (62)I know you just started a new job as well. Remind me what it is? W: That’s right. (64)I’ve been with Patterson Consulting two weeks now. We help small business owners manage their investment portfolios. M: We're both so lucky to find work in this economy. I’d been interviewing for six months before I landed this job! Questions 65-67 refer to the following conversation. M: Hi, (65)I’m calling to inquire about the Highway 45 bridge project. It's so inconvenient having the bridge out of service. I have to drive an extra 50 minutes to work each day! W: Yes, sir, we realize it must be frustrating. As you know, a couple of weather delays put us behind schedule in the beginning, but recently, (66)we’ve had to put a lot of the work on hold until the government authorizes the I release of more funds. M: That sounds like a headache, but (67)all I care about is when this thing is going to be finished. Can you tell me that? W: Unfortunately, we don’t have an answer for you at this time. You can come to the town meeting next Tuesday, when updated information will be presented. Questions 68-70 refer to the following conversation. W: Ben, I’m absolutely overwhelmed with putting together the page layout for this week’s edition.(68)Would you mind trimming down some articles for me? M: Sorry, Mary, but (69)Mr. Washington has me working on a data entry project all day. He says it’s an urgent request from Accounting. [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: W: I don't know what Pm going to do, then. The final version is supposed to be at the printer’s by tomorrow morning, and I still have hours of work ahead of me. M: You could try asking Vivian. (70)She was supposed to go on an interview today, but her subject canceled on her at the last minute. Questions 71-73 refer to the following speech. (71)Everyone, I'd like you to please join me in welcoming Sandra Ramirez, the newest member of our team. My thanks to Alex Berg in human resources for encouraging Sandra to file an application with us. After that, the decision wasn't hard! (72)Sandra has over 15 years of experience working in advertising. Prior to coming on board here, she spent time with Symbolist Publishing and OnePlus Books, helping to refine their advertising strategies and maximize their market share, Let’s hope she can do the same here! (73)There will be a more formal welcome event at 3:30 in the cafeteria, so please try to fit that into your afternoon schedules. Questions 74-76 refer to the following announcement. (74) Welcome to Keller's, the hippest home furnishing store in Claremont! As you’re browsing for that perfect leather sofa or retro-style bookcase, let me tell you about some of the special offers we’re running this month. First, our 30-inch-tall antique nightstands are on sale— save 10% on all of these marvelous pieces! Next, if you make your way to the back wall of the store, you’ll see we’re featuring some handmade tapestries from India. (75)These amazing pieces of artwork are available at a two-for-one discount this month, so stock up! (76) And, as always, when you spend more than 600 dollars at Keller’s, you'll get 20% off your entire purchase! Questions 77-79 refer to the following radio broadcast. This is your “eye in the sky," Janet Lee. (77)Looks like we’ve got some serious delays on Payton Road again as a result of all the construction in the area. Payton is still down to one lane, and I’d highly recommend that you find an alternate route. Also, (78) there are reports of a serious accident involving a truck and an intercity bus on Highway 11, though we haven't started seeing any backups yet. And just a reminder that downtown streets, particularly between Fulham Drive and First Street, j are going to be a mess this afternoon as officials arrive for the opening of the new government building on Stanford. If you’re heading downtown later today, do yourself a favor and take the subway. That’s all from me; (79)stay tuned for more analysis of the mayoral election campaigns. Questions 80-82 refer to the following telephone message. Hi, this is Wyatt Pierce from KP Inc., calling in reference to your message of August 16th. (81) I’m afraid the product you requested is out of stock, and our supplier has informed us that it is no longer being made. I’m very sorry for this inconvenience. However, (80)we do have several other models of coffee machines that offer similar features at similar prices. I'd be happy to describe them over the phone, but it would be even better if you could come down to our flagship store and see them for yourself. I can arrange for you to tour the Kitchen Pro warehouse and try out some machines that might meet your needs. (82)Give me a call to let me know when you’re available, 555-2903. Thanks. Questions 83-85 refer to the following announcement. I’ve called this meeting to let you know about a mandatory initiative that will be occurring over the next month here at Better World Recycling. As some of you may have heard, (83) starting March 11th we are transitioning from our old cardboard compactor to a new, technologically improved modal. The specifications for use and maintenance of this new machine are vastly different from those for the old one, so it's going to be necessary to bring everyone up to speed. (84)You'll all be attending training that, most importantly, will teach you how to prevent accidents while operating the new compactor. There will be three sessions, and you'll be assigned to one of them alphabetically by last name. (85)The A-through-H session will take place March 3rd, l-through-P on March 8th, and R- through-Z on March 12th. Questions 86-88 refer to the following telephone message. Hi, Lindsay. (87)Thanks for agreeing to work the morning shift tomorrow; I couldn't schedule my dentist appointment for any other time. (88)l wanted to remind you to put out the promotional sign for the power saws first thing In the morning. We really want to keep pushing those. Also, (86) l didn't get a chance to tidy up the aisle with the nails and screws last night. Could you do that for me? I'm not sure how long my dental work [Type text] TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities Website: will take, but I'll try to get there to relieve you by 11. I know you can handle it till then. Thanks again for helping out. Questions 89-91 refer to the following talk. Ladies and gentlemen, (89)you’ve never seen Capital City the way you're going to see it today- on bicycles! We'll begin our journey at the base of the city's most famous landmark, the IT Tower. But we won't go up—the lines are too long! Instead, from there, we'll pedal to the renowned St. Peter's Cathedral and marvel at its exquisite stained-glass windows. Next to the church is the city's first cemetery, where some of the region's best- known ancestors are buried. After that, you'll have an hour for lunch, during which you'll be free to sit and eat at any of the lovely open-air cafés in the neighborhood. (91) In the afternoon, we'll take in the Capital Art Museum and other sights. I'll tell you about them later. Sound fun? Now, (90) please remember to keep your helmets on at all times, and always make sure you're behind me. We don't want you getting lost! Questions 92-94 refer to the following speech. For those of you who don’t know me, (92)my name is Diana Ford, and I’m vice president of operations for Elway Motors. I'm here today to talk about the future of this manufacturing facility. Our production model for the past 50 years has been to fabricate multiple vehicles at each of our seventeen plants around the world. Well, times have changed, and our policies must change as well. Starting next year, Elway will be dropping its sport utility models entirely to focus on the emerging electric car market. Additionally, (93) each factory will be dedicated to a single model, which we estimate will increase efficiency by 300%. (94)Your West Springfield plant has been chosen for the manufacture of the new Supra Green, what is sure to become the most popular model. Congratulations! Questions 95-97 refer to the following announcement. Thank you again to all of you for your hard work and preparation. (95)We are now just 18 hours away from the start of the 10th annual Bonnieville Job Fair, and because of you it promises to be the best one yet. But the most important work is yet to begin. (96)You've all been assigned to one of 6 action teams, and it is essential that you find the right team quickly when you arrive tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock. A list of team meeting places has been posted on the bulletin board by the entrance. Your team leader will be responsible for giving you your final assignments tomorrow, as well as (95)your volunteer passes (97)for free meals and beverages. See you tomorrow, and good luck! Questions 98-100 refer to the following introduction. (98) If you're like me, you have the desire to live healthily, to exercise more and eat right, but you just don’t know where to begin. Well, lucky for us, my guest tonight is here to tell us how. Please welcome Dr. Steven Minh. (99)Dr. Minh writes a column for the Cloverfield Sentinel entitled “Living Right,” and he’s also the author of the new book Healthy Days. (100)Tonight, he's going to let us in on a secret: you don't need a lot of free time or money to develop a healthy lifestyle. By integrating a half dozen simple, inexpensive foods into your diet, and spending just four hours a week doing the right exercises, you can get fit and drop those extra pounds! Are you ready to find out how? Me too! Dr. Minh, welcome.
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