Ẩn dụ về sống và chết trong một số truyện ngắn của Jack London dưới góc nhìn tri nhận
Tóm tắt Ẩn dụ về sống và chết trong một số truyện ngắn của Jack London dưới góc nhìn tri nhận: ...gs of Life and Death from the cognitive perspective, i.e. to view the sayings of Life and Death from the perspective of the Conceptual Metaphor Theory. Both theoretical analysis and empirical study are conducted on the topic. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter has provided a brief o...fter that, the information is synthesized. The stage of analyzing and synthesizing are all conducted manually. 2.3. Data analysis procedure The study begins with a presentation of the theoretical background, namely the theory of conceptual metaphor as formulated by Lakoff and Johnson (1980) ... the density of sentences which are related to these metaphors in the short stories taken into consideration. The image of Death also evokes four senses of metaphor namely DEATH IS THE END OF THE JOURNEY, DEATH IS REST/ SLEEP, DEATH IS COLD, and DEATH IS DARKNESS. 2. Concluding remarks on ob...
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