Các đặc tính kỹ thuật của bê tông bọt sử dụng xi măng, tro bay và xỉ lò cao nghiền mịn làm chất kết dính
Tóm tắt Các đặc tính kỹ thuật của bê tông bọt sử dụng xi măng, tro bay và xỉ lò cao nghiền mịn làm chất kết dính: ...is study. The ratio of foam to water is 1/30 as suggested from producer. The superplasticizer (SP) with density of 1.05 T/m 3 is utilized to reduce the water content in all concrete mixture. Cement, fly ash, and GGBFS are used as binder materials in this study. In which, cement is N...ompressive strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity, and thermal conductivity tests were conducted at 7, 14, and 28 days, while the water absorption, dry unit weight, and microstructure of concrete were tested at 28 days. Each measurement was conducted in three samples and the average values ... of foam concrete has an association with its compressive strength. For mixtures M1 to M3 with compressive strength of above 15 MPa, their ultrasonic pulse velocity values are higher than 3100 m/s. On the contrary, ultrasonic pulse velocity values of mixtures M4 to M6 with compressive st...
n this study. The ratio of foam to water is 1/30 as suggested from producer. The superplasticizer (SP) with density of 1.05 T/m 3 is utilized to reduce the water content in all concrete mixture. Cement, fly ash, and GGBFS are used as binder materials in this study. In which, cement is Nghi Son Type - PCB40, fly ash is sourced from Nghi Son coal power plant, and GGBFS is Hoa VẬT LIỆU XÂY DỰNG - MƠI TRƯỜNG Tạp chí KHCN Xây dựng - số 2/2021 43 Phat Type - S95. Physical and chemical properties of all these binders are shown in Table 1. Specific gravity of fly ash is the lowest among these binders, followed by GGBFS and cement. The particle shape of them, which are observed by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), are shown in Fig. 1. The shape of fly ash particles is spherical with different sizes, while the shape of cement and GGBFS are irregular. As seen in Fig. 1b, there are some unburnt impurities in SEM image of fly ash, this explains for a higher loss on ignition of fly ash (6.91%) compared with other binder materials in Table 1. This may affect the properties of foam concrete as presented later. Natural river sand with particle size from 0.15 mm to 0.63 mm and density of 2.68 T/m 3 is used as fine aggregate. As aforementioned, properties of foam lightweight concrete strongly depend on quality of raw materials. In the beginning, natural sand with the size from 0.15 mm to 5.0 mm was used, however the volume of foam concrete is significant change during the forming process and it is difficult to fabricate the samples. The use of small sand makes the volume of foam concrete is more stable, therefore the sand with the size of 0.15 ÷ 0.63 mm is used in this study. Foam EABASSOC with density of 1.02 T/m 3 , which is original from England and is supplied by Thang Tien Company, is used in this study. The ratio of foam to water is 1/30 as suggested from producer. The superplasticizer (SP) with density of 1.05 T/m 3 is utilized to reduce the water content in all concrete mixture. Table 1. Physical and chemical analysis of binder materials Items Cement Fly ash GGBFS Physical properties Specific gravity 3.12 2.16 2.82 Chemical compositions (%) SiO2 22.30 55.73 36.87 Al2O3 6.68 21.67 12.38 Fe2O3 4.73 6.58 - CaO 55.45 1.06 30.73 MgO 2.40 2.17 14.8 Loss on ignition 0.45 6.91 0.38 (a) (b) (c) Figure 1. SEM images of (a) cement, (b) fly ash, and (c) GGBFS 2.2 Mixture proportions Six foam concrete mixtures were designed with a constant water-to-binder ratio (W/B) of 0.20. Proportions of each raw material are showed in Table 2. In which, GGBFS is used as 30% amount of total binder materials by weight for all mixtures, while fly ash is used as 10 and 20% amount of total binder materials in mixtures M3, M5, M6, and mixtures M1, M2, and M4, respectively. In order to make foam concrete samples with various density, the foam content is used as from 22.4% to 60.8% total volume of samples. It is noticed that an electronic device was attached to the foam generator machine to control the amount of foam produced over the time. However, it is hard to control the exact the amount of foam produced, hence these values presented in Table 2 are assumed to equal the total amount of void in the samples. In the practice, the exact amount of foam used is higher than these values presented in Table 2 due to the foam bubbles broken in the air during the experiment. The effect of foam content on the properties of foam concrete such as compressive strength, water absorption, ultrasonic pulse velocity, and thermal conductivity is investigated in this study. VẬT LIỆU XÂY DỰNG - MƠI TRƯỜNG 44 Tạp chí KHCN Xây dựng - số 2/2021 It is noticed that the water-to-binder ratio and superplasticizer were selected by trials from experiment, so that the mortar paste from cement-fly ash-GGBFS and sand has a sufficient workability. The plasticity of mortar paste is an important factor affecting the success of sample formation. Table 2. Mixture proportions Mixture ID. W/B Proportion ingredients (kg/m 3 ) Foam (m 3 ) Cement Fly ash GGBFS Sand Water SP M1 0.20 594.4 237.8 356.7 292.7 237.8 1.7 0.224 M2 499.9 199.9 299.9 249.9 199.9 1.4 0.347 M3 568.4 94.7 284.2 236.8 189.5 1.3 0.395 M4 375.8 150.3 225.5 187.9 150.3 1.1 0.509 M5 394.8 65.8 197.4 164.5 131.6 0.9 0.580 M6 368.3 61.4 184.2 153.5 122.8 0.9 0.608 2.3 Specimen preparation and test programs Based on Table 2, all materials were prepared with their corresponding proportion for mixture. The superplasticizer and water were mixed together. Dry materials (Fig. 2a) including cement, fly ash, GGBFS, and sand were mixed first in three minutes. After that the mixture of water and SP were added and mixed until achieving homogeneous paste with sufficient workability. The foam was created using the Foam Master I machine provided by Thang Tien Company. Foam was slowly poured into the mortar paste with the proportion increase from mixture M1 to mixture M6 in order to produce concrete samples with different density. The mixer was continuously run until a uniform mixture was obtained. The steel mold with dimension of 100 × 100 × 100 mm was used to fabricate the samples. After 24 hours, the specimens were demolded and stored at room condition until the testing days. The specimens after demolding in the laboratory are illustrated in Fig. 2c. The wet unit weight of foam concrete was immediately tested after the uniform mixture of mortar paste and foam was obtained. Compressive strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity, and thermal conductivity tests were conducted at 7, 14, and 28 days, while the water absorption, dry unit weight, and microstructure of concrete were tested at 28 days. Each measurement was conducted in three samples and the average values are reported herein. The microstructure of foam concrete is examined using the scanning electron microscopy of Hong Duc University. (a) (b) (c) Figure 2. Specimen preparation (a) drying materials, (b) foam, and (c) concrete samples 3. Results and Discussion 3.1 Unit weight and water absorption Table 3 shows the wet and dry unit weight of all foam concrete mixtures corresponding to the foam content. It is clearly seen that as increasing foam content results in decreasing both wet and dry unit weight of foam concrete. This finding is related to the amount of air bubbles existed inside the foam concrete, leading to the reduction in concrete density. The dry unit weight of foam concrete produced in this study reduces from 1553 kg/m 3 to VẬT LIỆU XÂY DỰNG - MƠI TRƯỜNG Tạp chí KHCN Xây dựng - số 2/2021 45 849 kg/m 3 corresponding to foam content change from 22.4% to 60.8% by volume of samples. This range is similar to density of foam concrete from previous studies [2, 7]. This finding also means that with the use of at least 40% foam by volume of samples, the density of samples is lower than 1000 kg/m 3 . Fig. 3 shows the relationship between dry unit weight and foam content, which can be described by linear equation as follows (Eq. 1). 18.78 1990y x (1) Opposite trend is observed for water absorption. According to Table 3, the water absorption of foam concrete increases with increasing foam content. The water absorption value changes from 4.0% to 28.1%, similar to experimental result from Abbas and Dunya’s study (from 1% to 26%) [6]. The effect of foam content on the water absorption of foam concrete is shown in Fig. 4, and Eq. (2) is used to describe their relationship. 0.050.98 xy e (2) Table 3. Unit weight of concrete Mixture ID. Foam (% by volume) Wet unit weight (kg/m 3 ) Dry unit weight (kg/m 3 ) Water absorption (%) M1 22.4 1726 1553 4.0 M2 34.7 1451 1337 4.6 M3 39.5 1375 1301 5.7 M4 50.9 1091 986 9.8 M5 58.0 955 914 17.5 M6 60.8 891 849 28.1 Figure 3. Relationship between dry unit weight and foam content Figure 4. Relationship between water absorption and foam content 3.2 Compressive strength Compressive strength is an important property of foam concrete, deciding where it can be used for. The compressive strength of all foam concrete in this study are presented in Table 4. When the foam content changes from 22.4% to 60.8%, the 28-days compressive strength of foam concrete decreases from 32.5 MPa to 1.9 MPa. It is noticed that the 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Foam content (%) 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 D ry u n it w e ig h t (k g /m 3 ) y=-18.78x+1990 R2=0.98 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Foam content (%) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 W a te r a b s o rp ti o n ( % ) y=0.98e0.05x R2=0.90 VẬT LIỆU XÂY DỰNG - MƠI TRƯỜNG 46 Tạp chí KHCN Xây dựng - số 2/2021 compressive strength of foam concrete is associated with its dry unit weight [3, 5, 6]. Based on previous studies, the compressive strength of foam concrete was ranged from 1.07 MPa to 29 MPa corresponding to its density from 850 kg/m 3 to 1600 kg/ 3 [2, 5]. In the present study, the concrete with density of 849 kg/m 3 (Mixture M6) and 1600 kg/m 3 (Mixture M1) has 28-days compressive strength of 1.9 MPa and 32.5 MPa, respectively, similar to those results from previous studies [2, 5]. The reduction in compressive strength is related to the air bubbles in foam concrete, which also causes the decrease in density of foam concrete as aforementioned, this will be clarified later by using scanning electron microscopy. Mixtures M1 and M2 with compressive strength of above 20 MPa, which can be used in bearing structure. On the other hand, remain mixtures (M3 to M6) with low compressive strength can be used as bricks, retaining walls, and roof tiles. A linear relationship between the compressive strength and foam content (Eq. 3) is obtained by linear regression as shown in Fig. 5. 0.80 48.78y x (3) Table 4. Compressive strength Days Compressive strength (MPa) M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 7 18.8 11.0 9.6 3.4 3.0 1.1 14 22.2 11.7 11.0 3.7 3.2 1.5 28 32.5 20.3 16.1 3.9 3.8 1.9 Figure 5. Relationship between compressive strength and foam content 3.3 Ultrasonic pulse velocity The ultrasonic pulse velocity test is non- destructive method, which is used to assess the relative quality of concrete. Concrete with high value of ultrasonic pulse velocity often shows the high quality with high strength and high density. The value of ultrasonic pulse velocity is also used to classify the concrete as mentioned in previous study [11]. Table 5 shows the ultrasonic pulse velocity values of all foam concrete samples in this study. It is clear to see that the concrete with high density (low foam content) shows a higher ultrasonic pulse velocity value than the concrete with low density (high foam content), except Mixtures M4 and M5 at 7-days age (this could be an error during the measurement). It is also noticed that the compressive strength and density of foam concrete has a close relationship. The higher density, the higher compressive strength is. Therefore, the ultrasonic pulse velocity value of foam concrete has an association with its compressive strength. For mixtures M1 to M3 with compressive strength of above 15 MPa, their ultrasonic pulse velocity values are higher than 3100 m/s. On the contrary, ultrasonic pulse velocity values of mixtures M4 to M6 with compressive strength of lower than 4 MPa are lower than 2500 m/s. Equation (4) shows the linear relationship between 28-days ultrasonic pulse velocity value of concrete and foam content. 49.45 5088.3y x (4) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Foam content (%) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 C o m p re s s iv e s tr e n g th ( M P a ) y=-0.80x+48.78 R2=0.96 VẬT LIỆU XÂY DỰNG - MƠI TRƯỜNG Tạp chí KHCN Xây dựng - số 2/2021 47 Table 5. Ultrasonic pulse velocity Days Ultrasonic pulse velocity (m/s) M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 7 3507 2879 2946 2137 2295 1842 14 3745 3117 3089 2416 2382 1895 28 4130 3175 3129 2476 2433 2024 Figure 6. Relationship between ultrasonic pulse velocity and foam content 3.4 Thermal conductivity Thermal conductivity test is used to assess the heat insulation capacity of concrete. The concrete with low thermal conductivity value is often utilized in the thermal isolated structure. Table 6 shows the thermal conductivity values of all foam concrete investigated in this study. As well as compressive strength, the thermal conductivity of foam concrete increases with the time. At 28 days, these values fall in the range from 0.263 to 1.410 W/m.K. In general, the thermal conductivity value of foam concrete decreases with increasing foam content, except mixtures M2 and M3. It is noticed that mixture M2 was designed with 20% fly ash as total binder weight, while mixture M3 was designed with only 10% fly ash. The proportion of mixture may affect to the thermal conductivity value of foam concrete, which needs to clarify in the future research. Similar to dry unit weight, compressive strength, and ultrasonic pulse velocity, a negative linear equation as shown in Eq. (5) is used to illustrate the correlation between thermal conductivity value and foam content. The thermal conductivity test was also used in previous studies for foam concrete [6, 12]. Test results exhibited that the general range of thermal conductivity value was from 0.1 to 0.48 W/m.K. It is noticed that most foam concrete in the present study has a thermal conductivity value of from 0.263 to 0.679 W/m.K, except mixture M1, which has high compressive strength like normal concrete. With a low thermal conductivity value, these foam concrete in this study can be applied in thermal isolated structure such as roof tiles and thermal insulation walls. 0.027 1.799y x (5) Table 6. Thermal conductivity Days Thermal conductivity (W/m.K) M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 7 1.334 0.591 0.653 0.365 0.265 0.256 14 1.347 0.598 0.674 0.370 0.277 0.257 28 1.410 0.611 0.679 0.388 0.282 0.263 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Foam content (%) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 U lt ra s o n ic p u ls e v e lo c it y ( m /s ) y=-49.45x+5088.3 R2=0.96 VẬT LIỆU XÂY DỰNG - MƠI TRƯỜNG 48 Tạp chí KHCN Xây dựng - số 2/2021 Figure 7. Relationship between thermal conductivity and foam content 3.5 Scanning electron microscopy observation Figure 8 shows the SEM images of all foam concrete with magnification of 500 times. For three first mixtures (M1 to M3) with compressive strength of above 15 MPa, some air bubbles are observed in the microstructure of concrete. The number of air bubbles increases in the last three mixtures (M4 to M6), these mixtures has a low compressive strength as presented above (lower than 4.0 MPa). It is noticed that the former mixtures were designed with low foam content, therefore the air volume in these mixture is less than the later mixtures. For mixture M6, many bubbles connect to each other to create the large air bubble. This explains why this mixture has really low dry unit weight (849 kg/m 3 ), low compressive strength (1.9 MPa) and high water absorption (28.1%). The air bubbles inside concrete is contributable to the reduction in density, compressive strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity, and thermal conductivity, but increases water absorption of foam concrete. These SEM images are related to those findings about the effect of foam content on the properties of foam concrete as aforementioned. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Figure 8. SEM micrographs of (a) M1, (b) M2, (c) M3, (d) M4, (e) M5, and (f) M6 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Foam content (%) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 T h e rm a l c o n d u c ti v it y ( W /m .K ) y=-0.027x+1.799 R2=0.86 VẬT LIỆU XÂY DỰNG - MƠI TRƯỜNG Tạp chí KHCN Xây dựng - số 2/2021 49 4. Conclusions This study uses the ternary binders of cement, fly ash, and GGBFS in the production of foam concrete. The effect of foam content on the properties of foam concrete is also investigated in this study. Based on the experimental program, some brief conclusions may be drawn as follows. 1) The properties of foam concrete are strongly depended on the foam content. As increase in foam content, unit weigh, compressive strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity, and thermal conductivity of concrete reduce, but water absorption of concrete increases. 2) The concrete with low foam content of 22.4% and 34.7% by total sample volume has a compressive strength of above 20 MPa, which can be used in bearing structure. If increasing the foam content to over 35%, its compressive strength significantly reduces and it can be just used as thermal isolated bricks and roof tiles. 3) The number of air bubbles inside concrete increases with increasing foam content, significantly affecting the properties of foam concrete. Acknowledgment: This research is funded by Hong Duc University under grant number 574/HD-DHHD. REFERENCES 1. Ramamurthy K., Nambiar E.K.K., and Ranjani G.I.S. (2009), “A classification of studies on properties of foam concrete”, Cement and Concrete Composites, 31(6), pp. 388–396. 2. Jones M.R., and McCarthy A. (2005), “Preliminary views on the potential of foamed concrete as a structural material”, Magazine of Concrete Research, 57(1), pp. 21-31. 3. Kozlowski M., and Kadela M. (2018), “Mechanical characterization of lightweight foamed concrete”, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 4. Amran Y.H.M., Farzadnia N., and Ali A.A.A. 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