Communication style at the Vietnamese and American workplace
Tóm tắt Communication style at the Vietnamese and American workplace: ...that cultures cannot be easily classiflied into HC or LC, but to some extent, ―some cultures tend to be at the higher end while others are at the lower end of the continuum‖. 2.4. Communication style at the workplace 2.4.1. Organizational culture ―Culture is the pattern of taken-for-grante... team. When you work in a team, which objective do you put higher priority on? Vietnamese American a. achieving the goals of the project 36.7% 93.3% b. developing personal relationship with team members 63.3% 6.7% Table 6: Vietnamese and American priority in team work 4.5. Decision-makin...g their workers bridge the cultural divide. All too many employers have the ―sink or swim‖ attitude, expecting foreign workers to figure things out for themselves, which doesn’t work in many cases. Nor is it a wise business decision. The benefits to employers of investing time and resources ...
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