English for specific purposes english texts for students-agronomists

Tóm tắt English for specific purposes english texts for students-agronomists: ...ice. Underline the subordinate clauses in the following sentences. 1. Light-coloured objects and organisms tend to reflect light, which can then be used or absorbed by other plants, water and materials, or sent back into the atmosphere. 2. You can create different habitats and diversify t... not usually available from commercial outlets but older gardeners can often tell you about them and may be able to give you seeds or seedings. 2. Comprehension check.(pair-work) Answer the following questions. a. What do you base on to classify plants? b. How many basic functions of plan...stem l. enclose m. maturity n. arthropods o. exoskeleton p. exceed q. metamorphosis - insect in the first stage of its life after coming out of the egg. - insect in the stage of development between a larva and an adult - a young insect emerges from an egg. - very small insect tha...

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Nội dung tài liệu English for specific purposes english texts for students-agronomists, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
system anchors the plant firmly in the soil, and absorbs water and various dissolved raw 
materials from it. The typical shoot system consists of a main stem upon which are borne 
leaves, branch shoots, and sometimes flowers. It should be emphasized that the word stem 
and shoot are not synonymous, the word “shoot‟ being a collective term for both stem and 
leaves. The leaves are the chief food-producing organs of the plant, making complex foods in 
the presence of light by a process called photosynthesis. The stem supports the leaves, 
displaying them in the light needed for photosynthesis, and also acts as the main channel of 
communication between the various organs of the plant. Water and dissolved minerals 
absorbed by the roots are carried in the stem to the leaves and flowers, and foods synthesized 
in the leaves are conducted away through the stem to other regions of the plant, both above 
and below ground, where they are either used for growth or else stored for future use. Flowers 
are organs that are concerned with the reproduction of the species by seeds. 
1. With what topic is the passage primarily concerned? 
 A. How plant produce seeds B. Different types of flowers 
 C. The structure of plants D. How leaves grow 
2. According to the passage, what is one main function of the root system? 
 A. To absorb light for growth B. To create mineral for nutrition 
 C. To speed the reproduction process D. To secure the plant in the ground 
3. With which of the following would the author be most likely to agree? 
 A. The shoot is part of the stem B. The stem is part of the shoot 
 C. The stem and the shoot are identical D. The stem is not part of a flowering plant 
4. The major food-producing part of a plant is the .................. . 
 A. leaf B. root C. flower D. shoot 
5. The author implies that plants with flowers ............................ . 
 A. are likely to have long root B. are not reproducing organisms 
 C. can be grown from seeds D. are the most beautiful of all plants 
6. What did the paragraph preceding the passage most probably discuss? 
 A. The anatomy of fruit-bearing trees B. Methods of increasing plant production 
 C. The definition of a plant body D. The differences between flowers and leaves 
III. SECTION 3: (Writing) (25 marks) 
A. Change the following sentences into the passive form. 
1. They have planned to build some rubber plantations in hill areas. 
2. We have decided to plant the flowers in pots. 
3. They intend to change the plan for the farm. 
4. The farmer remembers being taught the technique to improve unhealthy soils. 
5. They should take advantages of wild energy to make electricity. 
B. Combine the following pairs to make a sentence expressing purpose. 
1. Please, shut the gate. I don‟t want the horses get out of the field. 
2. Artificial fertilizers need to be soluble compounds. Plants can absorb the nutrients. 
3. You should plant a diverse range of species. No one pest can attack all the trees. 
4. He tries to design a good ecosystem for his gaeden. He wants the new species of plants to 
grow well there. 
5. The government has forbidden purchasing or using products from wild animals. They 
wanted the wild animals to be fully protected. 
C. Combine the following pairs to make a new complex sentence, using the conjunctions you 
have learnt before. 
1. The water table rises towards the surface. Naturally occurring salts are dissolved and 
concentrated in the upper soil layer. 
2. Mulches are made from organic materials, such as hay, grass clippings, straw . They 
will gradually add to the soil organic matter and nutrient bank. The mulches break down. 
3. The light was absorbed. It is radiated back into the atmosphere as heat energy or turned 
into chemical energy by green plants. They photosynthesis. 
4. The green manure crop can be slashed two or three times. It is growing and then chopped 
into the soil. It flowers and seeds. 
5. You may feel it is not ethical to eat red meat because of the environmental cost of feeding 
most of the world's grain to beef and pigs. Many people are starving; or you may be 
concerned about land degradation occurring through removal of forests of grazing land. 
6. The people live in simple houses, built with mudbricks or recycled timbers and use solar 
and wind-powered electricity. The forests here are being conserved very well. 
7. The community is largely self-supporting in term of water, power and food. The people 
do not need large incomes and can effort not to turn the land into a full-scale farm. 
8. Plants and crops die. They are unable to tolerate the high salt levels. 
9. Many desert regions and arid zones have been sensitively managed by people who 
travelled around their lands. They hunted or tended their animals. 
10. The community was allowed to have a multiple occupancy title to their land. The local 
government office declared that the land was useless for conventional agriculture. 
I. New vocabulary: 
abort (v) : sáøy 
abortion (n) : sæû 
sáøy thai 
absorb (v) : háúp 
acceptability (n) : khaí nàng 
cháúp nháûn 
account for (v) : chiãúm tè 
lãû, giaíi trê 
achieve (v) : âaût 
âæåüc thaình quaí 
acidity (n) : a-xêt 
adapt (v) : thêch 
aerate (v) : laìm 
thäng khê 
affect (v) : aính hæåíng 
alkali (adj.) : kiãöm 
alley (n) : ngoî heîm, 
läúi âi coï träöng cáy 
allocation (n) : sæû chè 
amenable (adj.) : chëu âæåüc 
anchorage (n) : baïm chàût, 
giæî chàût 
annual (adj.) : haìng nàm, 
bçnh quán nàm 
aphids (n) : rãûp væìng 
aquaculture (n) : nuäi träöng 
thuyí saín 
arid (adj.) : khä 
càòn, vä vë 
arthropods (n) : âäüng váût 
chán âäút 
aspect (n) : màût, bçnh 
attempt (n) : dæû 
âënh, yï âäö 
auger (n) : caïi 
backbone (n) : xæång säúng 
balance (n) (v) : sæû cán 
bàòng, cán âäúi 
beetle (n) : boü 
caïnh cæïng 
benefit (n) : låüi 
beyond (pre.) : væåüt 
 landscape (n) : caính quan, 
phong caính 
larva (n) : 
áúu truìng 
laterite (n) : 
âaï ong 
layer (n) : 
táöng, låïp 
leach (v) (n) : loüc 
levee (n) : 
con âã 
lime (n) : 
limestone (n) : âaï 
livestock (n) : chàn 
living organism (n) : sinh váût 
loose (n) : âáút xäúp, 
mãöm, khäng chàût 
maintain (v) : 
duy trç 
mammal (n) : âäüng 
váût coï vuï 
marginal land (n) : âáút ven 
mature (adj.) : 
træåíng thaình 
maturity (n) : 
træåíng thaình 
measure (n) (v) : giåïi haûn, 
tiãu chuáøn ; âo 
mechanization (n) : cå giåïi 
merger (n) : sæû håüp 
metamorphosis (n) : sæû biãún 
methodology (n) : hãû phæång 
microscopic (adj.) : ráút nhoí 
miracle (n) : âiãöu 
thaình diãûu 
model (n) : máùu, 
mä hçnh 
moderate (v) : 
âiãöu hoaì 
quaï, phêa bãn kia 
biocide (n) : thuäúc 
træì sáu 
blood sample (n) : máùu maïu 
boundary (n) : ranh giåïi 
breakdown (n) : ræû tan raî, 
tháút baûi 
brucellosis(n) :bãûnh sáøy thai 
truyãön nhiãùm 
calves (n) : bã con 
carry out (v) : tiãún haình, 
âang thæûc hiãûn 
cash crop (n) : näng saín 
haìng hoaï 
catalyst (n) : cháút xuïc 
catchmen (n) : læu væûc säng, 
sæû dáùn næåïc 
cease (v) : dæìng, 
ngæìng (hoaût âäüng) 
characteristic (n) : tênh cháút 
âàûc træng 
claim (v) : cäng 
bäú, cho ràòng 
cleans (v) : laìm 
cleanse (v) : laìm 
trong saûch 
clipping (n) : càõt ra 
coarse (adj.) : thä, 
colapse (v) : suûp âäù
colostrum (n) : sæîa non 
combine (v) : kãút håüp, 
näúi laûi våïi nhau 
compact (adj.) : âàûc, daìy, 
ràõn chàõc 
components (n) : håüp cháút, 
thaình pháön 
compound (n) : håüp cháút, 
phán tæí 
concentration (n) : sæû táûp 
concept (n) : khaïi 
confirm (v) : khàóng 
âënh laûi 
conglomerates (n) : khäúi liãn 
coniferous (adj.) : loaìi 
tuìng baïch 
modify (v) : laìm thay 
âäøi, biãún âäøi 
moisture (n) : håi 
næåïc, håi áøm 
monoculture (n) : âäüc 
monsoon (n) : gioï 
moonscape (n) : caính 
cung tràng 
mulch (n) : âäö 
che phuí 
mulch (v) : phuí 
bäøi, che âáûy 
muscle (muscule) (n) :cå bàõp 
mussels (n) : con 
veûm, soì 
nitrate (n) : 
nitrogen supply (n) : sæû cung 
cáúp âaûm 
nutrient (n) : 
cháút dinh dæåîng 
nymph (n) : con 
occupancy (n) : sæû cæ 
nguû, chiãúm hæîu 
oral dosing (n) : cho 
uäúng thuäúc 
organic matter (n) : cháút 
hæíu cå 
organism (n) : sinh 
váût, cå thãø 
outset (n) : 
ngay tæì âáöu 
overproduction (n) : saín xuáút 
paddy (n) : ruäüng 
palatable (adj.) : ngon, laìm 
dãù chëu 
particle (n) : haût 
nhoí, máùu 
peat soil (n) : âáút 
than buìn 
penetrate (v) : tháúm 
qua, xuyãn qua 
percolation (n) : sæû tháúm 
qua (næåïc) 
perennial (n)(adj) : cáy láu 
nàm, vénh viãùn 
period (n) : khoaíng thåìi 
conservation forest(n) : ræìng 
baío täön 
conservely (adv.) : ngæåüc laûi
consult (v) : xin 
låìi khuyãn cuía ai 
consumer (n) : ngæåìi 
tiãu duìng 
consumerism (n) : baío vãû 
quyãön låüi n.t.duìng 
contamination (n) : sæû nhiãùm 
contract (v) : cáúp giáúy 
pheïp, chæïng nháûn 
conventional (adj.) : táûp tuûc, 
lãû thoïi 
cotton boll (n) : quaí 
bäng, quaí nang 
crayfish (n) : con 
create (v) : taûo 
ra, sing ra 
creek (n) : laûch 
næåïc, säng con 
criticism (n) : sæû 
phã bçnh, chè trêch 
crop rotation (n) : luán canh 
cáy träöng 
crust (n) : 
cuûc, taíng 
cultivate (v) : caìy 
cáúy, nuäi träöng 
cure (v) : 
chæîa trë bãûnh 
cycle (n) : quay voìng, laìm 
chuyãøn biãún 
cyclone(n) : vung gioï xoaïy, 
vuìng aïp tháúp 
dairy cattle (n) : boì 
decay (n) (v) : sæû suy taìn, 
phán huyí, muûc 
deciduous beech : cáy säöi 
ruûng laï såïm 
decomposition (n): sæû phán huyí, 
thäúi ræîa 
decrease (v) : giaím 
depletion (n) : haûn 
chãú vãö säú læåüng 
deposite (v) : làõng 
gian, thåìi kyì 
peripheral species (n): giäúng 
ngoaìi vuìng 
pest (n) : sáu 
pesticides (n) : thuäúc 
træì sáu 
pierce (v) : choüc 
thuíng, khoeït läù 
placenta (placentae) : nhau 
plain (adj.) : 
plain (n) : âäöng bàòng 
plough (v) : caìy, 
policy (n) : chênh saïch 
polyculture (n) : âa can 
pond (n) : ao, 
pore (n) : läù 
khê åí laï cáy 
predominant (adj.) : chiãúm æu 
preferable (adj.) : thêch 
pregnant (n) : âang mang 
presence (n) : sæû hiãûn 
diãûn, coï màût 
preserve (v) : duy trç, âãø 
daình, âàût træåïc 
pressure (n) : aïp 
suáút, aïp læûc 
prevent (v) : phoìng 
traïnh, ngàn caín 
price (n) : giaï caí 
process (n) : quaï 
produce (v) : saín 
product (n) : saín 
pronounced (adj.) : ráút hiãøn 
nhiãn, roî raìng 
protect (v) : baío 
provide (v) : cung 
pupa (n) : con 
purview (n) : nhaín quan, 
deserts (n) : hoang 
desirable(adj) :ao æåïc, 
triãøn voüng 
desolate (adj.) : hoang vu 
laûnh leîo 
destroy (v) : taìn 
determine (v) : xaïc âënh 
dig (v) : 
âaìo, xåïi 
discern (v) : nháûn 
thæïc roî, phán biãût 
diver (n) : thåü 
domestic(adj.) :thuäüc näüi 
âëa, trong næåïc 
drainage (n) : sæû ruït 
næåïc, sæû tiãu næåïc 
due to (adv) : do, vç 
dust (v) : 
laìm saûch buûi 
dwelling (n) : sæû 
åí, chäù åí, nhaì åí 
ecofarm (n) : näng 
tang sinh thaïi 
ecologist (n) : nhaì 
sinh thaïi hoüc 
ecosystem (n) : hãû sinh 
efficiency (n) : hiãûu 
emphasis (n) : táöm quan 
troüng, nháún gioüng 
employ (v) : lao âäüng, 
laìm viãûc 
empower (v) : trao 
quyãön, cho pheïp 
enclose (v) : raìo 
quanh, gæîi keìm 
endemic (n) : bãûnh 
truyãön nhiãùm 
equity (n) : tênh 
cäng bàòng 
erode (v) : xoïi 
estuary (n) : cæía 
ethic (adj.) : thuäüc 
täüc ngæåìi, vä tháön 
caring (adj.) : chu âaïo 
ethical (adj.) : thuäüc vãö 
táöm hiãøu biãút 
quotas (n) : chè tiãu 
raise (v) : laìm tàng lãn, 
nuäi träöng 
reasonable (adj.) : håüp lyï 
rectify (v) : sæía laûi 
cho âuïng 
recycle (v) : taïi chãú, 
laìm luán chuyãøn 
redistribution (n) : phán 
refine (v) : gaûn 
regain (v) : häöi 
phuûc, thu laûi âæåüc 
regenerate (v) : taïi 
sinh, phuûc häöi 
regular (adj.) : 
thæåìng xuyãn 
release (v) : thaíi 
ra, thoaït ra 
removal (n) : thanh 
toaïn hãút, doün saûch 
renowned (adj.) : näøi tiãúng
reptile (n) : loaìi 
boì saït 
respiration (n) : hä háúp, 
retain (v) : chæïa, giæî 
retard (v) : laìm 
cháûm laûi 
roots (n) : gäúc, rãù 
rootstock (n) : bäü rãù 
rotten (adj.) : thäúi ræîa, 
muûc naït, heïo taìn 
sanctuary (n) : nåi truï áøn, 
khu baío täön 
sawdust (n) : muìn cæa 
scheme (n) : phæång saïch, yï 
âäö, âãö aïn 
scraps (n) : loaûi 
seabed (n) : âaïy 
seed (n) : haût 
sequence (n) : sæû 
liãn tuûc, liãn tiãúp 
shade (n) : hçnh, 
hçnh daûng 
âaûo âæïc, tám linh 
evaporation (n) : sæû bäúc 
evolution (n) : sæû 
tiãún hoaï 
exceed (v) : væåüt 
quaï giåïi haûn 
excessive (adj.) : dæ, 
exoskeleton (n) : bäü 
xæång ngoaìi (boü) 
expose (v) : phåi 
ra, läü ra 
extend (v) : måí 
fabric (n) : cäng trçnh 
xd,cå cáúu, vaíi voïc 
factor (n) : yãúu täú 
flat area (n) : 
vuìng âáút bàòng phàóng 
flavour (adj.) : hæång 
fluid (n) : 
loíng, dãù chaíy 
force of gravity (n) : troüng 
læûc, sæïc huït 
forfeit (v) : 
traí giaï 
formulate (v) : cäng 
thæïc hoaï 
fraction (n) : phán 
säú, thaình pháön 
fragments (n) : maính, 
khuïc, âoaûn 
free of (adj.) : khäng bë 
láy nhiãùm bãûnh 
friable (adj) : dãù 
fungal (adj.) : náúm 
(gáy bãûnh) 
future generation (n) : thãú hãû 
tæång lai 
gestation (n) : 
thåìi kyì thai ngheïn 
glare (adj.) : 
aïnh nàõng choïi chang 
graft (n) : 
gheïp cáy 
grant (n)(v) : tråü 
cáúp, ban, cho 
gravel (n) : haût 
shelf life (n) : thåìi 
haûn sæí duûng 
shelter (n) : chäù 
áøn naïu, næång tæûa 
shelterbelt tree (n) : cáy laìm 
nåi truï nguû 
shrink (v) : co laûi 
site (n) : chäù, 
vë trê, âëa âiãùm 
slope (n) : âáút 
triãön däúc 
solar energy (n) : nàng læåüng 
màût tråìi 
soluble (adj.) : hoaì tan 
soluble nutrient : cháút dinh 
dæåîng hoaì tan 
solution (n) : dung dëch, 
sæû hoaì tan 
sow (v) : gieo haût 
stable (adj.) : væîng 
stalk borer(n) : âuûc thán 
standard (n) : chuáøn 
mæûc, tiãu chuáøn 
standpoint (n) : quan âiãùm 
stem (n) : thán cáy 
stewardship (n) : cæång vë 
quaín lyï 
storage (n) : sæû baío 
quaín, sæû cáút giæî 
store (v) : læu 
giæî, cáút giæî 
straw (n) : råm raû 
stress (n) : sæïc 
eïp; sæû càng thàóng 
strive (v) : cäú 
gàõng, pháún âáúu 
structure (n) : cáúu 
subsidies (n) : tiãön tråü 
giaï, phuû cáúp 
subsistence (n) : sæû täön 
taûi, sinh kãú 
subsoil (n) : táöng âáút 
caïi (dæåïi âáút màût) 
substitution (n) : sæû thay 
suck (v) : huït 
sulphur (n) : læu huyình 
supplement (n) : sæû cung 
cáúp, bäø sung 
gritty (adj.) : coï 
gully (n) : raính næåïc, 
mæång, maïng 
habitat (n) : mäi træåìng 
soïng, chäø åí, nhaì 
hardy : coï 
sæïc säúng täút 
harmonious (adj.) : haìi hoaì, 
hoaì thuáûn 
harvest (n)(v) : muìa vuû, 
thu hoaûch 
hatch (n)(v) : sæû áúp 
træïng, træïng nåí 
hay (n) : coí 
herd (n) : báöy 
âaìn (gia suïc) 
hone (n)(v) : cuûc âaï 
maìi, maìi duûng cuû 
hone (v) : maìi 
bàòng âaï maìi 
hoof (n) : moïng, 
humus (n) : âáút 
hunt (v) : sàn 
hybrid strain (n) : giäöng lai 
immunity (n) : sæû miãùn 
implement (v) : thæûc thi 
impose (n) : âaïnh thuãú 
improvement (n) : caíi thiãûn, 
laìm täút hån 
incorporate (v) : saït 
nháûp, håüp thaình 
increase (n) (v) : sæû tàng lãn, 
phaït triãøn 
indigenous forest(n) : ræìng baín 
inequality (n) : khäng 
bàòng nhau 
infect (v) : 
tiãm thuäúc 
infertility (n) : càòn 
injection (n) : sæû 
tiãm thuäúc 
inoculate (v) : tiãm 
insecticide (n) : thuäúc 
supply (v) : cung cáúp 
sustainability (n) : tênh bãön 
sustainable (adj.) : bãön væîng 
swale (n) : chäù 
truîng láúp âáöy buìn 
swell (v) : phçnh ra 
symbiotic (n) : sæû cäüng 
synergistic (n) : sæû hiãûp 
læûc, âiãöu phäúi 
synergy (n) : tênh hiãûp 
læûc, âiãöu phäúi 
tariff (n) : biãøu thuãú 
tend (v) : träng nom, chàm 
soïc, giæî gçn 
texture (n) : kãút 
cáúu, cáúu truïc 
threshold (adj.) : chuáùn mæûc 
tissues (n) : tãú baìo 
title (n) : tæ 
caïch, danh nghéa 
toxic (adj.) : âäüc 
translocation (n) : di chuyãøn 
âeïn nåi khaïc 
treatment (n) : viãûc 
chæîa trë bãûnh 
trellis (n)(v) : læåïi màõt 
caïo, leo giaìn m/c. 
tribal (adj.) : 
thuäüc bäü laûc 
tropical (adj) : thuäüc 
nhiãût âåïi 
tuberculosis (n) : bãûnh lao 
uncontaminated :khäng bë 
nhiãùm bãûnh 
underneath (adv.) : bãn 
dæåïi, màût dæåïi 
undernourished: khäng âæåüc cho 
àn âáöy âuí 
undertake (v) : cam kãút 
thæûc hiãûn 
undisturbed : yãn ténh, khäng bë 
xaïo träün 
validate (v) : phã 
chuáøn, thäng qua 
valley (n) : thung 
variety (n) : biãún 
træì cän truìng 
integral (adj.) : phäúi 
håüp, liãn kãút 
integration (n) : sæû 
phäúi håüp 
intensification (n) : thám 
intensity (n) : kyî 
thuáût thám canh 
interact (v) : 
tæång taïc, phaín æïng 
interrelationship (n) : mäúi 
tæång quan 
intramuscular (adj.) : bãn trong 
cå bàõp 
intravenous (adj.) : bãn trong 
ven (tiãm) 
involve (v) : coï liãn 
quan, läi cuäún vaìo 
irrigation (n) : thuyí 
jute bag (n) : bao 
lack of (n) : 
lactating cow (n) : boì sæîa 
thãø, sæû âa daûng 
verge (n) : 
båì,ven (âæåìng, ræìng) 
veterinary surgeon (n): baïc sé 
thuï y 
viable (adj.) : coï 
thãø säng âæåüc 
virgin soil (n) : âáút 
waste (n) : âäö 
phãú thaíi 
waterlogge(v) : uïng næåïc 
weather (n) : sæû 
phong hoïa 
wilderness (n) : sæû hoang 
windbreak (n) : sæû chàõn 
yield(v)(n) : âem laûi låüi 
êch, nàng suáút 
1. L. Sue Baugh. 1995- ''Essentials of English Grammar'' - Passport Books. 
2. Rosemary Morrow. 1993- ''Earth User's Guide to Permaculture'' - Kangaroo Press. 
3. Stephen Danny - Lewis Kerr. - Martin Phillips - Clarence Shettlesworth – 1985. 
''Agriculture'' - Longman. 
4. Williem Steenkamp. 1999 - ''Dairy farming. A Practical Manual '' - J.L van Schaik 
 UNIT Text Page 
Unit 1 Text A 
Text B 
- Soil 
- Agriculture Policy 
Unit 2 Text A 
Text B 
- Tropical Soil 
- Agriculture of India 
Unit 3 Text A 
Text B 
- Soils - A living organism 
- Agriculture of Australia 
Unit 4 Text A 
Text B 
- Unhealthy Soil 
- Agriculture of The United States 
Unit 5 Text A 
Text B 
- Repairing and improving damaged soil 
- Soil Components 
Test 1 From unit 1 to unit 5 33 
Unit 6 Text A 
Text B 
- Climate 
- Tropical Climate 
Unit 7 Text A 
Text B 
- Microclimate 
- Monsoon 
Unit 8 Text A 
Text B 
- Fertilizers 
- Potassium in plants 
Unit 9 Text A 
Text B 
- The functions of plants 
- Feeding the orchard 
Unit 10 Text A 
Text B 
- Tree selection and planting 
- Planting fruit trees 
Test 2 From unit 6 to unit 10 68 
Unit 11 Text A 
Text B 
- Trees 
- Trees, Forests and Animals 
Unit 12 Text A 
Text B 
- What is land-use planning 
- Permaculture 
Unit 13 Text A 
Text B 
- Insects 
- Pest management 
Unit 14 Text A 
Text B 
- Dairy farming 
- Health Care 
Unit 15 Text A 
Text B 
- Natural forests 
- Sustainable growing and living in different Regions 
Test 3 From unit 11 to unit 15 98 
Unit 16 Text A 
Text B 
- Aquaculture - The water polyculture 
- New sustainable cultures 
Test 4 Final Test 109 
 New Vocabulary 115 
 Reference Books 119 
 Table of contents 120 

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