Gender-Based differences in compliments and compliment responses in the American comedy TV-series "Ugly Betty"
Tóm tắt Gender-Based differences in compliments and compliment responses in the American comedy TV-series "Ugly Betty": ...1988a, p. 455) that women tended to compliment each other on appearance whereas men preferred to compliment on possession. The results recorded in Table 3 also reveal the male preference for complimenting women on performance, ability or skill. More than one-half (54.39%) of all the compliment...t and silence accounted for 75.31% of NON-AGREEMENT responses. There was a significant difference between the genders in choice of this strategy (p = 0.001) (See Table 10). While this category accounted for only 3.13% of Holmes‟ (1988b) data and 5.08% of Herbert‟s (1989) Binghamton corpus, i...ompliment, the complimenter changed the topic. Complimenting is a type of speech act that needs immediate responses, so in those cases, when a new topic arose, the recipient did not respond to the compliment but responded to the new topic instead. For instance: (127): Justin: I made the frame ...
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