Giáo trình Anh văn kinh tế nông nghiệp
Tóm tắt Giáo trình Anh văn kinh tế nông nghiệp: ...s may be organized into several large departments, sometimes even............. A. executive B. staff C. divisions D. charges 10. We will................................... the invoice to your company next Tuesday A. make B. send C. write D. pay 11. Our is 20%, but we ...n required to permit diverting resources to the support of industrial development. In 1986 agriculture still accounted for about 44 percent of national income (the figure for developed nations is closer to 10 percent). The agricultural worker had slipped during the plan period, falling even economists. What distinguishes these economists is the segment of economic life in which they are interested. Labor economics deals with problems of the labor market as viewed by firms, workers, and society as a whole. Urban economics deals with city problems: land use, transpo...
ny company! A. money B. monetary C. finance D. cash 9. The room I’m in is small. I must insist on having another one. 4 A. quite B. absolutely C. totally D. extremely 10. The market has reached .. point so we need to concentrate on finding new products. A. full B. saturation C. filling D. boiling 0 UNIT 12 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS In groups: 1. Before reading, how do you understand the term "Economic Analysis"? 2. From the heading. What do you expect the text to be about? Read the following text The tool of economic analysis Positive economics analyses issues relating to the description of the past and the prediction of the future, It tries to explain why the oil price shock led to a switch to smaller cars and whether this trend will continue. Normative economics analyses issues relating to society's value Judgments. Should society try to conserve scarce and expensive oil bay raising the tax on petrol even though this will penalize car users still further? In this chapter the emphasis is not on learning economics but on mastering the tools of the trade. To analyze economic issues we use both models and data. A model or theory makes a series of simplifying assumptions from which it deduces how people will behave. It is a deliberate simplification of reality. Models are frameworks for organizing the way we think about the problem. They simplify by omitting some details of the real world to concentrate on the essentials: Form this manageable picture of reality we develop our analysis of how the economy works. An economist uses a model in the way a traveler uses a map. A map of London misses our many feature of the real world - traffic lights, roundabouts, the exact width of streets - but if you study it carefully you can got a good picture of how the traffic is likely to flow and what will be the best route to take. This simplified picture is easy to follow, yet helps you understand real world behavior when you must drive through the city in the rush hours. The data or facts interact with models in two ways. First, the data help us quantify the relationships to which our theoretical models draw attention. It many are insufficient to work out that all bridges across the Thames are likely to be congested. To choose the best route we need to know how long we would have to queue at each bridge. We need some facts .The model is useful because it tell us which facts are like to be the most important. Bridges are more likely to be congests than six - lane motorways. Second, the data help us to test on models. Like all careful scientists, economists much check that their theories square with the relevant facts. Here the crucial word is relevant. It is this that prevents a chimpanzee or a computer sifting through all the facts in the world to establish the single definitively correct theory. For example, it turns out that the 1 number of Scottish dysentery deaths is closely related to the actual inflation rate in the UK over many decades. Is this a factual coincidence or the key to a theory of inflation in the UK? The facts alert us to the need to ponder this question, but we can make a decision only by recourse to logical reasoning. In this instance, since we can find no theoretical or logical connection, we regard the close factual relationship between Scottish dysentery deaths and UK inflation as a coincidence that should be ignored. Without any logical underpinning, the empirical connection will break down sooner or later, Paying attention to this spurious relationship in the data neither increases our understanding of the economy nor increases our confidence in predicting the future. The blend of models and data is thus a subtle one. The data may alert us to logical relationships we had previously overlooked. And whatever theory we wish to maintain should certainly be checked against the facts. But only theoretical reasoning can guide an intelligent assessment of what evidence. Should be regarded as being of reasonable relevance. To introduce the tools of the trade we begin with the representation of economic data in tables, charts, and figures (diagrams). Then we show how an economist might approach the development of a theoretical model of an economic relationship. Finally, we discuss how actual data might be used to test the theory that has been developed. * Comprehension questions 1. Answer the following questions 1. What is the overall purpose of this chapter? 2. What does a model do? In how many ways does data interact with models? 1. Why is the word relevant important? 2. Mow is the writer going to introduce the tools of economic analysis? 2. Matching. Which paragraph do the following headings belong to? (More than one headings can be accepted for a paragraph.) 1. How data interact with models? 2. How the tools or the trade will be introduced? 3. Positive and normative economics. 4. How an economist uses a model? 5. What a model is 6. What a model does 2 7. Decisions are made by logical reasoning 3. Checking your understanding. Now read the text carefully and answer the following questions: 1. What does positive economics analyze? .......................................................................................................................................... 2.What does normative economics analyze? .......................................................................................................................................... 3. What tools are used to analyze economic issues? .......................................................................................................................................... 4. What do models leave out? ............................................................................................................................................ 5. To what does the write compare a model? .......................................................................................................................................... 6. What is the first way in which data interact with models? .................................................................................................................................... 7. What is the second way in which data interact with models? ........................................................................................................................................ 8. How does the economist decide whether Scottish dysentery deaths are related to the UK inflation rate? ................................................................................................................................................... 9. Is there any relationship between Scottish dysentery deaths and the UK inflation rate? ........................................................................................................................................ 10. What are the second and third parts of the chapter going to be about? ........................................................................................................................................ * Vocabulary exercises 1. Look at the first paragraph again. What words have the same meaning as a. Keep from use b. Something said before it happens c. Change from one thing to another. 2. Look at paragraph 2 again and explain what the following mean a. Tools of the trade b. Data 3 c. Frameworks 3. Look at paragraph 3 again. What words have the opposite meaning to a. Include b. Improbable c. Imprecise 4. Look at paragraph 4 again and say what these words refer to a. to which (line 3) b. it (line 7) 5. Look at paragraph 5. what words have the same meaning as a. Correspond to, are in line with b. Tens of years c. Think carefully about d. Most important e. Put on a firm foundation f. Give warning 6. Look at paragraph 6 again. What words have the same meaning as a. Trust b. False c. Relying on observation * Translation 1. Translate paragraph 1,2,5 into Vietnamese 2. Translate into English 1. Nhà học thuyết kinh tế vĩ đại đầu tiên là Adam Smith. Cuốn sách nổi tiếng nhất của ông có tên là Sự Thịnh Vượng của Các Quốc Gia. 2. Smith cho rằng con người cơ bản là quan tâm về tư lợi của cá nhân mình. 3. Khi nhiều người làm việc vì tư lợi của mình thì toàn xã hội đều có lợi. 4. Học thuyết thứ ba của Adam Smith cho rằng cần thiết fải có tự do thương mại trong một xã hội và giữa các nước khác nhau để tạo ra của cải. 5. Một hệ thống thương mại mở cửa cho phép các quốc gia chuyên môn hoá về sản xuất một mặt hàng nào đó, những hang hoá mà họ sản suất có hiệu quả nhất. * Grammar review Nouns Functioning As Adjectives Rewrite the following sentences without changing their original meaning. Begin with the words given. 1. It took two hours to fly from HCM city to Hanoi It was .. 2. Her call to Hue lasted forty minutes She .. 3. My parents saw a play in three acts last night My parents .. 4. Tom bought a tool set containing 79 pieces 4 Tom . 5. The course that lasts five days won’t give us enough information about the long trip. The .. 6. “ Can you change this note of ten pounds into coins?” “ Can .. 7. I have a bookcase with five shelves I 8. Tim needs two cans of tomatoes that weigh 16 ounces each Tom .. 9. They teach languages They .. 10. They spent twenty minutes commenting on current politics They .. * Further reading WHAT AFFECTS WAGES Not all workers make the same wage. Some people are paid very little. Others get a lot of money. Several factors affect how much money people make. The kind of job a person does has a lot to do with how much the person is paid. Some jobs take more skills than others. A street sweeper may have few skills; whereas a doctor must have many skills. Because doctors have many more skills than street sweepers they are paid more than a sweepers. Few people are born with the skills they will ever need. Most people learn their skills through schools. In general, the more education a person have, the more money he or she will make. A person who quits schools after 3 years will usually make less than a person who graduates. A person who goes to the university will usually make more than a person who finishes only high school. Men usually make more money than women. Part of reason is that women often work in lower-paying jobs. Some people argue that this is because women are not given the chance to have better paying jobs. Productivity also affects how much money a person makes. If two workers do the same job, but one is able to produce more in the same amount of time, his or her productivity is higher and he or she should have a higher wage. Higher productivity may result from higher education, or better physical or mental ability. Laws also affect how much money people make. The United States has a minimum wage law. The minimum wage is the least the amount a worker can be paid. Of course, many businesses pay much more than the minimum wage. Seniority, the amount of time someone has been working in a particular job, can also affect wages. People with more seniority usually have higher salaries than newly hired workers. These are only few of the factors that influence the wages workers receive. Both the employee’s qualifications and the type of job he or she is working in will affect the wage. * Comprehension questions 1. What are some reasons doctors are paid more than street sweepers? 5 2. Is it always true to say “the more education a person has, the more money he or she will make”? Why or why not? 3. Why do men usually make more money than women? 4. With the same occupation, what factor may influence a person’s income? 0 UNIT 13 REVIEW 1. Choose the word or phrase which best to complete each sentence then mark your choice on the answer sheet 1. A rapid rise is called ......................... A. inflation B recession C. reduction D. trough 2. His buy a new car was very strong so he worked very hard to save enough money to buy one. A. demand B. supply C. desire D. hunger 3. There is a high government........because government spending is more than tax revenues A. surplus B. equal C. deficit D. low 4. ................policy consists of government spending and taxation A. Monetary B. Fiscal C. Tax D. Advertising 5. GNP is the abbreviation of: A. Gross National Product B. Gross Domestic Product C. Gross Nation Production D. Great National Product 6. GNP includes net international trade and ............................................... A. investment B. taxes C. capital D. expenditure 7. The size of a country’s economy is determined by the total amount of goods and .................. that it produces. A. money B. taxes C. services D. inflation 8. Resource economists focus on the use and preservation of the nation’s ........................... A. production B. economy C. natural resources D. policies 9. Agricultural economists involved at the macro level are interested in how agriculture and agribusinesses affect ..................... and world economies. A. international B. foreign C. domestic D. multi national 10. The volume of output is limited by the amount of factors of .................... A. import B. taxing C. production D. export 11. In the mid-1980s, Vietnam had to .rice and request international food aid several times during the decade to prevent famine. A. import B. export C. buy D. sell 12. She had a toothache so the dentist (42)..........her tooth 1 A. extracted B. pushed C. pulled D. broke 13. Many economists ....................... in a particular branch of subject. For example, there are labor economists, energy economists , monetary economists, and international economists . A. specializes B. consists C. includes D. interested 14. The law of supply states: in a short-run time period in a given market, other things being equal, the...........of any item which is offered for sale varies directly with its prices. A. quantity B. quality C. demand D. percentage 15. The central focus of macroeconomic analysis and policy is on four main areas: Gross national product, employment, ...................and the balance of payments. A. taxes B. inflation C. government D. growth 16. When a country’s economic growth slows down or stops, the economy is said to be in a ................ A. recession B. growth C. increase D. development 17. She earns 20 kilograms of rice per month which is only about $5 interm. A. monetary B. fiscal C. economic D. general 18. GDP concentrates only on the domesticof goods and services covering the economic activity which takes place within the county’s border. A. import B. export C. production D. demand 19. Her quick recovery from illness ..even the doctors. A. surprised B. was surprised C. were surprised D. surprise 20. If we export raw materials we will earnmoney than if we make them into a final product to export. A. little B. less C. few D. fewer 21. They made plans for an ..of the business into some new fields like computers and communication equipment A. expansion B. widen C. growth D. development 22. Taxes are a .of income for the government A. source B. amount C. payment D. loan 23. Only once in my life .to India A. have I gone B. I have gone C. I went D. I didn’t go 24. It is difficult to choose because there are many different the store. A. goods B. items C. needs D. observations 2 25. A country that has offices in many countries is calledcompany A. international B. multi-national C. foreign D. domestic 26. Yesterday Dr. John had an interesting ....................... lecture at our university. A. five hour B. five hours C. five-hour D. five-hours 27. During 1988 and 1989, agriculture was decollectivized and rice returned to ..production. A. family-farm B. state-farm C. domestic-farm D. international-farm 28. The basic economic problem for any community is to make the best use of itsand other resources. A. labor B. money C. capital D. natural resources 29. is a branch of economics that focuses on the economic actions of individuals or specific groups of individuals. A. Macroeconomics B. Microeconomics C. Agriculture D. Agricultural economics 30. As we progress into the twenty-first century, the world as a whole will have to produce enough food toan increasing population. A. helps B. supports C. feed D. survives 2. Fill in the blanks using words in the box: Relationship output extracted compared short-run term percentage consumers total parallels In ordinary speech, the (1)........” supply” may have any several different meanings. It may mean the total amount in existence. The term is often used in this sense when the (2) ........stock cannot be increased, or can be increased by only small (3)..................., during the next year or two. Thus the supply of Picasso paintings may mean all the paintings ever painted by Picasso and known to still be in existence. The world supply of gold may mean the total amount of gold which has been (4)........from the mines and rivers is still in existence. The supply of anything which is currently produced may mean the normal (5)...... per unit of time. Thus it may be said that the world’s supply of wheat is over 200 million tons a year. The term is more likely to be used in this sense if stocks are small, as stocks of wheat, (6)......... with annual output. But supply may also mean the amount offered for sale per unit of time. In this sense, the concept of supply (7)..........that of demand. Just as the law of demand deals with the behavior of.....(8)........ as it is reflected in the ...(9)............between price and quality purchased, so the law of supply deals with the behavior of producers ( sellers), as it is reflected in this relationship. The law of supply states: in a .....(10)....... time period, in a given 3 market, other things being equal, the quantity of an item which is offered for sale varies directly with prices 3. WRITING Rewrite the following sentences begin with the given words: 1. We will not renew our contract unless you are able to offer better conditions. If you ... 2. Is this the cheapest pet food you have got? Have you ? 3. You look quite different. Has someone done your hair? Have you .......................................................................................................? 4. The work is so bad that it will have to be re-done. It is such .. 5. The new machine is much more efficient than the old one. The old machine is .. 6. I started learning English when I was five I have .. 7. This car is so old that It’s not worth keeping This is.. 8. Tom is not old enough to drive a car. Tom is.. 9. It was a two- hour flight from HCM city to Hanoi It.. 10. The last time it rained here was in May It hasn’t 4. Translate the following passage into Vietnamese: 1. In the mid-1980s, Vietnam had to import rice and request international food aid several times during the decade to prevent famine. However, by 1989, it had become the third leading exporter of rice, following the United States and Thailand. 2. Rice export earnings represent one-third of total hard currency exports. How did Vietnam have such great success? 3. The main cause was not a change in the weather, but rather series of policy reforms that transformed Vietnam from an importer to an exporter of rice. During 1988 and 1989, agriculture was decollectivized and rice returned to family-farm production.
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