Giáo trình Strength of Materials - Chapter 4: Stress transformation
Tóm tắt Giáo trình Strength of Materials - Chapter 4: Stress transformation: ... 22 2 2 minmax, 403020 22 xy yxyx MPa30 MPa70 min max MPa10 MPa40MPa50 x xyx 4.3 TRANSFORMATION OF PLANE STRESS EXAMPLE 4.01 MPa10 MPa40MPa50 x xyx 2 1050 2 yx av... MPa132max MPa28min 4.4 MORH’S CIRCLE FOR PLANE STRESS EXAMPLE 4.03 6.52sin52 6.52cos5280 6.52cos5280 6.524.6760180 XK CLOCOL KCOCOK yx y x • Stress components after rotation by 30o Points X’ and Y’ on Mohr’s circle negative, therefore 2 10 4.5 HOOKE’S LAW SHEARING STRAIN • A cubic element subjected to a shear stress will deform into a rhomboid. The corresponding shear strain is quantified in terms of the change in angle between the sides, xyxy f • A plot of shear stress vs. sh...
CHAPTER 4: STRESS TRANSFORMATION 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Plane Stress State 4.3 Transformation of plane stress 4.4 Morh’s circle for plane stress 4.5 Hooke’s Laws 4.6 Transformation of plane strain 4.7 Morh’s circle for plane strain 4.1 INTRODUCTION Stress state at a point is the set of all stresses acting on all faces passing through this point. • The most general state of stress at a point may be represented by 6 components, ),, :(Note stresses shearing,, stresses normal,, xzzxzyyzyxxy zxyzxy zyx • Same state of stress is represented by a different set of components if axes are rotated. • The first part of the chapter is concerned with how the components of stress are transformed under a rotation of the coordinate axes. The second part of the chapter is devoted to a similar analysis of the transformation of the components of strain. 4.1 INTRODUCTION SIGN CONVENTION: Normal stress: Tension is positive Compression is Negative Shear stress: two subscripts + First subscript denotes the face on which the stress acts + Second gives the direction on the stress vector Positive face (+): normal axis follows the positive direction of the original axis Negative face (-): normal axis follows the negative direction of the original axis 4.1 INTRODUCTION SIGN CONVENTION: Positive direction (+): stress vector follows positive direction of the axis Negative direction (-): stress vector follows negative direction of the axis positive direction - positive face = positive stress negative direction-negative face = positive stress positive direction-negative face = negative stress negative direction-negative face = negative stress 4.2 PLANE STRESS STATE • Plane Stress - state of stress in which two faces of the cubic element are free of stress. For the illustrated example, the state of stress is defined by .0,, and xy zyzxzyx 4.2 PLANE STRESS STATE • State of plane stress also occurs on the free surface of a structural element or machine component, i.e., at any point of the surface not subjected to an external force. 4.2 PLANE STRESS STATE • State of plane stress occurs in a thin plate subjected to forces acting in the midplane of the plate. 4.3 TRANSFORMATION OF PLANE STRESS sinsincossin coscossincos0 cossinsinsin sincoscoscos0 AA AAAF AA AAAF xyy xyxyxy xyy xyxxx • Consider the conditions for equilibrium of a prismatic element with faces perpendicular to the x, y, and x’ axes. 4.3 TRANSFORMATION OF PLANE STRESS cos 2 sin 2 2 2 cos 2 sin 2 2 2 sin 2 cos 2 2 x y x y x xy x y x y y xy x y x y xy • The equations may be rewritten to yield θ is positive if the rotation is counter clockwise from x to x’ 4.3 TRANSFORMATION OF PLANE STRESS • The previous equations are combined to yield parametric equations for a circle, 2 2 222 22 where xy yxyx ave yxavex R R • Principal stresses occur on the principal planes of stress with zero shearing stresses. o 2 2 minmax, 90by separated angles twodefines :Note 2 2tan 22 yx xy p xy yxyx Principal Stresses 4.3 TRANSFORMATION OF PLANE STRESS Maximum Shearing Stresses 2 45by fromoffset and 90by separated angles twodefines :Note 2 2tan 2 o o 2 2 max yx ave p xy yx s xy yx R 4.3 TRANSFORMATION OF PLANE STRESS 4.3 TRANSFORMATION OF PLANE STRESS For the state of plane stress shown, determine (a) the principal panes, (b) the principal stresses, (c) the maximum shearing stress and the corresponding normal stress. SOLUTION: • Find the element orientation for the principal stresses from yx xy p 2 2tan • Determine the principal stresses from 2 2 minmax, 22 xy yxyx • Calculate the maximum shearing stress with 2 2 max 2 xy yx 2 yx EXAMPLE 4.01 4.3 TRANSFORMATION OF PLANE STRESS EXAMPLE 4.01 SOLUTION: • Find the element orientation for the principal stresses from 1.233,1.532 333.1 1050 4022 2tan p yx xy p 6.116,6.26p • Determine the principal stresses from 22 2 2 minmax, 403020 22 xy yxyx MPa30 MPa70 min max MPa10 MPa40MPa50 x xyx 4.3 TRANSFORMATION OF PLANE STRESS EXAMPLE 4.01 MPa10 MPa40MPa50 x xyx 2 1050 2 yx ave • The corresponding normal stress is MPa20 • Calculate the maximum shearing stress with 22 2 2 max 4030 2 xy yx MPa50max 45 ps 6.71,4.18s 4.4 MORH’S CIRCLE FOR PLANE STRESS • With the physical significance of Mohr’s circle for plane stress established, it may be applied with simple geometric considerations. Critical values are estimated graphically or calculated. • The principal stresses are obtained at A and B. yx xy p ave R 2 2tan minmax, The direction of rotation of Ox to Oa is the same as CX to CA. • For a known state of plane stress plot the points X and Y and construct the circle centered at C. xyyx ,, 2 2 22 xy yxyx ave R 4.4 MORH’S CIRCLE FOR PLANE STRESS • With Mohr’s circle uniquely defined, the state of stress at other axes orientations may be depicted. • For the state of stress at an angle with respect to the xy axes, construct a new diameter X’Y’ at an angle 2 with respect to XY. • Normal and shear stresses are obtained from the coordinates X’Y’. 4.4 MORH’S CIRCLE FOR PLANE STRESS • Mohr’s circle for centric axial loading: 0, xyyx A P A P xyyx 2 • Mohr’s circle for torsional loading: J Tc xyyx 0 0 xyyx J Tc 4.4 MORH’S CIRCLE FOR PLANE STRESS For the state of plane stress shown, (a) construct Mohr’s circle, determine (b) the principal planes, (c) the principal stresses, (d) the maximum shearing stress and the corresponding normal stress. SOLUTION: • Construction of Mohr’s circle MPa504030 MPa40MPa302050 MPa20 2 1050 2 22 CXR FXCF yx ave EXAMPLE 4.02 4.4 MORH’S CIRCLE FOR PLANE STRESS EXAMPLE 4.02 • Principal planes and stresses 5020max CAOCOA MPa70max 5020max BCOCOB MPa30max 1.532 30 40 2tan p p CP FX 6.26p 4.4 MORH’S CIRCLE FOR PLANE STRESS EXAMPLE 4.02 • Maximum shear stress 45ps 6.71s Rmax MPa 50max ave MPa 20 4.4 MORH’S CIRCLE FOR PLANE STRESS EXAMPLE 4.03 For the state of stress shown, determine (a) the principal planes and the principal stresses, (b) the stress components exerted on the element obtained by rotating the given element counterclockwise through 30 degrees. SOLUTION: • Construct Mohr’s circle MPa524820 MPa80 2 60100 2 2222 FXCFR yx ave 4.4 MORH’S CIRCLE FOR PLANE STRESS EXAMPLE 4.03 • Principal planes and stresses 4.672 4.2 20 48 2tan p p CF XF clockwise7.33 p 5280 max CAOCOA 5280 max BCOCOA MPa132max MPa28min 4.4 MORH’S CIRCLE FOR PLANE STRESS EXAMPLE 4.03 6.52sin52 6.52cos5280 6.52cos5280 6.524.6760180 XK CLOCOL KCOCOK yx y x • Stress components after rotation by 30o Points X’ and Y’ on Mohr’s circle that correspond to stress components on the rotated element are obtained by rotating XY counterclockwise through 602 MPa3.41 MPa6.111 MPa4.48 yx y x 4.4 MORH’S CIRCLE FOR PLANE STRESS 4.4 MORH’S CIRCLE FOR PLANE STRESS 4.4 MORH’S CIRCLE FOR PLANE STRESS • Transformation of stress for an element rotated around a principal axis may be represented by Mohr’s circle. • The three circles represent the normal and shearing stresses for rotation around each principal axis. • Points A, B, and C represent the principal stresses on the principal planes (shearing stress is zero) minmaxmax 2 1 • Radius of the largest circle yields the maximum shearing stress. Application of Morh’s circle to the Three-Dimensional Analysis of Stress 4.4 MORH’S CIRCLE FOR PLANE STRESS Application of Morh’s circle to the Three-Dimensional Analysis of Stress • In the case of plane stress, the axis perpendicular to the plane of stress is a principal axis (shearing stress equal zero). c) planes of maximum shearing stress are at 45o to the principal planes. b) the maximum shearing stress for the element is equal to the maximum “in- plane” shearing stress a) the corresponding principal stresses are the maximum and minimum normal stresses for the element • If the points A and B (representing the principal planes) are on opposite sides of the origin, then 4.4 MORH’S CIRCLE FOR PLANE STRESS Application of Morh’s circle to the Three-Dimensional Analysis of Stress • If A and B are on the same side of the origin (i.e., have the same sign), then c) planes of maximum shearing stress are at 45 degrees to the plane of stress b) maximum shearing stress for the element is equal to half of the maximum stress a) the circle defining max, min, and max for the element is not the circle corresponding to transformations within the plane of stress 4.5 HOOKE’S LAW • For an element subjected to multi-axial loading, the normal strain components resulting from the stress components may be determined from the principle of superposition. This requires: 1) strain is linearly related to stress 2) deformations are small EEE EEE EEE zyx z zyx y zyx x • With these restrictions: GENERALISED HOOKE’S LAW 4.5 HOOKE’S LAW DILATATION: BULK MODULUS • Relative to the unstressed state, the change in volume is e)unit volumper in volume (change dilatation 21 111111 zyx zyx zyxzyx E e • For element subjected to uniform hydrostatic pressure, modulusbulk 213 213 E k k p E pe • Subjected to uniform pressure, dilatation must be negative, therefore 2 10 4.5 HOOKE’S LAW SHEARING STRAIN • A cubic element subjected to a shear stress will deform into a rhomboid. The corresponding shear strain is quantified in terms of the change in angle between the sides, xyxy f • A plot of shear stress vs. shear strain is similar the previous plots of normal stress vs. normal strain except that the strength values are approximately half. For small strains, zxzxyzyzxyxy GGG where G is the modulus of rigidity or shear modulus. 4.5 HOOKE’S LAW Relation Among E, , and G • An axially loaded slender bar will elongate in the axial direction and contract in the transverse directions. 1 2G E • Components of normal and shear strain are related, • If the cubic element is oriented as in the bottom figure, it will deform into a rhombus. Axial load also results in a shear strain. • An initially cubic element oriented as in top figure will deform into a rectangular parallelepiped. The axial load produces a normal strain. 4.6 TRANSFORMATION FOR PLANE STRAIN • Plane strain - deformations of the material take place in parallel planes and are the same in each of those planes. • Example: Consider a long bar subjected to uniformly distributed transverse loads. State of plane stress exists in any transverse section not located too close to the ends of the bar. • Plane strain occurs in a plate subjected along its edges to a uniformly distributed load and restrained from expanding or contracting laterally by smooth, rigid and fixed supports 0 :strain of components x zyzxzxyy 4.6 TRANSFORMATION FOR PLANE STRAIN • State of strain at the point Q results in different strain components with respect to the xy and x’y’ reference frames. yxOBxy xyyxOB xyyx 2 45 cossinsincos 2 1 22 2cos 2 2sin 22 2sin 2 2cos 22 2sin 2 2cos 22 xyyxyx xyyxyx y xyyxyx x • Applying the trigonometric relations used for the transformation of stress, 4.7 MORH’S CIRCLE FOR PLANE STRAIN • The equations for the transformation of plane strain are of the same form as the equations for the transformation of plane stress - Mohr’s circle techniques apply. • Abscissa for the center C and radius R , 22 222 xyyxyx ave R • Principal axes of strain and principal strains, RR aveave yx xy p minmax 2tan 4.7 MORH’S CIRCLE FOR PLANE STRAIN Three-Dimensional Analysis of Strain • Previously demonstrated that three principal axes exist such that the perpendicular element faces are free of shearing stresses. • By Hooke’s Law, it follows that the shearing strains are zero as well and that the principal planes of stress are also the principal planes of strain. • Rotation about the principal axes may be represented by Mohr’s circles. 4.7 MORH’S CIRCLE FOR PLANE STRAIN Three-Dimensional Analysis of Strain • For the case of plane strain where the x and y axes are in the plane of strain, - the z axis is also a principal axis - the corresponding principal normal strain is represented by the point Z = 0 or the origin. • If the points A and B lie on opposite sides of the origin, the maximum shearing strain is the maximum in-plane shearing strain, D and E. • If the points A and B lie on the same side of the origin, the maximum shearing strain is out of the plane of strain and is represented by the points D’ and E’. 4.7 MORH’S CIRCLE FOR PLANE STRAIN Three-Dimensional Analysis of Strain • Consider the case of plane stress, 0 zbyax • If B is located between A and C on the Mohr-circle diagram, the maximum shearing strain is equal to the diameter CA. • Strain perpendicular to the plane of stress is not zero. • Corresponding normal strains, babac ba b ba a E EE EE 1 4.7 MORH’S CIRCLE FOR PLANE STRAIN Three-Dimensional Analysis of Strain • Strain gages indicate normal strain through changes in resistance. yxOBxy 2 • With a 45o rosette, x and y are measured directly. xy is obtained indirectly with, 333 2 3 2 3 222 2 2 2 2 111 2 1 2 1 cossinsincos cossinsincos cossinsincos xyyx xyyx xyyx • Normal and shearing strains may be obtained from normal strains in any three directions,
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