Influence of Laser radiation on the absorption of a weak electronmagnetic wave by confined electrons in compositional superlatices (case of electron - Acoustic phonons interaction)
Tóm tắt Influence of Laser radiation on the absorption of a weak electronmagnetic wave by confined electrons in compositional superlatices (case of electron - Acoustic phonons interaction): ... '2 2, ,( ) 1 ( )n k q qn k qn t N n t N ' 1 2 2,, i exp n k qn k q s m i t t ' 2 2,, ( ) ( ) 1q n k qn k qn t N n t N ... ' , B B exp exp k k s mn n T T (7) 5 2 2 4 2 s,m , s,m2 , 1 52 4 B B2 4 a os2 exp 2 2 4 2k 2k2 s m s m mB a G c K T T of near threshold to get analytical expressions for the absorption coefficient for the mechanism of electron- acoustic phonons interaction. The results showed that the absorption coefficient depends on the complexity of the system temperature, amplitude and frequency of the weak and ele...
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