Luận văn A discourse analysis of english school announcements
Tóm tắt Luận văn A discourse analysis of english school announcements: ... as well as the speaker’s basic communicative intention (illocutionary force. For example, the speaker may have the simple intention to offer something, to wish or permit something. 2.2.7. School Announcements Definition of School Announcements 9 A public statement contains i...ligation, prohibition, necessity, advice, possibility, certainty. It is difficult to define modal verbs in any language because of the wide range of pragmatic uses of modal verbs by native speakers. Some of common meanings of the modal verbs in English are: 1) Can : ability, permission, po...dressor/a frequent event The functions and syntactic realizations of Representatives in this case can be presented in Table 4.4 below: 19 Table 4.4. The syntactic form and function of Representative in presenting a frequent action Sentence element Subject Verb Object/Complement E.g...
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