Luận văn A functional analysis of the words ‘sweet’, ‘bitter’, ‘sour’, ‘salty’ in english and vietnamese
Tóm tắt Luận văn A functional analysis of the words ‘sweet’, ‘bitter’, ‘sour’, ‘salty’ in english and vietnamese: ... in which a conscious entity performs an action, are in-between Material and Mental Processes. The participant roles in this kind of process are a Behavier and Phenomenon. e. Verbal Processes Verbal processes are processes of saying. Its form is Sayer + Verbal Process + Receiver + Verbiage.... circumstance; meanwhile, SWEET does not appear in verbal process with the meaning ‘taste’ and ‘smell’. Especially, with the meaning in Vietnamese, the word ‘ngọt’ often combines with the words ‘lịm’, ‘ngào’, ‘xớt’, ‘ngon’ such as: ‘ngọt ngào’, ‘ngọt lịm’, ‘ngọt xớt’, ‘ngon ngọt’ in order to emp...h and Vietnamese Semantically, the word ‘bitter’ are polysematic words. All of them have more than one meaning. It is used to describe disagreeable taste, difficult to accept and serious or unpleasant. However, with the meaning- piercing weather- it is only used in English. The word ‘bitter’...
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