Luận văn A study of metaphoric meanings of words denoting weather in english and vietnamese
Tóm tắt Luận văn A study of metaphoric meanings of words denoting weather in english and vietnamese: ... is a language that directly compares seemingly unrelated subject. According to Oxford Advanced learner’s Dictionary [15], “Metaphor is a word or phrase used in an imaginative way used to describe something or somebody else in a way that the two things have the same qualities and make the ... words denoting weather by means of some theoretical concepts relating to semantics. • Describing and analyzing the collected data to find out the semantic features of words denoting weather in English and Vietnamese. • Using the comparative approach to discover the similarities and di...ointed Isolated Outstangding Decreasing Lonely and Sorrowful Bureaucratic Decisive There are seven similar metaphoric meanings of COLD in English and Vietnamese. the meaning of unfriendly is widely used in both languages. Thi...
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