Luận văn A study of syntactic and pragmatic features of indirect interrogative directives in english and in vietnamese
Tóm tắt Luận văn A study of syntactic and pragmatic features of indirect interrogative directives in english and in vietnamese: ...ed politeness “polite social behavior or etiquete within aculture”. He mentions the concept of face, which is individual’s feeling of self-worth or self-image which can be damaged, maintained, or enhanced through interaction with others. Different situation require different kinds of degrees...peaker and the hearer, it is higher than suggestion. The agent of directive is often has higher position. (67) Làm gỡ mà hốt hoảng thế? Bỡnh tĩnh nào [36, p.36] b. Some kinds of indirect interrogative directives consist of interrogative WHO * Representation of indirect requestives in Engli...errogative , signal close relationship between interlocutors. And we also have final particles, such as: nào, ủó, với give an important contribution to inform the close relationship among interlocutors, which can not be found in English. (153) Nghỉ tay chỳt xớu tụi bay ơi [15, p.38] In V...
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