Luận văn A study of the linguistic features of saying verbs used in political documents in english and vietnamese field : the english language code : 60.22.15 master thesis in the englis
Tóm tắt Luận văn A study of the linguistic features of saying verbs used in political documents in english and vietnamese field : the english language code : 60.22.15 master thesis in the englis: ...process Recipient Verbiage Mary They That sign Big Ben Our correspondent told announced says tells reports me a secret the name of the winner “No entry” the time in London renewed fighting on the frontier According to Angela Downing and Philip Locke [4], verb...he case, or solemnly undertake to do something, undertake formally to give. Table 4.6: Verbs of Committing English Verbs of Committing Vietnamese Verbs of Committing Pledge / Promise Hứa, cam kết, nguyện In the process of saying these verbs of committing are realized in the formula: processes: the sayer, verbal process, recipient, and the said. However, all of four constituents do not always occurs at the same time in every context; one or two of them can be omitted. As a result, both English and Vietnamese saying verbs take the formula: [SAYER + V.P + (RECIPIENT) ...
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