Luận văn A study on modal adjuncts in the mental process in english and vietnamese newspapers
Tóm tắt Luận văn A study on modal adjuncts in the mental process in english and vietnamese newspapers: ...mese sports newspapers such as the Thanh Niờn, the Lao Động, the Nhõn Dõn, the Tuổi Trẻ. 10 3.4 DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLES Samples of the study were lexical expressions including words, phrases and clauses realised as MAs in the MenP. They were collected from different types in both English ...on possibly never imagined it would happen to someone as uncomplicated and enthusiastic as Rooney but, as Keegan rightly pointed out, it just has. 15 Họ khụng giữ lời hứa với tụi, khụng tụn trọng tụi và chỉ cần nhỡn vào hợp ủồng ấy cú thể thấy rừ họ sẵn sàng ủẩy tụi ủi bất cứ lỳc nào, structure or utterance: initial, medial and final in the MenP. Most MAs in English and Vietnamese can assume the initial position as thematic mood adjuncts expressing probability, certainty and intensity and a few of them were found to occur as a subject complement in a clausal structur...
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