Luận văn A study on syntactic and pragmatic features of insertion sequence in english and vietnamese
Tóm tắt Luận văn A study on syntactic and pragmatic features of insertion sequence in english and vietnamese: ...etical background for studying one phenomenon in pragmatics, on the other hand, make a contribution to the learning and teaching of English. Thus, the research result is significant not only in theory and but also in actual practice. CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 10 4.1 Syntactic Fea... sequence. The third kind of questions is declarative questions. Like English, Vietnamese declarative questions have the declarative form and are mainly recognized by the rising intonation. (32) Chỳ Kiến: - í chỳ muốn núi là nếu chỏu khụng thấy ngại, chỏu ủi bỏn kẹo kộo với chỳ. Thường: - Đi...what I’m saying is, I mean, etc. Thirdly, another type of repairs is self-initiated other-repair in which the problem is corrected by another Sp without prompting. For example: (45) A: ….. and, well, so I told him… Oh, there he is. Excuse me, can we have the bill, please? B: Together? A...
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