Luận văn An investigation into irregular sentences in english and vietnamese
Tóm tắt Luận văn An investigation into irregular sentences in english and vietnamese: ...ds of contemporary furniture. For every room in the house. [9, p.838] It is obvious that sentence fragments and fragmentary sentences have some similar characteristics. They are both not grammatically and independent sentences. They both also lack of constituents that are normally obliga... p.114]. For examples: a. Một cái mũ len nếu chị sinh con gái. Chiếc mũ sẽ đỏ tươi nếu chị đẻ con trai. b. Phụ nữ lại cần phải học. Đây là lúc chị em phải cố gắng để kịp nam giới. As noted by him, substitution is also an effective way to avoid the repetition of the lexical items and make...gmentary Sentences 4.2 COHESIVE FEATURES OF FRAGMENTARY SENTENCES IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE 19 4.2.1 Cohesive Features of Fragmentary Sentences in English Cohesive Features of Verbal Fragmentary Sentences in English Cohesive Features of Nominal Fragmentary Sentences...
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