Luận văn An investigation into stylistic devices commonly used in riddles: english vs vietnamese
Tóm tắt Luận văn An investigation into stylistic devices commonly used in riddles: english vs vietnamese: ...ter being selected for ready reference, riddles are then categorized and tabulated in accordance with particular types of stylistic devices. 3.2. RESEARCH PROCEDURE Collecting data Making sample selection Classifying stylistic devices of English and Vietnamese riddles and making gr...oun Phrases (48) What do singers always want to hit? - Songs. They very much wish to have hit songs. b. Decomposition of Verb Phrases (49) Which travels at greater speed, heat or cold? - Heat, because you can catch cold. c. Decomposition of Adjective Phrases (50) When can a man b...amese has paradox in fruit and animals, while English has paradox in abstract things. Here is the summary on table 4.8. Table 4.8. The Summary of Paradox in English and Vietnamese Riddles Paradox English Vietnamese Nature in Paradox + + Fruit in Paradox - + Animals in Paradox - + Thing...
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