Luận văn An investigation into the structure of theme and rheme in english and vietnamese political speeches
Tóm tắt Luận văn An investigation into the structure of theme and rheme in english and vietnamese political speeches: ...ic, pragmatic characteristics so it is also a Quantitative research paper. Moreover, analytic method means that the language “is analyzed into its constituent parts and one or a cluster of these constituent parts is examined in greater detail to the exclusion of other factors” [23, p.56].... Theme 424 21.35% Clause as Theme 406 20.44% Predicated Theme 0 0% Dependent, embedded, elliptical or minor clause as Theme 152 7.64% 4.2.2. Topical, Interpersonal and Textual Theme in Vietnamese Political Speeches Table 4.6 Distribution of thematic patterns in Vietnamese political...ness is partly shown in the closeness between the analysis of semantic roles and of the thematic structure: on working with the former we study the semantic structure of the clause and with the latter the clause's Textual meaning aspect. This also proves an interesting correlation: both Them...
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