Luận văn An investigation into the translation of economic metaphors from english into vietnamese
Tóm tắt Luận văn An investigation into the translation of economic metaphors from english into vietnamese: ...hed. This figurative predicate is called the Vehicle. 9 Peter Newmark [39, p.104] mentioned that “By metaphor, I mean any figurative expression: the transferred sense of a physical word (naitre as “to originate”, ...” Metaphor demonstrates a resemblance, a common semantic area between ...most of the words used in SL contain so many senses. In other words, almost every word or phrase is a polysemy where it has several very closely related senses [15]. ..the international banking system was transformed as country after Hệ thống ngõn hàng quốc tế cú nhiều chuyển ủổi khi rất...ics. BCCI prospered greatly following the surges in the oil prices in the 1970s [69, p.170] BCCI phất lờn mạnh trong cơn sốt giỏ dầu mỏ của thập niờn 1970 [73, p.286] surge cơn sốt Sudden increase in prices, value Nervous excitement Transfer The image “surge” means “a sudden...
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