Luận văn Ellipsis in abstracts of business journal articles in english and vietnamese
Tóm tắt Luận văn Ellipsis in abstracts of business journal articles in english and vietnamese: ...dered a major cohesive device, contributing to the efficiency and compactness of a text. Therefore, syntactic elements and pragmatic element rule over ellipsis. 2.6.2. Ellipsis in Discourse 2.6.3. Classification of Ellipsis The term of ellipsis refers to the absence of a word, a phrase or ...hted here that it does not necessarily have to be only the lexical verb that is ellipted, preceding elements may be omitted as well in lexical ellipsis, and the only element that has to be retained is the initial operator. Operator Ellipsis The second type of verbal ellipsis is re...and clausal ellipsis happens when subject and its predicate are omitted. Ellipsis is not used for economizing words, perhaps the main effect of this device is to ensure coherence between sentences. The second effect is to avoid hard repetition of the syntagms which possess the same referent ...
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