Luận văn Stylistic devices used in english and vietnamese texts describing natural scener
Tóm tắt Luận văn Stylistic devices used in english and vietnamese texts describing natural scener: ...esis hopes to partly contribute to analyzing and understanding more about SDs used in TDNS, their importance and their impact on readers. CHAPTER 3 METHODS AND PROCEDURES 3.1. RESEARCH DESIGN This thesis aims at making an investigation into frequency of phonetic, lexical and syntactica...ed faintly in the sky” [26, p.173] Words such as “dead”, “death” and “birth” are often used for living things. Here they are applied in metaphor, “the death of night” shows the sadness, coolness, dullness, and hopelessness whereas “the birth of day” shows happiness, warmness and hopefullness...d society. Therefore, we can easily find out SDs employed in literary works in both languages. 19 Secondly, all writers recognize the importance of language, especially SDs which can help them to reach their aims successfully, quickly and effectively. Among three kinds of SDs, lexical S...
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