On the effective viscosity of fresh concrete: A homogenization approach
Tóm tắt On the effective viscosity of fresh concrete: A homogenization approach: ...f interest to note that the first two terms on the right side of Eq. (4) corresponds to the Einstein’s model. Fig. 3 shows the evolution of the normalized effective viscosity µGSC/µ f estimated by the GSC (Eq. (2)) together with its second order series expansion (Eq. (4)) in comparison with Einst... 9 R O X P H I U D F W L R Q R I S D U W L F O H V 1 R U P D O L ] H G Y L V F R V L W \ ' D W D R I I U H V K F H P H Q W 6 W U X E O H D Q G 6 X Q 7 R X W R X H W D O ...Chemistry, 53, (7), (1949), pp. 1042–1056. https://doi.org/10.1021/j150472a007. [7] G. F. Eveson, S. G. Ward, and R. L. Whitmore. Classical colloids. Theory of size distri- bution; paints, coals, greases, etc. Discussions of the Faraday Society, 11, (1951), pp. 11–14. https://doi.org/10.1039/DF9...
nding separately in fluid but they locally pasted together, event at small or medium volume fraction, to form alternative composite particles those block inside a part of the fluid phase. Therefore, a suspension with cohesive particles of volume fraction φ can be con- sidered as a suspension with alternative particles of volume fraction φ+ φb, where φb the total volume of the blocked fluid. Theoretically, φb must be smaller or equal to 1− φmax that is 0.36(φ+ φb) for a packing of mono size sphere. 294 Tuan Nguyen-Sy, Duong Nguyen-The It is important to remark that such assumption allows reducing the volume fraction of the EFZ to zero. Therefore the GSC can be employed for the mixture of alternative particles and remaining (non blocked) fluid. Fig. 7 shows that the results obtained by considering a minimum possible value of φb that is φb = 0 provides a lower bound of the experimental data. A maximum value φb = 0.36(φ+φb), i.e. φb = 0.56φ, (with mono-size assumption for cement particles) seems provides a good fit with the experimental data. 9 R O X P H I U D F W L R Q R I S D U W L F O H V 1 R U P D O L ] H G Y L V F R V L W \ ' D W D R I I U H V K F H P H Q W 6 W U X E O H D Q G 6 X Q 7 R X W R X H W D O 8 S S H U E R X Q G E O R F N H G S R U R V L W \ 8 S S H U E R X Q G E O R F N H G S R U R V L W \ Fig. 7. Effective viscosity of cement: a comparison of the homogenization scheme and experimental data of fresh cement 3.2. The second scale: fresh concrete A comparison with experimental data shows that the improved GSC scheme (IGSC), that was presented in Section 2.3, works very well for fresh concrete at the second scale that is a mixture of fresh cement and gravels (Fig. 8). That method assumes a spherical shape of the EFZ and employs the Eshelbys solution to estimate the local strain rate of the EFZ. However analytical results are very cumbersome. Let consider a more simple assumption such that the average localization strain rate of the fluid phase located in the coated phase surrounding the gravel particles equal to that of the EFZ. This assumption allows using the solution of the localization factor obtained for the coated fluid phase of the composite sphere for the EFZ. We note by B1 the localization factor of the particles and B2 the localization factor of the coated fluid and the EFZ. Using Eq. (1), to calculate the effective viscosity of the suspension, we obtain µhom = lim µp→∞ [ φµpB1 + (1− φ)µ f B2 ] . (5) The closed-form solution to this problem is µ µcement = −b−√b2 − 4ac a , (6) On the effective viscosity of fresh concrete: A homogenization approach 295 9 R O X P H I U D F W L R Q R I J U D Y H O V 5 H O D W L Y H Y L V F R V L W \ R I F R Q F U H W H D Q G F H P H Q W 7 R X W R X H W D O , P S U R Y H G * 6 & , P S U R Y H G * 6 &