Overview of health monitoring and inspection for highway bridges in vietnam
Tóm tắt Overview of health monitoring and inspection for highway bridges in vietnam: ... The flow chart of bridge inspection can be shown in Fig. 1. In Vietnam, almost concrete bridges were constructed in last time and now. In an inspection, a process or object is viewed closely with a critical appraisal. Inspections are usually carried out by an inspector or a professional eng...lth monitoring system to measure in change able weather such as earthquake, strong whirlwind and strong storm to find the unusual sign. Example of Binh bridge was permanent designed according to the special design specifications based on Finnish standard, AASHTO LRFD, and Japanese standard. ...be minimized. In Vietnam, Bai Chay bridge is the first bridge applied BHMS. Bai Chay bridge was constructed out of pre-stressed concrete; the main span has a length of 435 m, and the bridge spans an international strait. In order to prevent environmental impact and maintain a navigation clea...
Hội nghị Khoa học công nghệ lần thứ XXII Trường Đại học Giao thông vận tải -755- OVERVIEW OF HEALTH MONITORING AND INSPECTION FOR HIGHWAY BRIDGES IN VIETNAM Trần Việt Hùng1* 1 Trường Đại học Giao thông vận tải, Số 3 Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội * E-mail: tranviethung@utc.edu.vn; Tel: 0912338980 Abstract. Many highway bridges have been constructed in Vietnam recent years. Some of the technical problems occurred while construction process and service of the bridge. An issue of great concern with bridge health monitoring system is how to use the monitoring data for health and condition assessment of the bridge structure. Current Vietnamese engineers only evaluate bearing capacity of the bridge before open to traffic or data analysis needs to replace or limit the loading bridge. In this paper, we will present methodologies for bridge health monitoring, inspection and maintenance of bridges in Vietnam. Keywords: Bridge health monitoring, load testing, highway bridge. 1. INTRODUCTION Bridges are key components in the transportation infrastructure. Bridge structures can be damaged and downgraded by a result of aging, environmental factors, increased traffic load, inadequate design, no regular repair, and maintenance of the bridge. The failure includes structural collapse and loss of serviceability and functionality, which include excessive deformation, cracking of concrete, steel corrosion, or other limited safety values. The loss of serviceability and functionality, although not catastrophic or life-threatening, is the most frequent and involves significant cumulative costs in terms of maintenance and rehabilitation, traffic disruption, and environmental impacts. Bridge health monitoring is becoming increasingly important to transportation both for management and for maintenance and repair planning. Development of bridge health monitoring technology for surveillance and assessment of existing or new bridge has decreased risks in the construction and service process of the bridge. In great problems, we need to predict the failure and structure assessment, and distribute bridge health monitoring systems for existing bridges and new bridges. However, these systems are very expensive and high experiment; it is very difficult to apply for all bridges in Vietnam right now. Previous research was also attempted to develop an advanced maintenance management system, named Bridge Management System of Vietnam (V-BMS), concurrently with a computerized database for highway bridges in Vietnam (Hai, 2008). Thus, the need of bridge management is very important to predict, reduce risks, and take a measure to promptly handle. Vietnamese engineers also attached special importance to the ongoing management activities in terms of inspection, maintenance, repair, upgrade and Hội nghị Khoa học công nghệ lần thứ XXII Trường Đại học Giao thông vận tải -756- replacement, and the environment factors. Current road traffic system has many old and weak bridges. These bridges are near or past their intended service life and are carrying unanticipated traffic loads. They were designed by different standards, diagrams of vertical load. Our engineers would like to avoid risks and technical problems while the service process. It is necessary must inspect, evaluate and maintenance works regularly or periodically. Thence we will promptly prevent the possibility of potential risks and incidents. Besides, some problems have occurred in Vietnam while the bridge was under construction also defining issues of technical risk management. Risk assessment and management are critical for ensuring public safety and establishing a rational prioritization of bridge projects for maintenance and rehabilitation. However, only few assessment reports summarizing technical problems occurred, which is explained why this field is very new in Vietnam. In this paper, we focus to consider bridge health monitoring, bridge inspection, and discuss the importance of technical risk management in bridge construction projects in Vietnam. 2. LOADING TEST FOR BRIDGE IN VIETNAM Currently, there are several hundreds of old bridges need to repair and rebuild immediately. However, no funds may have to simultaneously build a series of new bridges. Load testing of the highway bridge is becoming an increasingly common procedure for determining bridge load capacity in Vietnam. During the process of structural inspection and evaluation, the collected data might not be able to clarify numbers of unknown parameters due to material deterioration or loss of sectional strength, which is potentially caused by the lack of routine structural inspection and maintenance as per the code requirements, overloading, and poor quality of construction. Consequently, by observing structural responses and behaviors under the application of pre-identified loads which present the loads that are likely to carry in reality, actual load testing is proven to be beneficial not only to evaluate the load- carrying capacity of existing structures, but also to validate the design of new constructions before fully-loaded occupancy. Load testing can also be utilized to monitor the condition of structures, which have been deteriorated or have undergone extensively major structural repairs or strengthening. Load testing need to do both in static and dynamic method depending on engineers’ interested parameters. The flow chart of bridge inspection can be shown in Fig. 1. In Vietnam, almost concrete bridges were constructed in last time and now. In an inspection, a process or object is viewed closely with a critical appraisal. Inspections are usually carried out by an inspector or a professional engineer. The items are important when making these inspections as reasons for conducting the inspections, preliminary inspections, and detailed inspections. Hội nghị Khoa học công nghệ lần thứ XXII Trường Đại học Giao thông vận tải -757- Preparation Preliminary inspection Detail inspection Data collection Field measurement & condition survey Load testing Analysis of the measured results Visual survey Reporting with documentation, conclusion and recommendation RepairRebuild No Yes Good Fig. 1. General flow chart of bridge inspection The measurement items of bridge inspection include: + For girder bridge: Stress measure for girder, deck slabs, deflection of span, corrosion, loss prestress force, vibration of span without moving load and with moving load. Vietnamese engineer measures deformation of structure with using tenxomet and strain gauge devices. The relationship between deformation, ε and young modulus, E is expressed as: Measurement following to 1 direction: E = 1 2 0 ( ( ) ( )) ( ) x S x x d x dx D − = (1) where σ, ε, and E denote stress, deformation of structure, and young modulus, respectively. In Vietnam, the young modulus of steel structure is using E = 2.100.000 kg/cm2 but young modulus of concrete structure is very difficult to determine exactly. Hội nghị Khoa học công nghệ lần thứ XXII Trường Đại học Giao thông vận tải -758- Measurement following to 2 directions: 1 1 22 2 2 12 ( ) 1 ( ) 1 E E = + − = + − (2) where ϑ is poison factor; σ1, σ2 and ε1, ε2 is denote stress and deformation following to 1 and 2 directions. + For cable stayed bridge: except for above contents of the girder bridge, more measurement of cable force, vibration of cable, stress and displacement of pylon. The relationship between frequencies and cable tension may be determined to the consideration of the sag-extensibility and bending stiffness of a cable. On condition that both cable ends be considered as hinges, the relationship between cable force and vibration frequency can be approximately expressed as: 2 24 n f T mL n = (3) where T, m, L, and nf denote cable tension, mass density, length of cable, and the nth natural frequency, respectively. In Vietnam, the natural frequency usually used the first mode of vibration, determined by forced oscillation (H. Ha et al., 2005). Vietnamese engineers usually also evaluate the bearing capacity of the bridge before open to traffic, replacement or limit the loading bridge. Especially after a few bridges collapsed in Vietnam during both under construction or servicing necessary to the regular inspection and maintenance. Thus, the large span bridges were built recently in Vietnam such as Bai Chay bridge, My Thuan bridge, Can Tho bridge and so on were inspected before open to traffic (show in Fig. 2). Goal of work of inspection and structural health monitoring include determining real load bearing capacity of the bridge as the base for checking and taking over work and stipulate to exploit regulation of a project; evaluating the effect of technical-technological solution in design and construction of a project. However, all the results of checking are measured in normal weather; it needs a structure health monitoring system to measure in change able weather such as earthquake, strong whirlwind and strong storm to find the unusual sign. Example of Binh bridge was permanent designed according to the special design specifications based on Finnish standard, AASHTO LRFD, and Japanese standard. Load testing and bridge structural health monitoring demands with checking of technical-technological solution in design and construction, loading test to determine real load bearing capacity of bridge in 2005, structure health monitoring in 2007, 2008 (show in Figs. 3 and 4) and up to now. Testing loads are 24 HUYNDAI trucks loading with sand or bliding stone to ensure the weight of each truck is about 24 to 25 tons (80% of designed load). It is a common practice to load testing new bridges with a static load (DL + LL) equivalent to 80 of the maximum design life bending moments. The results include stress of Hội nghị Khoa học công nghệ lần thứ XXII Trường Đại học Giao thông vận tải -759- girder, deflection of girder, displacement of pier and pylon, vibration frequency and stress of cable stayed. Example of stress measurement of cables shows in Table 1. This bridge has the advantages of using material steel-concrete composite in long span cable stayed. Fig. 2 Load testing (truck) of bridge in Vietnam Fig. 3 Loading test of Binh bridge Table 1. Stress measurement of cable ((CCCRE-UTC (2005, 2007 and 2008) and H.Ha et al., (2005)) Cable No. 7/2005 10/2007 8/2008 Allowable stress (kg/cm2) Frequency (Hz) Stress (kg/cm2) Stress (kg/cm2) Stress (kg/cm2) S1 1.07 5157.63 5314.03 5192.79 7182 S2 1.07 4775.18 - - 7182 S19 1.12 5688.56 - - 7182 S20 0.98 5146.55 5076.16 5082.41 7182 Fig. 4 Profile, arrangement of stay cables and ties down cables of Binh bridge Hội nghị Khoa học công nghệ lần thứ XXII Trường Đại học Giao thông vận tải -760- 4. LONG – TERM BRIDGE HEALTH MONITORING 4.1. Current situation of bridge health monitoring in Vietnam Bridge health monitoring system (BHMS) is one of the innovative and reliable systems for diagnostic monitoring and evaluating the bridge actual conditions. The BHMS will enable monitoring of an overall bridge integral behavior, as well as degradation of critical structural components during a bridge normal operation for immediate decision making or the bridge long-term performance assessment. With the application of BHMS, bridge structural responses, deformation or vibration can be readily detected and quickly analyzed and evaluated (Dao Duy Lam 2015, 2016). Under unexpected or serious situations, traffic overloading, excessive impact loading, unpredictable wind or earthquake loading, etc., the system will wirelessly transmit signals in real time and display bridge locations found critical to the remotely-located workstation for immediate measures, such as bridge closing, weigh or speed limit posting, as well as for long-term strategic planning, such as bridge rehabilitation or strengthening, to protect against progressive damages. A few the sensors, strain gauges and accelerometers will be attached to the structure on pre-defined locations and wired to signal amplifier, data acquision and computer module. The structures will have been continually monitored for days, weeks or months depending upon the reliability and accuracy of structural health determination. For the safety of these giants, some long- term bridge monitoring systems were developed and installed. With advanced system, a large amount of infrastructure can be managed more effectively, and potential losses or failures can be minimized. In Vietnam, Bai Chay bridge is the first bridge applied BHMS. Bai Chay bridge was constructed out of pre-stressed concrete; the main span has a length of 435 m, and the bridge spans an international strait. In order to prevent environmental impact and maintain a navigation clearance that was sufficiently wide (200 m) and high (50 m) for ships to pass under the bridge, the bridge was constructed on land by using the balanced cantilever system based “climbing formwork” (for the towers) and “formwork traveler” (for the girders). A distributed optical fiber sensing system was installed on a bridge under construction for monitoring the deformation in the towers and girders of the bridge as construction progressed. This is one of the most typical modern monitoring systems recently (shown in Fig. 5). Following to Iwaki (2006a), optical fiber sensing system has the potential to achieve a more precise management of the construction quality with the advantage of performance. The system can easily acquire a large amount of distributed strain data. The deformations in the towers and girders can be calculated from the strain distribution values. The towers and girders act as rigidly supported cantilevers. Their relative displacements are given as follows: 1 2 0 ( ( ) ( )) ( ) x S x x d x dx D − = (4) Hội nghị Khoa học công nghệ lần thứ XXII Trường Đại học Giao thông vận tải -761- where: d(x) is the relative displacement of a tower or girder; ε1(x) and ε2(x), the strain values of two sensors; D, the interval of each sensor; and S, the spatial resolution of the distributed strain sensor. 4.2. Monitoring for environmental and natural disasters The scope of monitoring includes two major types of parameters, load effects and responses. The load effects refer to those due to wind, earthquake, temperature, and live loads (movements, highways, or railways). The responses refer to displacements, accelerations, stresses, strains, and forces of the members of bridge structure, and displacements and stresses of main cables. A natural hazard occurs frequently in Vietnam such as typhoon, flood and nowadays is greatly influenced by climate changes. Monitoring of the peak displacements and actual stresses of the main cables and their anchorages are the important subjects to be considered. Currently, almost long span bridges have not been arranged monitoring system except the monitoring system was arranged in Bai Chay bridge, Phu My bridge, Can Tho bridge (the longest cable-stayed bridge in Southearth of Asia) and Thuan Phuoc bridge (the longest suspension bridge in Vietnam). Fig. 5 Sensors for structural monitoring in Bai Chay bridge (Iwaki, 2006b) 5. CONCLUSIONS This paper introduces current situation of management and service of highway bridges in Vietnam. With the current bridge system, the regular inspection and load testing of bridges need to contribute to early detection of defects, errors, which can quickly remedy, repair, and reduce the possible risk to the bridges in Vietnam. But to do this, the bridge’s managers must have management systems for synchronization, automatically updated. It is bridge health monitoring systems and the management agency risk responsibility. Hội nghị Khoa học công nghệ lần thứ XXII Trường Đại học Giao thông vận tải -762- Vietnamese engineers and managers need to research, analysis of specific incidents that happened is a valuable archive for the engineers complete their work projects, the actual document is important to consider risk management technique effectively and the analysis, prevention and timely treatment of risk are completely realizable. REFERENCES [1]. 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