Study on parameters on cutting AAC by wires
Tóm tắt Study on parameters on cutting AAC by wires: ...loss. The width of the cutting zone is always greater in the forward direc- tion than in the backwarddirection because the longer wire travel distance associated with the forward direc- tion5. The cutting zone width (CZW) near the wire entry region is almost always greater than that the wire e...cutting velocity, swing fre- quency will be adjusted by an inverter which controls a motor. Last one, the feeder rate is changed by a hy- draulic restrictor valve that raises or lowers the steel frame. EXPERIMENTMETHOD The AAC block will be produced from mixture of ce- ment, clay, sand, and h...0 3,1 Within Groups 3264 78 41,8 Total 9722 80 Figure 6: The lowering velocity versus roughness with SF: Swing frequency (Hz), T: Tension (kgf ) important role, is very necessary. When operating the cutting machine, the workers can adjust few parame- ters instead of all of parameters. All par...
ss of the surfacemust be smaller than 0.1mm to paint the wall easily. The block dimension also needs high precision so that the wall will be straight when blocks are superposed. However, in this paper, the roughness of the block surface will be only researched because the roughness will decide the cost, and the dimension decide the estheticism of the wall. The block is made by using steel wires to cut big AAC blocks into small blocks. Influences of working parameters on the steps of the steel wire sawing processes are feed rate, wire speed and tension. Each parameter will affect surface quality with different effects. Be- sides, these parameters affect each other, which causes scratches on the AAC surface. Experiments will bemade tomeasure the height of roughness with the change of wire speed, feed rate and ten- sion. The best parameters will be found, which helps the AAC manufacturer to obtain the higher quality. Key words: Autoclaved Aerated Concrete, steel wire, roughness INTRODUCTION The AAC material was made in Sweden in 1924. In Europe, it has become the most well-known building materials and is rapidly developed in a lots of coun- tries in the world. AAC is made from the materials found easily such as: sand, lime, water, a little rising agent and cement. After the mixture is mixed and molded, it is autoclaved in an oven with reasonable pressure and heat to create unique properties. AAC possesses the excellent quality of thermal insulation and acoustic absorption and. AAC also have ability of pest resistant and fire. AAC is competitively and environmentally superior to traditional building ma- terials such as wood, stone, concrete and brick. When AAC is cast andmixed in structures, a few compound reactions occur that make AAC light (The AAC den- sity is 20% of cement one) and warm properties. Alu- minum powder in compound reacts with water and calcium hydroxide to produce hydrogen gas. The hy- drogen gas is created and makes the volume of the blend rise to 3mm in the surface. When the frothing procedure has finished, the hydrogen escapes from the compound and the air supplanted these position. When the compound forms are removed from the mould, they are in solid state but rather soft. They will be cut into either panels or blocks and put in a cham- ber with heat and pressure during 12 hours. The steel wires are often used to cut. During hardening pro- cess under steam pressure, the temperature will ob- tain 190 Celsius and the team pressure will be from 8 to 12 bars. Quartz sand reacts with calcium hydrox- ide to produce calcium silicate hydrate. This process gives AAC high strength and unique properties. Al- though the processing temperature is about 200o Cel- sius, AAC blocks are not classified as fired brick but a lightweight concrete masonry unit. When the auto- claving process has finished, the ACC block is imme- diately ready for use on the construction work. De- pending on processing and ratio of material, its den- sity can reach to 80% of air in an AAC block. How- ever, AAC with low density often have low compres- sion strength. The maximum load of AAC can reach to 8MPa ~1,160 PSI, it equals 50% of the compressive strength of concrete. Asmentioned above, the ACCwill be cut by steel wire with diameter of 0.5 to 0.8 millimeter. When cutting, parameters consisting of wire speed, feed rate and ten- Cite this article : Luu T T. Study on parameters on cutting AAC bywires. Sci. Tech. Dev. J. – Engineering and Technology; 4(1):730-737. 730 Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 4(1):730-737 sion will be determined to obtain the lowest rough- ness. Almost kinds of brittlematerials (including con- crete, rocks and ceramics) and wood can be sawed by using a steel wire with smooth surface1. The vibration of wire is mentioned, which the damped frequencies of the cutting wire will increase when the contact span is larger2. This problem makes the resonant change and then the roughness will increase. The pressure on the block is permanent3. As the speed of the wire in- creases, the number of cutting diamond grains in a second increases and the depth of the diamond grains into granite will decrease. The cutting efficiency will increase obviously and the cutting force decreases re- markable. This leads to the low roughness. It is said, the amplitude of vibration of the wire saw manufac- turing process needsminimizing across a spectrum of excitation frequencies to decrease the kerf loss4. The analysis of frequency spectrum says that it is very ef- fective to increase the tension of wire for reducing the vibration amplitude and kerf loss than to change the speed of the wire. When the tension of wire is in- creased, the stiffness of the system is also increased, as result of the reduction of kerf loss. The width of the cutting zone is always greater in the forward direc- tion than in the backwarddirection because the longer wire travel distance associated with the forward direc- tion5. The cutting zone width (CZW) near the wire entry region is almost always greater than that the wire exit for both cycle schemes. The CZW varies in the feed direction, the forwardmotion direction often makes the CZW bigger. That means that the cutting zonewidthwill decrease from the bottom to the top of the compound. In another reference, the wire cutting is experimented and the Taguchi method was used to select the best parameters to get a lowest roughness6. It is said that the smaller the grain size combined with a fast wire speed and low feed rate delivered a much better surface roughness. It is understood when grain size is lager, the wire speed and the feed rate is faster and with the slurry, the material removal rate is bet- ter. When the grain size is smaller, kerf width will be better. This is because when the grain size is bigger, diameter in the saw is larger. In problems of wire cutting, if the cut material is dif- ferent, the parameters will be different. However, their characteristics are almost same such as fast speed wire, increasing feed rate, wire tension, which leads to a change of roughness. In this paper, the steel wire will be used to cut AAC. Three parameters must be determined to find optimal ones. Experiments will be done with a cutting machine in which the steel wires were fixed on a steel framemoving forward and back- ward. When the parameters said above are measured, the statistical data will be found. Based on them, the optimal parameters will be shown. EXPERIMENT EQUIPMENT In the Figure 1, the structure of the cutting wire system is shown. This machine consists of a steel frame canmove forward and backward on linear bear- ings. These linear bearingsmake themovement of the frame smooth, which prevents unnecessary vibrations from affecting the cutting wire. Amotor with gearbox will make an eccentric shaft rotate. This shaft together with connecting rod will cause the steel frame move- ment. This structure is themodel of slider-crank link- age. However, if there is one steel frame, this machine will vibrate strongly. This occurs because the slider-crank linkage is difficult to balance. To reduce this vibra- tion, two steel frames are rebuilt so that they will be symmetric. Because vibration forces produced in pe- riod of the frame movement decrease, the cut surface qualify will be better. The feeder rate will be performed by a hydraulic cylin- der. The cylinder will make the steel frame go up or down. The feeder rate will be controlled by a restric- tor valve. When adjusting the restrictor, the feeder rate will change. The lifting or lowering velocity of the steel frame will represent the feeder rate. Thus, the velocity parameter is equal to the feeder rate one. The cutting wire is hung on the steel frame. When the steel frames move, they make the wires move and cut the block, Figure 2. In order to cut the block, three pa- rameters must be determined: the tension of the wire, the speed of the wire, and the lowering velocity. The tensions of wires are produced by leaf springs. There are two leaf springs fixed at two ends of wire. One end of the leaf spring is connected with the steel frame and the other with the cutting wire. The wire tension can adjust up or down by a bolt and nut. Table 1: Manufacturing condition of cutting wire Parts Material and Dimension Cutting wire Steel Diameter of wire 0.5 mm Tension strength 5 to 20 kgf Movement distance. 150 mm Swing frequency 20 to 40 Hz Lifting and lowering ve- locity 3 to 20 meter/minute. Swing frequency 20 Hz. 731 Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 4(1):730-737 Figure 1: Structure of the cutting wire system. Figure 2: Real structure of the cutting wire system. The manufacturing conditions of cutting the block is displayed inTable 1. Three parameters needing to find optimization consist of tension strength, cutting ve- locity, feeder rate. To change the tension strength, the bolts will be adjusted. The tension can change from 5 to 20 kgf. To change the cutting velocity, swing fre- quency will be adjusted by an inverter which controls a motor. Last one, the feeder rate is changed by a hy- draulic restrictor valve that raises or lowers the steel frame. EXPERIMENTMETHOD The AAC block will be produced from mixture of ce- ment, clay, sand, and hydrogen gas. This mixture is put in mould during one to two hours. This time, the blocks become soft and spongy. Then, they are sent to the cutting machine. The experiment will be made here. Three parameters will change to find the regres- sion equation. After cutting, the block is heated to 120 Celsius degrees and become hard after 1 day. The AAC block is separated into small bricks. The rough- ness will be measured by Surface Roughness Tester as shown in Figure 3. Data of the experiment consists of the inputs: ten- sion, swing frequency, lowering velocity and output: Roughness. The values of input will be showed in Ta- ble 2. From the experimental data, the diagrams of tension versus toughness are shown in the Figure 4. The re- 732 Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 4(1):730-737 Table 2: Experimental data No Tension Swing frequency (Hz) Lowering velocity (m/m) roughness (mm) 1 5 20 5 220 2 5 20 12 300 3 5 20 20 320 4 5 30 5 200 5 5 30 12 410 6 5 30 20 340 7 5 40 5 150 8 5 40 12 330 9 5 40 20 320 10 10 20 5 210 11 10 20 12 280 12 10 20 20 310 13 10 30 5 180 14 10 30 12 420 15 10 30 20 350 16 10 40 5 150 17 10 40 12 360 18 10 40 20 360 19 15 20 5 205 20 15 20 12 270 21 15 20 20 305 22 15 30 5 180 23 15 30 12 345 24 15 30 20 345 25 15 40 5 160 26 15 40 12 345 27 15 40 20 345 sults are same as that of reference1–6. When the ten- sion is increased, the stiffness of the system is also in- creased, as a result that the roughness reduces. These problems are illustrated in Figure 4. However, the ten- sion is not infinite growth. The growth of tension does not result in better surface 3. It is only sound in a gap of tension. The roughness seems not to decrease when the tension is more than 16 kgf. The damped frequencies of the system decrease slightly when the wire speed increases 4. As a result, the vibration amplitude reduces and the surface will be smoother. In other words, the roughness will de- crease. This phenomenon is explained in Figure 5. When the lowering velocity increase, the surface seemsmore terrible (Figure 6). This conclusion is said (4) that the lower wire speed is desirable in reducing the vibration of the wire. In other words, the increase of lowering speed make the wire vibrate stronger and the surface rougher. 733 Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 4(1):730-737 Figure 3: Surface roughness tester ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE (ANOVA) AND CORRELATIVE COEFFICIENT OF CUTTING PARAMETERS The ANOVA help to find out which cutting parame- ters influence the result of performance. It is done by separating the total variability of the relational grades. This work is done by the total of the squared devia- tions with the total mean of the relational grade, into contributions by each the error and cutting process parameters. This research was made on an ANOVA of data with the wire tension, the swing frequency and the lower velocity. The objective of analyzing the effective of three group data is each data group will be indepen- dent or dependent. This analysis was done for a level of significance of 5%, that means it obtain the con- fidence of 95%. The Table 3 showed that the data groups: the wire tension, the swing frequency and the lower velocity are independent of each other. In 3 data groups, the wire tension, the swing fre- quency and the lower velocity, which group plays an Figure 4: The tension versus roughness with SF: Swing frequency (Hz), LV: Lowering velocity (m/m). Figure 5: The Swing Frequency versus Roughness with T: Tension (kgf ), LV: Lowering velocity (m/m). 734 Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 4(1):730-737 Table 3: ANOVA Single factor Groups Count Sum Average Variance Tension 27 270 10 17,3 Frequency 27 810 30 69,2 Velocity 27 333 12,3 39 ANOVA Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit Between Groups 6458 2 3229 77,1 0 3,1 Within Groups 3264 78 41,8 Total 9722 80 Figure 6: The lowering velocity versus roughness with SF: Swing frequency (Hz), T: Tension (kgf ) important role, is very necessary. When operating the cutting machine, the workers can adjust few parame- ters instead of all of parameters. All parameters are only adjusted at the first time of shift. Few important parameters can be adjusted during operating time. A correlation coefficient is a numericalmethod of cor- relation, which meaning a statistical relationship be- tween two variables. The variables may be two or three groups of a given data set. It is often called a sample, or two or three components of a multivariate random variable with a known distribution. In this paper, correlation coefficient will help to select im- portant parameters for frequently adjustment. After using excel program to calculate the correlation coef- ficient, the parameter: lower speed, keep as important relation with the surface roughness. DISCUSSION AND RESULT Using the wire for cutting gives a significant method to manufacture the AAC block. To increase the sur- face quality, some parameters can be adjusted. Al- though there are about 10 parameters to influence to the surface quality, there are only threemain ones: the feed rate, the wire speed and the tension. The best pa- rameters are 5, 40, 5 of tension, swing frequency and lowering velocity respectively. However, the impor- tant parameter, speed rate, can be used frequently af- ter others are adjusted by engineers. CONCLUSION The paper introduced three important parameters in the AAC cutting machine: the wire tension, the swing frequency and the lower velocity in increas- ing the surface quality. The experiments showed that the increase of lowering speed make the wire vibrate stronger and the surface rougher. When the tension of wire is increased, the stiffness of the system is in- creased too, as a result that the roughness reduces. The vibration amplitude reduces and the surface will be smoother. However, when operating the cutting machine, the important parameter is the lower veloc- ity and workers will operate the cutting machine eas- ier with only one parameter lower velocity. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was supported by Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City under grant number c2020-20-09. 735 Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 4(1):730-737 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ANOVA: Analysis Of Variance. AAC: Autoclaved Aerated Concrete. COMPETING INTERESTS The authors guarantee that there is no conflict of in- terest in the publication of the article “Study on pa- rameters on cutting AAC by wires”. CONTRIBUTIONOF THE AUTHORS Tung T. Luu did works in this paper. REFERENCES 1. Teomete E. Effect of Process Parameters on Surface Quality for Wire Saw Cutting of Alumina Ceramic. Gcizi University Journal of Science. 2011;24:291–297. 2. Zhu L, Kao I. Galerkin-basedmodal analysis on the vibration of wire-slurry system in wafer slicing using a wire saw. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2005;283:589–620. Available from: https: // 3. Ge PQ, et al. Development of Endless Diamond Wire Saw and Sawing Experiments. Materials Science Forum. 2004;471- 472:481–484. Available from: 4. Wei S, Kao I. Vibration analysis of wire and frequency re- sponse in themodernwires awmanufacturingprocess. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2000;231:1385–1395. Available from: 5. Wu H, et al. 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Nghiên cứu những thông số cắt gạch bê tông khí chưng áp Lưu Thanh Tùng* Use your smartphone to scan this QR code and download this article TÓM TẮT Gach bê tông khí chưng áp (AAC) là sản phẩm xây dựng nhẹ, chịu tải, cách nhiệt cao, bền, được sản xuất với nhiều kích cỡ và độ bền khác nhau. Khối gạch AAC nhẹ khi so với gạch đỏ, khối AAC nhẹ hơn ba lần. Khối gạch AAC đang phát triển nhanh chóng tại Việt Nam. Khối gạch AAC có nhiều ưu điểm hơn như đúc sẵn và xây gạch dễ dàng. AAC được sản xuất từ các nguyên liệu phổ biến là vôi, cát, xi măng và nước, cùng một lượng nhỏ chất tạo khí. Sau khi đó nguyên liệu được trộn và đưa vào khuôn. Sau đó, khối gạch AAC sẽ được cắt thành gạch block bằng dây thép. Khi cắt khối gạch ACC, bề mặt gạch block phải nhẵn để không cần trát vữa. Hơn nữa, độ nhám của bề mặt phải nhỏ hơn 0,1mm để sơn tường dễ dàng. Kích thước khối gạch AAC cũng cần độ chính xác cao để bức tường sẽ thẳng khi xếp các khối gạch AAC chồng lên nhau. Tuy nhiên, trong bài báo này sẽ chỉ nghiên cứu độ nhám của bề mặt gạch vì độ nhám sẽ quyết định giá thành. Khối gạch AAC được tạo ra bằng cách sử dụng dây thép để cắt các khối AAC lớn thành các khối AAC nhỏ. Ảnh hưởng của các thông số công nghệ đến hiệu suất của quá trình cắt bằng dây thép là tốc độ dây, tốc độ tiến dao và lực căng. Mỗi thông số sẽ ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng bề mặt với những tác động khác nhau. Ngoài ra, các thông số này ảnh hưởng lẫn nhau, là nguyên nhân gây ra các vết xước trên bề mặt khối gạch AAC. Các thí nghiệm sẽ được thực hiện để đo chiều cao của độ nhám với sự thay đổi của tốc độ dây, tốc độ tiến dao và lực căng. Các thông số tốt nhất sẽ được tìm thấy, giúp sản xuất AAC có chất lượng cao hơn. Từ khoá: Gạch bê tông khí chưng áp, dây thép, độ nhấp nhô Trích dẫn bài báo này: Tùng L T.Nghiên cứu những thông số cắt gạch bê tông khí chưng áp. Sci. Tech. Dev. J. - Eng. Tech.; 4(1):730-737. 737
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