Sử dụng hoạt động nhóm để làm giảm bớt sự lo lắng của học sinh trong giờ học nói
Tóm tắt Sử dụng hoạt động nhóm để làm giảm bớt sự lo lắng của học sinh trong giờ học nói: ...y questionnaire (questionnaire 2) was done to realized what extend students‟ anxiety was reduced once the group work technique has been implemented. It was also delivered to students to check how effectively students‟ contributions in speaking lessons due to applying some useful teaching techn...e 14 40.0% From the students‟ feedback to this question, the majority of the students (more than 50% 15 out 35) requested that all students want to choose their own group when group work in progress. More than 17% of the students like working in teacher- formed grouping. Whereas, 40,0% of th...e whole class than in group or in pair. Hence, students should be encouraged to have group work or in pair work in speaking activities. Interestingly, these results were also the same with those found in the study of Osboe, S. Fujimura, T.& Hirschel, R (2007) The second research question: What...
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