Tài liệu Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh THPT - Nguyễn Đặng Hoàng Duy
Tóm tắt Tài liệu Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh THPT - Nguyễn Đặng Hoàng Duy: ...r!!! Trang 16 Ex: Very many crimes go unreported. We had so many exercises to do. There is too much salt in the soup. He hasn’t got as much patience as I thought. 2) A few, a little / few, little: (một vài, một ít / (rất) ít) - A few, a little: dùng với nghĩa xác định A few ...ish, French wooden, golden Ex: A beautiful tall thin Vietnamese girl is standing over there. 4) Tính từ dùng như danh từ: (xem thêm Bài 3, II, 5) THE + ADJ ---> NOUN the poor, the rich, the blind, the deaf, the old, the handicapped, the sick, the strong, the weak, the hungry,... Tom. (Tôi cao bằng Tom.) John works as hard as his father. (John làm việc chăm chỉ như cha của anh ấy.) 2) Câu phủ định: not as/so + adj/adv + as (không bằng/như) Ex: This watch is not as/so expensive as mine. (= my watch) (Đồng hồ này không đắt như của tôi.) Sh...
töø Nghóa Ñoäng töø Danh töø Nghóa account accountant keá toaùn employ employee ngöôøi laøm coâng Ngöõ phaùp tieáng Anh THPT Nguyeãn Ñaëng Hoaøng Duy Study, study more, study forever!!! Trang 41 act actor dieãn vieân nam fertilize fertilizer phaân boùn apply applicant ngöôøi xin vieäc inhabit inhabitant cö daân assist assistant ngöôøi phuï taù instruct instructor ngöôøi höôùng daãn attend attendant ngöôøi tham döï interview interviewee ngöôøi ñöôïc phoûng vaán beg beggar ngöôøi aên xin own owner ngöôøi chuû build builder thôï xaây pay payee ngöôøi ñöôïc traû tieàn calculate calculator maùy tính serve servant ngöôøi giuùp vieäc contest contestant ngöôøi döï thi sing singer ca só cook cooker beáp naáu aên teach teacher giaùo vieân deposit depositor ngöôøi gôûi tieàn train trainee ngöôøi ñöôïc ñaøo taïo drive driver taøi xeá walk walker ngöôøi ñi boä edit editor bieân taäp vieân work worker coâng nhaân d) N + -ist/-an/-ian/-ess ---> N Danh töø Danh töø Nghóa Danh töø Danh töø Nghóa act actress nöõ dieãn vieân music musician nhaïc só America American ngöôøi Myõ physics physicist nhaø vaät lyù history historian nhaø söû hoïc prince princess coâng chuùa host hostess baø chuû nhaø science scientist nhaø khoa hoïc journal journalist nhaø baùo tiger tigeress coïp caùi library librarian thuû thö tour tourist khaùch du lòch lion lioness sö töû caùi wait waitress nöõ haàu baøn e) N + -ism/-ship ---> N Danh töø Danh töø Nghóa Danh töø Danh töø Nghóa capital capitalism CN tö baûn hero heroism CN anh huøng champion championship chöùc voâ ñòch scholar scholarship hoïc toång friend friendship tình baïn sportsman sportsmanship tinh thaàn theå thao Ngöõ phaùp tieáng Anh THPT Nguyeãn Ñaëng Hoaøng Duy Study, study more, study forever!!! Trang 42 f) Adj + -y/-ity/-ty/-cy/-ness/-ism/-dom ---> N Tính töø Danh töø Nghóa Tính töø Danh töø Nghóa able ability khaû naêng dark darkness boùng toái certain certainty söï chaéc chaén popular popularity söï phoå bieán clear clarity söï roõ raøng careful carefulness söï caån thaän difficult difficulty khoù khaên rich richness söï giaøu coù fluent fluency söï troâi chaûy careless carelessness söï baát caån national nationality quoác tòch sad sadness söï buoàn baõ possible possibility söï coù theå ill/sick illness/sickness söï ñau yeáu real reality söï thaät cold coldness söï laïnh leõo responsible responsibility traùch nhieäm happy happiness söï haïnh phuùc stupid stupidity söï ñaàn ñoän free freedom söï töï do g) Adj taän cuøng “ent” ---> “ence” Tính töø Danh töø Nghóa Tính töø Danh töø Nghóa absent absence söï vaéng maët intelligent intelligence söï thoâng minh confident confidence söï töï tin patient patience söï kieân nhaãn diligent diligence söï sieâng naêng silent silence söï yeân laëng independent independence söï ñoäc laäp violent violence söï baïo löïc II- ÑOÄNG TÖØ: 1) Tieàn toá: a) dis-/mis-/re-/over-/under-/out- + V ---> V Ñoäng töø Nghóa Ñoäng töø Nghóa Ñoäng töø Nghóa disagree khoâng ñoàng yù outnumber nhieàu/ ñoâng hôn rewrite vieát laïi Ngöõ phaùp tieáng Anh THPT Nguyeãn Ñaëng Hoaøng Duy Study, study more, study forever!!! Trang 43 disappear bieán maát outrun chaïy nhanh hôn undercharge tính giaù quaù thaáp dislike khoâng thích outweigh naëng hôn undercook naáu chöa chín misbehave cö xöû sai overact cöôøng ñieäu underdo laøm khoâng troïn veïn misspell ñaùnh vaàn nhaàm overcook naáu quaù chín underestimate ñaùnh giaù thaáp misunderstand hieåu nhaàm overstay ôû quaù laâu underfeed cho aên khoâng ñuû misuse söû duïng sai overwork laøm vieäc quaù laâu, quaù söùc underlay ñaët ôû döôùi outgrow lôùn/phaùt trieån hôn redo laøm laïi undersell baùn reû hôn outlive soáng laâu hôn remarry keát hoân laàn nöõa undersign kyù ôû döôùi b) en- + N/V/Adj ---> V Ñoäng töø Nghóa Ñoäng töø Nghóa Ñoäng töø Nghóa enable laøm cho coù theå (laøm gì) enclose gôûi keøm enlarge môû roäng enact ban haønh (luaät) endanger gaây nguy hieåm enrich laøm giaøu 2) Haäu toá: Adj/N + -ize/-en/-ate/-fy ---> V Adj/N Ñoäng töø Nghóa Adj/N Ñoäng töø Nghóa beauty beautify laøm ñeïp origin originate baét nguoàn bright brighten laøm raïng rôõ real realize nhaän ra industrial industrialize CN hoaù sharp sharpen laøm cho saéc, nhoïn legal legalize hôïp phaùp hoaù short shorten laøm ngaén laïi less lessen giaûm bôùt tight tighten sieát chaët light lighten laøm nheï ñi weak weaken laøm yeáu ñi loose loosen laøm loûng ra white whiten laøm traéng Ngöõ phaùp tieáng Anh THPT Nguyeãn Ñaëng Hoaøng Duy Study, study more, study forever!!! Trang 44 modren modernize hieän ñaïi hoaù wide widen laøm roäng ra III- TÍNH TÖØ: 1) Tieàn toá: a) un-/in-/im-/ir-/il-/dis- + Adj ---> Adj Tính töø Nghóa Tính töø Nghóa Tính töø Nghóa dishonest khoâng trung thöïc incomplete khoâng ñaày ñuû unemployed thaát nghieäp illegal baát hôïp phaùp inconvenient baát tieän unequal khoâng bình ñaúng illogical khoâng hôïp lyù independent ñoäc laäp unhappy khoâng haïnh phuùc immature chöa chín chaén indivisible khoâng theå chia ñöôïc unlucky khoâng may impatient khoâng kieân nhaãn inexact khoâng chính xaùc unreal khoâng thaät impossible khoâng theå irregular baát qui taéc unsatisfactory khoâng haøi loøng impractical khoâng thöïc teá irresponsible voâ traùch nhieäm untrue khoâng ñuùng b) inter-/super-/under-/over-/sub- + Adj/N ---> Adj Tính töø Nghóa Tính töø Nghóa Tính töø Nghóa international quoác teá overnight quaù ñeâm supernatural sieâu nhieân overanxious quaù lo aâu overseas haûi ngoaïi supersonic sieâu aâm overconfident quaù töï tin oversized quaù côõ undercover kín,bí maät overcrowded quaù ñoâng overweight quaù caân, beùo phì underdeveloped keùm phaùt trieån overelaborate quaù tæ mæ subconscious tieàm thöùc underpaid traû thaáp quaù overjealous quaù ghen subnormal döôùi bình thöôøng underweight nheï caân, thieáu caân overjoyed quaù vui superhuman sieâu phaøm 2) Haäu toá: a) N + -ly/-like/-less/-ish/-y/-ful/-al/-ic/ ---> Adj Ngöõ phaùp tieáng Anh THPT Nguyeãn Ñaëng Hoaøng Duy Study, study more, study forever!!! Trang 45 Tính töø Nghóa Tính töø Nghóa manly coù tính caùch ñaøn oâng dusty coù buïi brotherly thuoäc veà anh em snowy coù tuyeát worldly thuoäc veà theá giôùi rainy coù möa hourly haèng giôø sandy coù caùt yearly haèng naêm dirty baån daily haèng ngaøy healthy khoeû maïnh childlike nhö con nít magical tuyeät vôøi godlike nhö thaàn thaùnh agricultural noâng nghieäp statesmanlike nhö nhaø chöùc traùch industrial coâng nghieäp lifelike gioáng nhö thaät natural thieân nhieân speechless khoâng lôøi national thuoäc quoác gia carelesss khoâng caån thaän harmful coù haïi harmless khoâng ñoäc haïi useful coù ích childless khoâng coù con delightful vui veû treeless khoâng coù caây successful thaønh coâng odourless khoâng muøi vò hopeful hi voïng foolish ñieân daïi helpful hay giuùp ñôõ selfish ích kyû peaceful hoaø bình childish coù tính caùch treû con scientific khoa hoïc b) V/N + -ive/-able/-ible ---> Adj Tính töø Nghóa Tính töø Nghóa acceptable coù theå chaáp nhaän defensible coù theå baûo veä ñöôïc achievable coù theå ñaït ñöôïc eatable coù theå aên ñöôïc active naêng ñoäng effective hieäu quaû agreeable taùn thaønh excusable coù theå tha thöù attractive haáp daãn informative coù nhieàu thoâng tin comprehensible coù theå hieåu manageable coù theå quaûn lyù countable coù theå ñeám washable coù theå giaët ñöôïc IV- TRAÏNG TÖØ: Phaàn lôùn: Adj + -ly ---> Adv (xem Baøi 10, III, 1.1) Never quit certainty for hope. Thaû moài baét boùng. Ngöõ phaùp tieáng Anh THPT Nguyeãn Ñaëng Hoaøng Duy Study, study more, study forever!!! Trang 46 Baøi 13: CHUYEÅN ÑOÅI CAÂU Caùc daïng bieán ñoåi caâu thöôøng gaëp 1) Chuû ñoäng – bò ñoäng: (xem laïi Baøi 2) 2) Tröïc tieáp – giaùn tieáp: (xem laïi Baøi 4) 3) Ñaûo ngöõ: (xem laïi Baøi 6) 4) Meänh ñeà traïng töø chæ lyù do, söï nhöôïng boä:(xem laïi Baøi 8, II, 3&7) though/although/even though + S + V ---> despite/in spite of + V-ing/N/N phrase * LÖU YÙ: BUT ---> ALTHOUGH Ex: Cars cause pollution but people still want them. ---> Although cars cause pollution, people still want them. 5) So saùnh: (xem theâm Baøi 11, so saùnh baèng/nhaát/hôn) Ex: Mary is not as tall as Alice. ---> Mary is not so tall as Alice. ---> Mary is less tall than Alice. ---> Alice is taller than Mary. 6) Ñieàu kieän: (xem laïi Baøi 5, caâu ÑK loaïi 2 vaø 3) 1.1 Khoâng coù thaät ôû hieän taïi: Ex: I’m busy. I don’t go to the concert. ---> If I were not busy, I would go to the concert. ---> Unless I were busy, I would go to the concert. 1.2 Khoâng coù thaät ôû quaù khöù: Ex: Peter missed the train because he woke up too late. ---> If Peter hadn’t woken up too late, he wouldn’t have missed the train. ---> Unless Peter had woken up too late, he wouldn’t have missed the train. 7) Ao öôùc: (xem laïi Baøi 5, caâu ao öôùc) 7.1 Khoâng coù thaät ôû hieän taïi: Ex: Tom is not happy because his girlfriend is not here. ---> Tom wishes his girlfriend were here. 1.1 Khoâng coù thaät ôû quaù khöù: Ex: I am sorry I missed your wedding party. ---> I wish I hadn’t missed your wedding party. 1.2 Khoâng coù thaät ôû töông lai: Ex: They will not attend my birthday party next week. ---> I wish they would attend my birthday party next week. Ngöõ phaùp tieáng Anh THPT Nguyeãn Ñaëng Hoaøng Duy Study, study more, study forever!!! Trang 47 8) Thueâ/nhôø ai laøm vieäc gì: (xem theâm Baøi 2, 4.2) S + V + O ---> S + have + O + V ---> S + have + O + V3/ed ---> S + get + O + to V ---> S + get + O + V3/ed Ex: The machanic repairs my car every month. ---> I have the machanic repair my car every month. ---> I get the machanic to repair my car every month. ---> I have/get my car repaired by the mechanic every month. 9) Ñeà nghò, lôøi khuyeân: Let’s + V S + advise/suggest + V-ing How/What about + V-ing? S + advise + O + to V Would you mind + V-ing? S + suggest (that) + S (+ should) + V Why don’t we/you + V? Ex: Let’s go for a ride! ---> What about going for a ride? Please don’t play the music so loudly. ---> Would you mind not playing the music so loudly? 10) Nguyeân nhaân – keát quaû: so + adj/adv + that clause such (a/an) + adj + N + that clause too + adj/adv (+ for O) + to + V not + adj + enough (+ for O) + to + V Ex: The water was so cold that the children couldn’t swim in it. ---> It was such cold water that the children couldn’t swim in it. ---> The water was too cold for the children to swim in. ---> The water is not warm enough for the children to swim in. * LÖU YÙ: - Trong caáu truùc so/such that, ta giöõ laïi töø “it”. - Trong caáu truùc too to vaø not enough to, ta boû töø “it”. 11) Muïc ñích/nguyeân nhaân: S + V + to/in order to/so as to + V S + V + so that/in order that + S + can/could + V S + V + because + S + V Ex: They started early to go to school on time. ---> They started early so that they could go to school on time. ---> They started early because they wanted to go to school on time. Ngöõ phaùp tieáng Anh THPT Nguyeãn Ñaëng Hoaøng Duy Study, study more, study forever!!! Trang 48 12) Laàn thöù (laøm chuyeän gì): S + have/had + never + V3/ed S + have/had + not + V3/ed + before ---> It/This is/was the first time (that) + S + have/had + V3/ed Ex: I have not eaten this kind of food before. ---> This is the first time that I have eaten this kind of food. 13) YÙ kieán/ñaùnh giaù moät söï vieäc: It + be + adj (for O) + to V ---> To V/V-ing + be + adj (for O) Ex: It is not easy for me to master English. ---> To master/Mastering English is not easy for me. It is more dangerous to drive a motorbike than to drive a car. ---> To drive a motorbike is more dangerous than to drive a car. ---> Driving a motorbike is more dangerous than driving a car. 14) Maát (thôøi gian) laøm vieäc gì: S + spend + time + V-ing hoaëc S + last + time ---> It + takes/took + O + time + to V Ex: He spent 15 minutes finishing this exercise. ---> It took him 15 minutes to finish this exercise. The flight to Hong Kong lasts about 8 hours. ---> It takes about 8 hours to fly to Hong Kong. 15) Thoùi quen hieän taïi vaø trong quaù khöù: S + often/usually + V S + find + it + adj + to V ---> S + be used to + V-ing Ex: They usually drink beer. ---> They are used to drinking beer. I don’t find it difficult to get up early. ---> I am used to getting up early. S + used to + V ---> S + no longer + V = S + not any more/any longer Ex: He used to smoke cigarettes. ---> He no longer smokes cigarettes. ---> He doesn’t smoke cigarettes any more / any longer. * LÖU YÙ: be used to + V/ be used for + V-ing: coâng duïng moät vaät Ngöõ phaùp tieáng Anh THPT Nguyeãn Ñaëng Hoaøng Duy Study, study more, study forever!!! Trang 49 Ex: What is money used for? ---> It is used to buy or sell goods. ---> It is used for buying or selling goods. You are never too old to learn. Hoïc khoâng bao giôø muoän. PHUÏ LUÏC 1: ÑOÄNG TÖØ BAÁT QUY TAÉC THÖÔØNG GAËP Hieän taïi Quaù khöù QK PT Nghóa am/is/are was/were been thì, laø, ôû arise Arose arisen xuaát hieän bear Bore borne sinh ra beat Beat beaten ñaùnh, ñaäp become Became become trôû neân begin Began begun baét ñaàu bend Bent bent cuùi, gaäp bet Bet bet ñaùnh cuoäc bite Bit bitten caén bleed Bled bled chaûy maùu blow Blew blown thoåi break Broke broken laøm vôõ breed Bred bred nuoâi bring Brought brought mang build Built built xaây döïng burn* Burnt burnt ñoát chaùy burst Burst burst böøng chaùy buy bought bought mua catch Caught caught baét ñöôïc choose Chose chosen choïn löïa come Came come ñeán cost Cost cost trò giaù creep Crept crept boø cut Cut cut caét dig Dug dug ñaøo do Did done laøm Ngöõ phaùp tieáng Anh THPT Nguyeãn Ñaëng Hoaøng Duy Study, study more, study forever!!! Trang 50 draw Drew drawn veõ dream* Dreamt dreamt mô drink Drank drunk uoáng drive Drove driven laùi xe eat ate eaten aên fall Fell fallen teù xuoáng feed Fed fed cho aên feel Felt felt caûm thaáy fight fought fought ñaùnh nhau find Found found tìm thaáy fit Fit fit vöøa vaën fly Flew flown bay forecast Forecast forecast döï baùo forget Forgot forgot(ten) queân forgive Forgave forgiven tha thöù freeze Froze frozen ñoâng laïnh get Got got(ten) ñaït ñöôïc give Gave given cho go Went gone ñi grind Ground ground nghieàn grow Grew grown moïc hang Hung hung treo have Had had coù; duøng hear Heard heard nghe hide Hid hidden che giaáu hit Hit hit ñuïng hold Held held caàm,naém,toå chöùc hurt hurt hurt laøm ñau keep Kept kept giöõ know Knew known bieát lay Laid laid ñaët, ñeå lead Led led daãn daét learn* Learnt learnt hoïc leave left left rôøi khoûi lend Lent lent cho möôïn let Let let ñeå cho lose Lost lost ñaùnh maát Ngöõ phaùp tieáng Anh THPT Nguyeãn Ñaëng Hoaøng Duy Study, study more, study forever!!! Trang 51 make Made made laøm mean Meant meant nghóa laø meet Met met gaëp overcome overcame overcome vöôït qua pay Paid paid traû tieàn put Put put ñaët, ñeå quit Quit quit thoaùt ra read Read read ñoïc ride Rode ridden cöôõi, ñaïp xe ring Rang rung reo, rung rise Rose risen nhoâ,moäc leân run Ran run chaïy say Said said noùi seek Sought sought tìm kieám sell Sold sold baùn send Sent sent göûi ñi set Set set xeáp ñaët shake Shook shaken laéc shoot Shot shot baén shut Shut shut ñoùng laïi sing Sang sung haùt sink Sank sunk chìm, ñaém sit Sat sat ngoài sleep Slept slept nguû slide Slid slid tröôït ñi smell* Smelt smelt ngöûi speak Spoke spoken noùi speed Sped sped taêng toác spell Spelt spelt ñaùnh vaàn spend Spent spent tieâu xaøi spill Spilt spilt traøn ra spread Spread spread lan truyeàn stand Stood stood ñöùng sting Stung stung chích, ñoát strike Struck struck ñaùnh swear Swore sworn theà sweep Swept swept queùt Ngöõ phaùp tieáng Anh THPT Nguyeãn Ñaëng Hoaøng Duy Study, study more, study forever!!! Trang 52 swim Swam swum bôi, loäi swing Swung swung ñaùnh ñu take Took taken caàm, naém teach Taught taught daïy tear Tore torn xeù raùch tell told told baûo, keå think Thought thought suy nghó throw Threw thrown neùm thrust Thrust thrust aán maïnh understand understood understood hieåu wake Woke woken ñaùnh thöùc wear Wore worn maëc, ñoäi weave Wove woven deät weep Wept wept khoùc wet Wet wet laøm öôùt win Won won thaéng write Wrote written vieát * Coù theå theâm “ed” ñeå thaønh laäp V2/3. ☺ Chuùc caùc em thaønh coâng!!!ù ù øù ù øù ù ø Haõy vaøo õ øõ øõ ø ñeå tham khaûo å ûå ûå û theâm taøi lieäu hoïc taäp tieáng Anh.â ø ä ï ä áâ ø ä ï ä áâ ø ä ï ä á Ngöõ phaùp tieáng Anh THPT Nguyeãn Ñaëng Hoaøng Duy Study, study more, study forever!!! Trang 53 MUÏC LUÏC Trang BAØI 1: THÌ CUÛA ÑOÄNG TÖØ ............................................................................ 1 BAØI 2: THEÅ THUÏ ÑOÄNG.................................................................................. 7 BAØI 3: SÖÏ HOAØ HÔÏP GIÖÕA CHUÛ TÖØ VAØ ÑOÄNG TÖØ.................................... 9 BAØI 4: CAÂU NOÙI TRÖÏC TIEÁP VAØ GIAÙN TIEÁP ........................................... 11 BAØI 5: CAÂU ÑIEÀU KIEÄN VAØ CAÂU AO ÖÔÙC .............................................. 13 BAØI 6: SÖÏ ÑAÛO NGÖÕ ..................................................................................... 14 BAØI 7: TÖØ ÑÒNH LÖÔÏNG .............................................................................. 15 BAØI 8: MEÄNH ÑEÀ TÍNH TÖØ VAØ MEÄNH ÑEÀ TRAÏNG TÖØ ......................... 17 BAØI 9: DANH ÑOÄNG TÖØ VAØ ÑOÄNG TÖØ NGUYEÂN MAÃU COÙ “TO” ........ 22 BAØI 10: TÖØ LOAÏI ........................................................................................... 23 BAØI 11: SO SAÙNH TÍNH TÖØ VAØ TRAÏNG TÖØ .............................................. 36 BAØI 12: CAÙCH THAØNH LAÄP TÖØ .................................................................. 39 BAØI 13: CHUYEÅN ÑOÅI CAÂU ........................................................................ 46 PHUÏ LUÏC: ÑOÄNG TÖØ BAÁT QUY TAÉC THÖÔØNG GAËP ............................. 49 TAØI LIEÄU THAM KHAÛO 1. John Eastwood, OXFORD GUIDE TO ENGLISH GRAMMAR, Oxford University Press, 1994 2. Raymond Murphy, ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN USE, Cambridge University Press, 2000 3. Haø Vaên Böûu, NHÖÕNG MAÃU CAÂU TIEÁNG ANH, NXB TP. HCM, 1998 4. Mai Lan Höông – Nguyeãn Thanh Loan, NGÖÕ PHAÙP TIEÁNG ANH, NXB Treû, 2003 5. Thaùi Hoaøng Nguyeân – Ñoã Vaên Thaûo, BAØI TAÄP NGÖÕ PHAÙP TIEÁNG ANH NAÂNG CAO, NXB Giaùo duïc, 2003 6. Nguyeãn Vaên Thoï – Huyønh Kim Tuaán, BAØI TAÄP LUYEÄN TIEÁNG ANH THPT: NGÖÕ PHAÙP, NXB Giaùo duïc, 2005 7. Leâ Duõng, NGÖÕ PHAÙP TIEÁNG ANH CAÊN BAÛN, NXB Giaùo duïc, 2006 8. Leâ Duõng, NGÖÕ PHAÙP TIEÁNG ANH NAÂNG CAO, NXB Giaùo duïc, 2000 9. Vónh Khueâ – Traàn Vaên Nhaân, CHUYEÂN ÑEÀ BOÀI DÖÔÕNG ENGLISH 12, NXB Ñoàng Nai, 1997 10. Song Phuùc – Leâ Nguyeãn Minh Thoï, BÍ QUYEÁT LAØM BAØI TAÄP CHUYEÅN ÑOÅI CAÁU TRUÙC CAÂU TRONG TIEÁNH ANH, NXB Giaùo duïc, 2004
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