Thuật ngữ bảo hiểm phần 5
Tom tat Thuat ngu bao hiem phan 5: ...h 3 loai co ban: Vuot muc boi thuong (Excess of Loss), Ton that tham hoa (Catastrophe Loss), va Tai bao hiem ton that co gioi han (Stop Loss). Xem them Reinsurance. Automatic Premium Loan Provision Dieu khoan vay phi tu dong Mot dieu khoan trong don bao hiem nhan tho. Neu het thoi han uu d...thuc hien trach nhiem tai chinh. Hanh khach chi nen di xe co bao hiem trach nhiem cua chu xe. Automobile Physical Damage Insurance Bao hiem thiet hai vat chat xe co gioi Bao hiem truong hop xe oto cua nguoi duoc bao hiem bi hu hong, pha huy hoac mat do chay, mat cap, pha hoai, hanh dong ac...compensation insurance). Xem them Workers Compensation Benefits. Average, Particular 80 Xem Particular Average Aviation Accident Insurance Bao hiem tai nan hang khong Don bao hiem nhan tho (ca nhan hoac nhom) bao hiem cho hanh khach tren nhung chuyen bay dan dung thuong ky. Xem them ...
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