A homogenization model for concrete creep
Tóm tắt A homogenization model for concrete creep: ... (5) where ( )σ t is the stress tensor and 1 is the second-order identity tensor. This procedure is referred to as correspondence principle [10]. The expressions of mk and m are obtained from (2) as 0 1 ( ) 1/ N m m m i m i i s k s k k s = = + + , 0 1 ( ) 1/ N m m m i ...tion the parameters of the damage evolution law are taken to be constant, which implies that they can be identified on a classical (static) compression test. This constitutes then the first step of the characterization procedure of the parameters. The following values are retained for the ma...Trường Đại học Giao thông vận tải -740- Reference source not found., that the magnitude of the strains increases for higher porosity values. This feature results largely from the decrease of the mechanical properties, and also from the time-dependant damage propagation (see below). From th...
roots of Eqs. (11). From these relations, the expressions of ( )homMTk t and ( ) hom MT t are easily delivered by applying (10): ( )hom 0 1 k k i t N M MT i i k k k et + − = = + , ( )hom 0 1 i t N M MT i i et + − = = + (13) with ik and i the moduli associated with the relaxation times k i and i . As already reported (see e.g. [11,12]), we observe that the number of relaxation times defining the macroscale behavior is higher than that at microscale, indicating an enrichment of the relaxation spectra due to the homogenization procedure. It should be pointed out that the above exact analytical formulation of the inverse LC problem has been obtained in [40] in the case of two-phase matrix/inclusion microstructures and by applying the MT scheme. Thus, the proposed procedure may be viewed as a generalization to viscoelastic multiphase materials of the MT scheme. Note also that the rather simple expressions in Eqs. (12)-(13) relate mainly to the microstructure with spherical inclusions and to the use of the MT scheme. However, it is shown in [42] that exact results can also be obtained for the microstructure with ellipsoidal inclusions in the limiting cases of penny-like and needle-like shapes. The more general case of ellipsoidal shapes with variable aspect ratio is currently under investigation. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 3.1 Simulation results We detail in this section the procedure adopted for identifying the parameters of the viscodamage model. As explained above, for simplification the parameters of the damage evolution law are taken to be constant, which implies that they can be identified on a classical (static) compression test. This constitutes then the first step of the characterization procedure of the parameters. The following values are retained for the material as they provide a classical form of stress-strain curve in the case of a compression uniaxial test: 0 8cA .= and 439cB = [42]. The second step is to identify the microscopic viscoelastic creep parameters. These parameters are adjusted on the macroscopic experimental strains (both longitudinal and transversal) by applying the standard least-square method to minimize the differences between numerical results and test data. To reduce the domain of identification for the relaxation times 1τ m and 2τ m , we have chosen to limit its values such that they correspond to the test duration, i.e. inferior to 40 days. Further, we propose to fix 1τ m and to carry out the identification over the other parameters such as 2τ m , and then to repeat this procedure for increasing values of 1τ m . The first value of 1τ m is set to 1 day, and the subsequent ones are incremented by 1 day. The parameters retained correspond to the minimal overall error calculated between the simulated and experimental results and in the sense of the least- squared method. This identification process has been carried out with the aid of the Matlab software. Hội nghị Khoa học công nghệ lần thứ XXII Trường Đại học Giao thông vận tải -737- The resulting model is implemented in the finite element code Cast3M developed at CEA [49]. The Figure 13 shows the longitudinal and transversal total strains obtained numerically (curves) and experimentally (symbols, [48]). Since the parameters have been identified on these data, we observe a good concordance between both results. This also indicates that the number of chains in the microscopic Maxwell models is sufficient for characterizing the material on the duration of the tests. The Figure 14 reports the evolution of the Poisson’s ratio obtained from Eq. (1) involving both longitudinal and transversal measured total strains. We observe that the experimental Poisson’s ratio rapidly decreases from about 0.24 to 0.19 the first 4-5 days, then much more slowly to reach the value of 0.175 at the end of the test (42 days). This evolution confirms the need of different time functions for the macroscopic bulk and shear moduli. Figure 13: numerical (curves) and experimental (symbols, [48]) evolutions of longitudinal and transversal total strains. This progressive damage growth is in fact a consequence of the time-dependency of the Poisson’s ratio or equivalently of the non-proportionality between the evolutions of longitudinal and transversal strains. According to Figure 13 and Figure 15, in this simulation case the creep strains originate essentially from the viscoelastic nature of the mechanical parameters, and to a lesser extent from the damage evolutions. Another remark is that, even for the moderate and widely used creep compressive loading level of nearly 30% of the material strength, a non-negligible damage appears instantaneously, i.e. in static condition. It seems that this damage is often disregarded in the identification procedure of most models. Finally, it appears that for such loading condition and generalized Maxwell models, damage stabilizes, as well as total and pseudo-strains, at constant values for times going to infinity. Time (days) T o ta l st ra in s (- ) Hội nghị Khoa học công nghệ lần thứ XXII Trường Đại học Giao thông vận tải -738- Figure 14: evolutions of the Poisson’s ratio calculated from the experimental total strains of Figure 13. In Figure 15 are plotted the damage evolutions calculated with the model during the creep test. The variations range from about 0.18 at 0t = to 0.22 at 42 days, indicating that damage initiates instantaneously due to the application of the loading, and then propagates moderately during the test. Figure 15: calculated evolutions of the damage variable during the creep test. 3.2 Discussions We examine and detail in this section the response of the model for different configurations of the material microstructure, in terms of strains, damage and mechanical properties evolutions during a creep test. We choose to analyze the effects of a variation of pore volume fraction in the simulation of the creep test as previously presented. In order to simplify the analyses and due to a lack of experimental data, the Hội nghị Khoa học công nghệ lần thứ XXII Trường Đại học Giao thông vận tải -739- damage parameters are kept unchanged for all the configurations. This is clearly a strong hypothesis which would deserve further investigations, because each material is expected to have a specific damage evolution law, as a function of the pseudo-strains. In addition to the initial porosity of the material 0 42. = , two different and well separated values have been considered: 0 20. = and 0 60. = . The lower one can be viewed as typical of a high performance cement paste, whereas the greater one is characteristic of severely degraded (i.e. by leaching) cement pastes (e.g. [50]). It should be noticed that the value 0 60. = is retained mainly in a demonstrative and ‘academic’ purpose, since in practice it is doubtful that such material composition would be realistic. Indeed even for a strongly degraded material, the remaining part of the solid phase (matrix) would probably have a behavior different from the initial one, due to the effects of the degradation phenomena. Moreover, the high particle volume fraction of 60% is out of the traditionally accepted validity range of the MT scheme (see e.g. [51]). Considering that all the other model parameters are conserved, the microstructures then differ only by the volume fraction of their constituents (i.e. matrix and pores), whose respective behavior is the same. Error! Reference source not found. shows the evolutions of both bulk and shear moduli for the 3 configurations when subjected to a creep loading (recall that the overall moduli are independent of the loading), and we clearly notice that these parameters are as expected strongly affected by . For all cases, both moduli decrease rapidly the first 3-4 days, then much more progressively. Time (days) Time (days) S h ea r m o d u lu s (P a ) B u lk m o d u lu s (P a ) = 60% = 42% = 20% = 60% = 42% = 20% Figure 16: numerical evolutions of bulk (left) and shear (right) moduli for different volume fractions of porosity . We examine now the damage response of the model to the creep tests while considering the same compressive loading for the 3 microstructures. Time (days) Time (days) T ra n sv er sa l st ra in s (- ) = 60% = 42% = 20% L o n g it u d in a l st ra in s (- ) = 60% = 42% = 20% Figure 17 presents the evolutions of both longitudinal (left) and transversal (right) total strains simulated for the 3 porosities. We observe, as anticipated from Error! Hội nghị Khoa học công nghệ lần thứ XXII Trường Đại học Giao thông vận tải -740- Reference source not found., that the magnitude of the strains increases for higher porosity values. This feature results largely from the decrease of the mechanical properties, and also from the time-dependant damage propagation (see below). From this viewpoint it is instructive to examine the time evolutions of the pseudo-strains corresponding to the studied cases, as they govern the damage growth. Time (days) Time (days) T ra n sv er sa l st ra in s (- ) = 60% = 42% = 20% L o n g it u d in a l st ra in s (- ) = 60% = 42% = 20% Figure 17: numerical evolutions of longitudinal (left) and transversal (right) total strains for different volume fractions of porosity . Time (days) Time (days) T ra n sv er sa l st ra in s (- ) L o n g it u d in a l st ra in s (- ) Figure 18 presents the longitudinal (left) and transversal (right) total strains obtained for the 3 cases. We remark that, although the increase of applied loading is relatively small when comparing the different cases, the strains vary significantly. The rupture happens at about 41, 29 and 17 days for the loads equal to 83, 84 and 85% of cf , respectively. After a rapid increase in magnitude the first 5 days followed by a more progressive evolution, the strain curves shape exhibits an inflection point which marks the onset of a quick rise leading to the overall fracture. This rupture happens suddenly as an unstable process. Hội nghị Khoa học công nghệ lần thứ XXII Trường Đại học Giao thông vận tải -741- Time (days) Time (days) T ra n sv er sa l st ra in s (- ) L o n g it u d in a l st ra in s (- ) Figure 18: numerical evolutions of longitudinal (left) and transversal (right) total strains for different values of compressive creep loading. 4. CONCLUSION We have presented in this study a creep model for concrete. The viscoelastic model results from a homogenization procedure, where the MT scheme is applied in the LC space to estimate the evolutions of the linear viscoelastic bulk and shear moduli of the material. This procedure relies on the material representation as a composite consisting of spherical elastic inclusions (aggregates and/or voids) embedded in a linear viscoelastic matrix whose behavior is assumed to be ruled by a generalized Maxwell model. One key feature of the model is that analytical expressions of the time-dependant effective mechanical properties are derived in the time space as a function of the properties of the components, and that these expressions are exact in some simple cases. The model is then applied to the simulation of classical creep tests performed on cement paste specimens, for which accurate experimental data are available in the literature. For simplicity, the cement paste is represented as a viscoelastic matrix spherical voids, which is described by a 3-chain generalized Maxwell model. A good agreement is obtained between experimental and numerical results of creep strains upon an adequate identification of the model parameters. A study in progress takes advantage of the viscoelastic multi-scale model to investigate the effects of the shape and volume fraction of the aggregates and pores on the macroscopic properties of the material. REFERENCES [1] R.A. 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