A study on detection techniques for downlink in multi-carrier cdma system
Tóm tắt A study on detection techniques for downlink in multi-carrier cdma system: ...-CDMA system in downlink can be given as 18 NGUYEN NGOC TIEN, NGUYEN VIET KINH, SEONG RAG KIM S = Cd (2) where S = [s1, s2, ..., sNc ] T is a Nc × 1 vector containing the transmitted data symbol per sub-carrier. In this investigations, frequency non-selective Rayleigh fading per sub-carrier a...rrier are given as Gn = R −1 n pn = EcarrierH ∗ n Ecarrier ( |Hn|2 + 1 γc ) = H∗n( |Hn|2 + 1 γc ) (18) where γc is the SNR per sub-carrier and relates to the SNR per symbol γb = Kγc L . Then the optimal coefficients of the equalizer are equal to Gn = H∗n |Hn|2 + L K 1 γb...n equalizer, the performance of the system is very bad. Even in the case MRC equalizer is presented, the performance is still not good enough for practical use. The loss of orthogonality of the WH codes is heightened in the receiver when applying MRC. The ORC, zero-forcing equalization restores t...
OFDM symbol ([16]). The complex channel fading coefficients are supposed to be independent for each sub-carrier and constant during the transmission of each OFDM symbol. Under the above assumptions, the IFFT and guard interval insertion block, the Rayleigh fading channel along with the FFT and guard interval removal block are considered as an equivalent frequency channel, as illustrated in Figure 1. At the receiver the guard interval is removed and the inverse OFDM operation is performed. Then, the received signals can be expressed as r = [r1, r2, ..., rNc ] T =HS +N =HCd +N (3) where H is a Nc × Nc diagonal matrix containing the complex channel attenuation of each sub-carrier H = H1 0 · · · 0 0 H2 · · · 0 ... ... ... ... 0 0 · · · HNc (4) and N = [N1, N2, ..., NNc ] T is Nc × 1 vector of Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) components with Nn representing the noise at the sub-carrier n th which has variance σ2n = E[|Nn| 2], n = 1, 2, ..., Nc. 3. EQUALIZATION TECHNIQUES Detectors for MC-CDMA can be classified into the two basic categories: Single User De- tection and Multi-User Detection. 3.1. Single user detection (SUD) In the first category, the receiver has knowledge of spreading code employed by the user of interest only, which means that it has no knowledge of the spreading codes employed by other users. Interference from other users is assimilated to additive channel noise and no attempt is made to compensate for it. In SISO MC-CDMA mobile radio system, SUD is realized by one tap equalization to compensate for the distortion due to fading on each sub-carrier, followed by using specific despreading. After equalization the receiver signal can be written as Y = [y1, y2, ..., yNc ] T =Gr =GHCd +GN (5) The estimated symbol of the kth user is equal to: Q(d˜k) = Q(c ∗ k,nGnrn) (6) A STUDY ON DETECTION TECHNIQUES FOR DOWNLINK 19 where Q(.) denotes quantization operation. The Nc×Nc matrixG contains complex equaliza- tion coefficients obtained from channel estimation, which can be known through transmitted pilot symbols inserted between the OFDM signals. In the sequel, we will describe different basic equalization techniques of this category in details. 3.1.1. Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC) This technique corrects the phase shift by multiplying the receiver signal with the conjugate complex channel coefficient Gn = H ∗ n (7) where (.)∗ denotes complex conjugation, and Hn(n = 1, 2, ..., Nc) are the diagonal components of H. The drawback of MRC in the downlink of SISO MC-CDMA system is that it destroys the orthogonality between spreading codes and thus, additionally enhances the multiple access interference ([12]). 3.1.2. Equal Gain Combining (EGC) EGC, also called phase equalization, compensates only for the phase rotation caused by the channel by choosing the equalization coefficient as Gn = H∗n |Hn| (8) EGC is the simplest single user detection techniques, since it only needs information about the phase of the channel. 3.1.3. Orthogonal Restoring Combining (ORC) ORC inverses the channel transfer function and can eliminate multiple access interference by restoring the orthogonality between the users with an equalization coefficient chosen as Gn = 1 Hn (9) In the literature, ORC is also called Zeros-Forcing (ZF). The drawback of ZF equalization is that for small amplitudes of Hn the equalizer enhances noise Nn in such a way that the signal to noise ratios γc (the average SNR per carrier at the input of the data detector γc = E [|sn| 2] σ2n = Ecarrier σ2n ) may reduce to zero on some sub-carriers. 3.1.4. Minimum mean square error combining (MMSEC) Equalization according to the MMSE criterion minimizes the mean square value of the error εn between the signal Sn transmitted on sub-carrier n th and the assigned output yn of the equalizer. εn = sn −Gnrn (10) The mean square error is Gn = min Gn E[|εn| 2] (11) The receiver signal at nth sub-carrier is: 20 NGUYEN NGOC TIEN, NGUYEN VIET KINH, SEONG RAG KIM rn = K∑ k=1 Hnck,ndk +Nn = Hnsn +Nn (12) where sn = ∑K k=1 ck,ndk and sˆn = yn = Gnrn are the transmitted signal on n th sub-carrier and receiver signal after equalizer, respectively. According to the Wiener - Hopf equation, the equalization coefficient matrix Gn is equal to Gn = R −1 n pn (13) where R−1n is the autocorrelation of the received signal rn and pn is the cross-correlation signal between the desired signal on nth sub-carrier sn and the received signal rn. Rn = E [rnr ∗ n] = E [( K∑ k=1 Hnck,ndk +Nn )( K∑ k=1 H∗nck,nd ∗ k +N ∗ n )] = K∑ k=1 Echip|Hn| 2 + σ2n = KEchip|Hn| 2 + σ2n = Ecarrier|Hn| 2 + σ2n = Ecarrier ( |Hn| 2 + 1 γc ) (14) or Rn = K L Eb|Hn| 2 + σ2n (15) pn = E [r ∗ nsn] = E [( K∑ k=1 Hnck,ndk +Nn ) ∗ ( K∑ k=1 ck,ndk )] = KEchipH ∗ n = EcarrierH ∗ n pn = EcarrierH ∗ n (16) where |ck,n| 2 = 1 L ; E [|dkd ∗ k| 2] = Eb; Ecarrier, Echip and Eb are the energy per sub-carrier; the energy per chip and the energy per symbol before spreading, respectively, the relation between them is given by Echip = 1 L Eb, and Ecarrier = KEchip = K L Eb (17) The equalization coefficient based on MMSE criterion applied independently per carrier are given as Gn = R −1 n pn = EcarrierH ∗ n Ecarrier ( |Hn|2 + 1 γc ) = H∗n( |Hn|2 + 1 γc ) (18) where γc is the SNR per sub-carrier and relates to the SNR per symbol γb = Kγc L . Then the optimal coefficients of the equalizer are equal to Gn = H∗n |Hn|2 + L K 1 γb (19) When the system has only one user, the equalization coefficient matrix Gn is equal to Gn = H∗n |Hn|2 + L γb = H∗n |Hn|2 + 1 γchip (20) A STUDY ON DETECTION TECHNIQUES FOR DOWNLINK 21 and when the system is full load (K = L), the formula (19) becomes the formula (18). And then the estimated data symbol of the user kth is d˜k = c ∗ k,nGnrn = Nc∑ n=1 c∗k,nH ∗ n |Hn|2 + L K 1 γb rn (21) The MMSEC equalization corrects the phase shift and the attenuation of the channel fading, taking into account the number of active users K and the present signal to noise ratio. For all these basic techniques, the matrix G is diagonal and the receiver sequence is equal- ized by using a bank of Nc adaptive one tap equalizers. This means that the complexity of the equalizer is low. Among all the SUD techniques, the MMSEC equalization per sub-carrier can offers the best results. However, MMSEC equalization per carrier method is still not optimal because it does not take into account the despreading process and thus does not minimize the mean square error at the input of the threshold detector. Thus, to this end, we analyze an improved method base on the linear MMSE per user (MMSE MUD) technique to detect multi-user interference. 3.2. Multi-user detection (MUD) In this section we introduce MinimumMean Square Error MUD equalization method which belongs to the second category of MC-CDMA detector. The basic idea of MMSE MUD is to minimize the mean square error between transmitted data symbol dk and the estimated data symbol dˆk. dˆk =W H k r (22) where W k = [w 1 k, w 2 k, ..., w Nc k ] T is the optimal weighting vector. We have min W k E [|dk −W H k r| 2] (23) Applying to the Wiener-Hopf equation, the optimal weighting vector is equal to W k = Rrr −1prd (24) whereRrr is the autocorrelation matrix of the received vector r and prd is the cross-correlation vector between the desired symbol, dk and the receiver vector r. Rrr is given by Rrr = E [rr H ] = E [(HCd +N )(HCd +N )H ] = E [HCddHCHHH ] +E [NNH ] =HCE [ddH ]CHHH + σ2nINc×Nc (25) prd = E [d ∗ kr] = E [d ∗ k(HCd +N )] =HCE[d ∗ kd] = E [|dk| 2]HCk prd = E [|dk| 2] H1 0 · · · 0 0 H2 · · · 0 ... ... ... ... 0 0 · · · HN ck,1 ck,2 ... ck,Nc = E [|dk|2] ck,1H1 ck,2H2 ... ck,NcHNc (26) Since the user signals have the same power and are independent, we can haveE [|dk| 2] = Eb and E [ddH ] = EbU , where U = {uik} is the diagonal matrix with the term ukk = 1, if the user k is active, and ukk = 0 if the user k is inactive. 22 NGUYEN NGOC TIEN, NGUYEN VIET KINH, SEONG RAG KIM WHk =H HCHk (HCUC HHH + σ2n Eb INc×Nc) −1 (27) The optimal weighting vector can be expressed as WHk = C H k G (28) Hence, the equalization coefficient matrix of the MMSE MUD per user is equal to: G =HH(HCUCHHH + σ2n Eb INc×Nc) −1 (29) When the system is full load (K = L), the quantity CUCH is equal to the identity matrix and the equalization coefficient matrixG is a diagonal matrix with the nth sub-carrier equalization coefficient is calculated by equation (18). On the other hand, in the non full load case (K < L), the equalization coefficient matrix G is no longer diagonal. In the special case, with K = 1, the U is given by 11T , where 1 is a L-by-1 vector with all the entries equal to one, and the autocorrelation matrix Rrr becomes Rrr = EbHCk11 TCHk H H + σ2nINe×Ne (30) The cross-correlation vector is pk = EbHCk1 (31) Defining xk = HCk1 and using matrix inversion lemma, the optimal weighting vector is equal to W k = R −1 k pk = Eb σ2n ( I− γb 1 + γb‖xk‖2 xkx H k ) xk = Eb σ2n ( xk− γb‖xk‖ 2 1 + γb‖xk‖2 xk ) = ( γb 1 + γb‖xk‖2 ) xk Then the optimal weighting vector can be expressed as WHk,n = γbc ∗ k,nH ∗ n 1 + γb L∑ l=1 |Hn| 2|ck,n| 2 = c∗k,nH ∗ n 1 L L∑ l=1 |Hn| 2|+ 1 γb (32) Comparing equations (32) and (20), we observe that there is difference between the equal- ization coefficient of the MMSEC technique and that of the MMSE MUD one. As confirmed by simulation results due to that difference, the MMSE MUD offers better BER performance than the MMSEC when the system has only one active user. From equation (27), if we want to implement the MMSE MUD algorithm we must know H and U . Furthermore, the inversion of HCUCHHH + σ2n Eb INc×Nc matrix may be a time consuming operation, particularly for large length L of codes. 4. SIMULATION RESULTS 4.1. Performance comparison of the detection techniques The following results are obtained using Monte Carlo simulations Matlab code. In Figure 2, 3 and 4 the graph of BER versus SNR in dB of the MC-CDMA system of MRC, EGC, ORC and MMSEC equalizations with different number of active users are shown. The simulations A STUDY ON DETECTION TECHNIQUES FOR DOWNLINK 23 were performed without channel coding and interleaving. Each of the independent sub-carrier is QPSKmodulated at the transmitter and then multiplied by an uncorrelated Rayleigh fading. We assume that the estimation of the frequency channel response for each sub-carrier is correct and the channel matrix H is perfectly known to the receiver, and therefore, it is possible to calculate the optimum weights by a direct matrix inversion operation. Figure 2 shows the performance of a full-load system where the number of active users is equal to the length of the WH codes, K = L = 64, (maximum user capacity). Without using an equalizer, the performance of the system is very bad. Even in the case MRC equalizer is presented, the performance is still not good enough for practical use. The loss of orthogonality of the WH codes is heightened in the receiver when applying MRC. The ORC, zero-forcing equalization restores the orthogonality between the user signals and avoids MAI. However, it introduces noise application which is especially high at low SNRs. EGC avoids noise appli- cation but does not counteract the MAI caused by the loss of the orthogonality between the user signals, resulting in a high error floor. The single user detection based on minimum mean square error per carrier equalization offers good results. The matched filter (MF) bound is also given for reference. The MMSEC technique outperforms the other techniques because it avoids an excessive noise application for low signal to noise ratios, while keeping the orthogonality among users for large SNRs. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 10 -6 10 -5 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 SNR (dB) B E R K=L=64 and Nc=64 (Full load system) No Equalizer MRC Combining ORC Combining EGC Combining MMSEC/carrier MMSE MUD/user MF MMSEC and MMSE MUD is coincident Figure 2. Different detection performance for K = L = Nc = 64 (full load system) in the MC-CDMA 4.2. The relationship between MMSE MUD per user and MMSEC per sub-carrier In Figure 2, the system is full-loaded (K = L), the K user signals are supposed to be transmitted with the same power E[|d1| 2] = · · · = E[|dK | 2] = Eb, then the algorithm of the MMSE MUD per user contains the quantityCUCH which will be equal to the identity matrix. Thus, equation (29) is similar to equation (18) and the equalization coefficient matrix G is a diagonal matrix with the nth sub-carrier equalization coefficient being calculated by equation (18). In that case, the performance of the two MMSE approaches are the same and the curve of the MMSE MUD coincident with the curve of MMSEC detection technique (see Figure 2). On the other hand, in the Figure 3 and Figure 4, for the non-full loaded systems (K < L), 24 NGUYEN NGOC TIEN, NGUYEN VIET KINH, SEONG RAG KIM the equalization coefficient matrix G is not a diagonal matrix. Therefore, the equalization co- efficient matrixG of the MMSE MUD obtained from equation (29) outperforms the algorithm MMSEC per sub-carrier based on equation (18). This preeminent advantage can be observed in Figure 3 and Figure 4 with the case K = 56 and K = 32 (corresponding to a system load equal to 88% and 50% respectively). 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 10 -6 10 -5 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 SNR (dB) B E R K=56 and L=Nc=64 (Non full load system) No Equalizer MRC Combining ORC Combining EGC Combining MMSEC/carrier MMSE MUD/user MF Figure 3. Different detection performance for K = 56 < L = Nc = 64 (Non full load system) Those results are logical because MMSE MUD algorithm minimizes the decision error by taking into account the despreading process instead of minimizing the error independently on each sub-carrier, thus both the interference and the noise enhancement are minimized. Furthermore, it allows adjusting the coefficients using decisions on the information symbols assuming that those decisions are correct. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 10 -6 10 -5 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 SNR (dB) B E R K=32 and L=Nc=64 (system load is equal to 50%) No Equalizer MRC Combining ORC Combining EGC Combining MMSEC/carrier MMSE MUD/user MF Figure 4. Different detection performance for K = 32 < L = Nc = 64 (system load equal to 50%) A STUDY ON DETECTION TECHNIQUES FOR DOWNLINK 25 In order to compare the performances of MMSEC and MMSE MUD in more details, we range the number of active users from 1 to 64 then estimate the required SNR to achieved a BER = 10−3. The relationship between the number of active users and the required SNR is shown on Figure 5. Again, the Zeros-Forcing technique, which is better than MRC and EGC, is outperformed by MMSEC and MMSE MUD. The difference between MMSEC and MMSE MUD can be easily observed in this figure. In the case the number of active users is full-loaded, both equalization techniques give the identical performance and the user/SNR curves meet each other at a point. On the other hand, when the system is non-full loaded, the MMSE MUD based on the MMSE per user criterion achieves a gain of more than 2 dB with K = 32 which corresponds to system equal to 50%. Particularly, when the system has one active user, the MMSE MUD still performs better than the MMSEC, as illustrated in Figure 5. Figure 5. Comparison of the number K of active users between MMSEC and MMSE MUD versus SNR with BER = 10−3, L = Nc = 64 5. CONCLUSIONS The bit error rate performances of single user detection and multi-user detection techniques for the downlink of a MC-CDMA system are presented in this paper. Also, the relationship be- tween MMSEC and MMSE MUD detection are compared and evaluated. It was seen that the MMSE MUD outperforms all other detection techniques, especially for high bit rate scenarios, whereas the MRC, EGC, ZF detections result in very poor performances. The MMSE MUD per user approach offers for non-full load systems a significant gain compared to the MMSEC per carrier technique. In particular for L = 32 (50% of the system), the MMSE MUD per user criterion achieves a gain of more than 2 dB in comparison with MMSEC. For a MC-CDMA system, the probability that the maximum number K of active users are working at the same time is usually small. Hence, the MMSE MUD is a good choice for non-full load system. However, the MMSE MUD per user is computationally excessive. It was also observed that the MMSEC could provide a better trade-off between performance and complexity, especially under high load conditions. 26 NGUYEN NGOC TIEN, NGUYEN VIET KINH, SEONG RAG KIM REFERENCES [1] N.Yee, J.P. 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