Bài giảng Vi xử lý - Chương 3: Họ vi điểu khiển 8051 - Bùi Minh Thành
Tóm tắt Bài giảng Vi xử lý - Chương 3: Họ vi điểu khiển 8051 - Bùi Minh Thành: ...’ to enclose any character Notes of Immediate Addressing Precede all base-16 numbers that begin with A-F by a “0” MOV A,#ABh MOV A,#0ABH 54 8051 Instruction Format Op code Immediate data • immediate addressing add a,#3dh ;machine code=243d Op code Direct address • Direct addressing ... 8051 Instruction Format Op code i • Register indirect addressing mov a, @Ri ; i = 0 or 1 070D E7 mov a,@r1 070D 93 movc a,@a+dptr 070E 83 movc a,@a+pc 070F E0 movx a,@dptr 0710 F0 movx @dptr,a 0711 F2 movx @r0,a 0712 E3 movx a,@r1 68 Use Register Indirect to access upper RAM block (+8...rmination of the amount of memory to allocate at (program) runtime (eg. Notes of Indirect Addressing MOV A, @R0) Register or direct addressing (eg. MOV A, 30H) cannot be used , since they require operand addresses to be known at assemble-time. 79 Addressing Modes 5) Register Indexed Mode –...
hư các đường xuất nhập hoặc là byte cao của bus địa chỉ đối với các thiết kế dùng bộ nhớ mở rộng. • Port 3 (Cổng 3) Port 3 cũng là một cổng công dụng kép trên các chân 10–17. Các chân của port này có nhiều chức năng, các công dụng chuyển đổi có liên hệ với các đặc tính đặc biệt của 8051/8031 10 Các chức năng chuyển đổi ở Port 3 11 12 Cấu trúc cổng I/O • Khả năng lái là 4 tải TTL loại LS (Low Power Schottky) với các cổng P1, P2, và P3; và 8 tải TTL loại LS với cổng P0. • Chú ý là điện trở kéo lên bên trong không có trong Port 0 (ngoại trừ lúc làm việc như bus dữ liệu / địa chỉ bên ngoài). Điện trở kéo lên có thể được sử dụng với P0 tùy theo đặc tính vào của thiết bị mà nó lái. 13 14 15 A Pin of Port 1 D Q Vcc Load(L1) Read latch Internal CPU P1.X TB2 8051 IC Clk Q Read pin Write to latch bus M1 pinP1.X TB1 ⌦P0.x 16 Writing “1” to Output Pin P1.X D Q Vcc Load(L1) Read latch Internal CPU P1.X 2. output pin is Vcc1. write a 1 to the pin 1 TB2 Clk Q Read pin Write to latch bus M1 pinP1.X 8051 IC 0 output 1 TB1 17 Writing “0” to Output Pin P1.X D Q Vcc Load(L1) Read latch Internal CPU P1.X 2. output pin is ground1. write a 0 to the pin 0 TB2 Clk Q Read pin Write to latch bus M1 pinP1.X 8051 IC 1 output 0 TB1 18 Reading “High” at Input Pin D Q Vcc Load(L1) Read latch Internal CPU bus P1.X pin 2. MOV A,P1 external pin=High 1. write a 1 to the pin MOV P1,#0FFH 1 1 TB2 Clk Q Read pin Write to latch M1 P1.X 8051 IC 0 3. Read pin=1 Read latch=0 Write to latch=1 TB1 19 Reading “Low” at Input Pin D Q Vcc Load(L1) Read latch Internal CPU bus P1.X pin 2. MOV A,P1 external pin=Low1. write a 1 to the pin MOV P1,#0FFH 1 0 TB2 Clk Q Read pin Write to latch M1 P1.X 8051 IC 0 3. Read pin=1 Read latch=0 Write to latch=1 TB1 20 Other Pins • P1, P2, and P3 have internal pull-up resisters. – P1, P2, and P3 are not open drain. • P0 has no internal pull-up resistors and does not connects to Vcc inside the 8051. – P0 is open drain. – Compare the figures of P1.X and P0.X. • However, for a programmer, it is the same to program P0, P1, P2 and P3. • All the ports upon RESET are configured as output. 21 A Pin of Port 0 D Q Read latch Internal CPU P0.X TB2 8051 IC Clk Q Read pin Write to latch bus M1 pinP1.X TB1 ⌦P1.x 22 Port 0 with Pull-Up Resistors P0.0 P0.1DS5000 Vcc 10 K P o rt P0.2 P0.3 P0.4 P0.5 P0.6 P0.7 8751 8951 P o rt 0 23 Port 3 Alternate Functions 12INT0P3.2 11TxDP3.1 10RxDP3.0 PinFunctionP3 Bit 17RDP3.7 16WRP3.6 15T1P3.5 14T0P3.4 13INT1P3.3 ⌦ 24 Chu kỳ lệnh, chu kỳ máy và trạng thái 25 12MHz internal clock 6 machine cycles 26 Dồn kênh bus địa chỉ (byte thấp) và bus dữ liệu 27 Truy cập bộ nhớ chương trình bên ngoài 28 29 30 31 Cấu trúc bộ nhớ 8051 32 Tóm tắt bộ nhớ dữ liệu trên chip 33 Bộ nhớ dữ liệu 8051 34 Lower 128 Bytes of Internal RAM 20H-2FH: 128 Bit-addressable bits occupying bit address 00H-7FH. 30H-7FH: General purpose RAM (can be accessed through direct or indirect addressing) 35 Upper 128 Bytes of Internal RAM 36 Vùng nhớ 8032/8052 37 MOV A, 5FH MOV A, FFH MOV Ri, #5FH ( I = 0 or 1) MOV A, @Ri Tóm tắt thanh ghi PSW 38 Tóm tắt thanh ghi PCON 39 Truy cập bộ nhớ chương trình bên ngoài 40 Định thì đọc bộ nhớ chương trình bên ngoài (PCH byte của PC và PCL là byte thấp của PC) 41/PSEN ở mức thấp trong thời gian lấy lệnh Truy cập bộ nhớ dữ liệu bên ngoài 42 Giản đồ định thì cho lệnh MOVX 43 Mạch giải mã địa chỉ các EPROM 8KB và RAM 8KB với hệ 8051 44 Phủ lấp vùng nhớ dữ liệu và chương trình bên ngoài 45 Hoạt động reset 46 Mạch reset hệ thống 47 Các giá trị thanh ghi sau khi reset hệ thống 48 3.3 CÁC PHƯƠNG PHÁP ĐỊNH ĐỊA CHỈ 49 Các cách định vị địa chỉ • Be the way to access data • 8051 has different addressing mode: – Immediate (constant data) – Register (register data) – Direct (RAM data) – Register indirect (RAM data) – Indexed (ROM data) – relative addressing – Absolute addressing – Long addressing 50 8051 Instruction Format 51 Addressing Modes 1) Immediate Mode – specify data by its value mov A, #0 ;put 0 in the accumulator ;A = 00000000 mov R4, #11h ;put 11hex in the R4 register ;R4 = 00010001 mov B, #11 ;put 11 decimal in b register ;B = 00001011 mov DPTR,#7521h ;put 7521 hex in DPTR ;DPTR = 0111010100100001 52 Addressing Modes 1) Immediate Mode – continue MOV DPTR,#7521h MOV DPL,#21H MOV DPH, #75 COUNT EQU 30 ~ ~ mov R4, #COUNT MOV DPTR,#MYDATA ~ ~ 0RG 200H MYDATA:DB “HELLO” 53 Add “#” before any immediate data Only the source operand can be immediate Add “h” after a base-16 number, “b” after a base-2 number; otherwise assumed base-10 Use ‘ ’ to enclose any character Notes of Immediate Addressing Precede all base-16 numbers that begin with A-F by a “0” MOV A,#ABh MOV A,#0ABH 54 8051 Instruction Format Op code Immediate data • immediate addressing add a,#3dh ;machine code=243d Op code Direct address • Direct addressing mov r3,0E8h ;machine code=ABE8 55 Addressing Modes 2) Direct Mode – play with R0-R7 by direct address MOV A,4 ≡ MOV A,R4 MOV A,7 ≡ MOV A,R7 MOV 7,6 ≡ MOV R7,R6 MOV R2,#5 ;Put 5 in R2 MOV R2,5 ;Put content of RAM at 5 in R2 56 Addressing Modes 2) Direct Mode – specify data by its 8-bit address Usually for 30h-7Fh of RAM Mov a, 70h ; copy contents of RAM at 70h to a Mov R0,40h ; copy contents of RAM at 40h to a Mov 56h,a ; put contents of a at 56h Mov 0D0h,a ; put contents of a into PSW 57 Examples of Direct Addressing Instruction Operation MOV 80h, A or MOV P0, A Copy contents of register A to location 80h (Port 0 latch) MOV A, 80h or MOV A, P0 Copy contents of location 80h (Port 0 pins) to register A Note: No “#” sign in the instruction MOV A, ABC Copy contents from direct address with label ABC to register A MOV R0, 12h Copy contents from RAM location 12h to register R0 MOV 0A8h, 77h or MOV IE, 77h Copy contents from RAM location 77h to IE register of SFRs MOV direct,direct ABC EQU 80h ; equate MOV A, ABC ; Port 0 to A 58 Examples of Direct Addressing MOV A, 2 ; copy location 02 (R2) to A MOV B, 2 ; copy location 02 (R2) to B MOV 7, 2 ; copy location 02 to 07 (R2 to R7) ; since “MOV R7, R2” is invalid MOV DIRECT, DIRECT 59 Stack and Direct Addressing Mode Only direct addressing mode is allowed for pushing onto the stack PUSH A (Invalid) PUSH 0E0h (Valid) PUSH direct POP direct PUSH R3 (Invalid) PUSH 03 (Valid) POP R4 (Invalid) POP 04 (Valid) 60 Example PUSH 05 ; push R5 onto stack PUSH 06 ; push R6 onto stack PUSH 0E0h ; push register A onto stack Show the code to push R5, R6, and A onto the stack and then pop them back into R2, R3, and B, where register B = register A, R2 = R6, and R3 = R5. POP 0F0h ; pop top of stack into register B ; now register B = register A POP 02 ; pop top of stack into R2 ; now R2 = R6 POP 03 ; pop top of stack into R3 ; now R3 = R5 61 The address value is limited to one byte, 00 – FFh (128- byte RAM and SFR) Using MOV to move data from itself to itself can lead to unpredictable results error MOV data to a port changes the port latch MOV data from port gets data from port pins Notes of Direct Addressing Eg. MOV A, A 62 Addressing Modes 3) Register Addressing – either source or destination is one of CPU register MOV R0,A MOV A,R7 ADD A,R4 ADD A,R7 MOV DPTR,#25F5H MOV R5,DPL MOV R1,DPH Note that MOV R4,R7 is incorrect 63 8051 Instruction Format Op code n n n • Register addressing 070D E8 mov a,r0 ;E8 = 1110 1000 070E E9 mov a,r1 ;E9 = 1110 1001 070F EA mov a,r2 ;EA = 1110 1010 0710 ED mov a,r5 ;ED = 1110 1101 0711 EF mov a,r7 ;Ef = 1110 1111 0712 2F add a,r7 0713 F8 mov r0,a 0714 F9 mov r1,a 0715 FA mov r2,a 0716 FD mov r5,a 0717 FD mov r5,a 64 The most efficient addressing mode: No need to do memory access Instructions are much shorter Result: speed (hence efficiency) increased We can move data between Acc and Rn (n = 0 Notes of Register Addressing to 7) but movement of data between Rn registers is not allowed e.g. MOV R4, R7 (Invalid) ;Use the following : MOV A, R7 MOV R4,A MOV R4,07H ; this is direct addressing mode 65 Review Questions 1. Can the programmer of a microcontroller make up new addressing modes? 2. Show the instruction to load 1000 0000 (binary) into R3. 3. Why is the following invalid? “MOV R2, DPTR” 4. True or false. DPTR is a 16-bit register that is also accessible in low-byte and high-byte formats. 5. Is the PC (program counter) also available in low- byte and high-byte formats? 66 Addressing Modes 4) Register Indirect – the address of the source or destination is specified in registers Uses registers R0 or R1 for 8-bit address: mov psw, #0 ; use register bank 0 mov r0, #3Ch mov @r0, #3 ; M[3Ch] 3 Uses DPTR register for 16-bit addresses: mov dptr, #9000h ; dptr 9000h movx a, @dptr ; a M[9000h] Note that 9000h is an address in external memory 67 8051 Instruction Format Op code i • Register indirect addressing mov a, @Ri ; i = 0 or 1 070D E7 mov a,@r1 070D 93 movc a,@a+dptr 070E 83 movc a,@a+pc 070F E0 movx a,@dptr 0710 F0 movx @dptr,a 0711 F2 movx @r0,a 0712 E3 movx a,@r1 68 Use Register Indirect to access upper RAM block (+8052) 69 Use a register to hold the address of the operand; i.e. using a register as a pointer Only R0 and R1 can be used when data is inside the CPU (address ranges from 00h – 7Fh) eg. MOV A, @R1 R0 ,R1 and DPTR can be used when addressing external memory locations eg. MOVX A,@R1 MOVX A,@DPTR Must put a “@” sign before the register name Register Indirect Addressing 70 Program memory Addresses ACC R0ADD A, @R0200 201 10 31 ACC R0 31 22⊕ Register Indirect Addressing (eg. ADD A,@R0) AfterBefore Data memory 1231 32 30 8051 Internal data memory 71 Instruction Operation MOV @R1, A Copy the data in A to the address pointed to by the contents of R1 MOV A, @R0 Copy the contents of the address pointed to by register R0 to the A register MOV @R1, #35h Copy the number 35h to the address pointed to Examples of Indirect Addressing by register R1 MOV @R0, 80h or MOV @R0, P0 Copy the contents of the port 0 pins to the address pointed to by register R0. MOVX A, @R0 Copy the contents of the external data address pointed to by register R0 to the A register MOVX A, @DPTR Copy the contents of the external data address pointed to by register DPTR to the A register MOV @Ri,#data where i = 0 or 1 72 Write a program segment to copy the value 55h into RAM memory locations 40h to 44h using: (a) Direct addressing mode; Example (b) register indirect addressing mode without a loop; and (c) with a loop 73 MOV A, #55h ; load A with value 55h MOV 40h, A ; copy A to RAM location 40h MOV 41h, A ; copy A to RAM location 41h Solution to Example (a) Direct addressing mode MOV 42h, A ; copy A to RAM location 42h MOV 43h, A ; copy A to RAM location 43h MOV 44h, A ; copy A to RAM location 44h 74 MOV A, #55h ; load A with value 55h MOV R0, #40h ; load the pointer. R0 = 40h MOV @R0, A ; copy A to RAM location R0 points to INC R0 ; increment pointer. Now R0 = 41h MOV @R0, A ; copy A to RAM location R0 points to Solution to Example (b) register indirect addressing mode without a loop INC R0 ; increment pointer. Now R0 = 42h MOV @R0, A ; copy A to RAM location R0 points to INC R0 ; increment pointer. Now R0 = 43h MOV @R0, A ; copy A to RAM location R0 points to INC R0 ; increment pointer. Now R0 = 44h MOV @R0, A ; copy A to RAM location R0 points to 75 MOV A, #55h ; A = 55h MOV R0, #40h ; load pointer. R0 = 40h, RAM add. MOV R2, #05 ; load counter, R2 = 5 AGAIN: MOV @R0, A ; copy 55A to RAM location R0 points to INC R0 ; increment R0 pointer Solution to Example (c) Loop method DJNZ R2, AGAIN ; loop until counter = zero “DJNZ” : decrement and jump if Not Zero DJNZ direct, relative DJNZ Rn, relative where n = 0,1,,,7 MOV R2, #05h ; example LP: ;-------------------------------- ; do 5 times inside the loop ;-------------------------------- DJNZ R2, LP ; R2 as counter 76 Example (looping) Write a program segment to clear 15 RAM locations starting at RAM address 60h. CLR A ; A = 0 MOV R1, #60h ; load pointer. R1 = 60h MOV R7, #15 ; load counter, R7 = 15 (0F in HEX) AGAIN: MOV @R1, A ; clear RAM location R1 points to INC R1 ; increment R1 pointer DJNZ R7, AGAIN ; loop until counter = zero ; clear one ram location at address 60h CLR A MOV R1,#60h MOV @R1,A Setup a loop using DJNZ and register R7 as counter 77 Example (block transfer) Write a program segment to copy a block of 10 bytes of data from RAM locations starting at 35h to RAM locations starting at 60h. MOV R0, #35h ; source pointer MOV R1, #60h ; destination pointer MOV R3, #10 ; counter BACK: MOV A, @R0 ; get a byte from source MOV @R1, A ; copy it to destination INC R0 ; increment source pointer INC R1 ; increment destination pointer DJNZ R3, BACK ; keep doing it for all ten bytes 78 Using pointer in the program enables handling dynamic data structures an advantage Dynamic data: the data value is not fixed In this mode, we can defer the calculation of the address of data and the determination of the amount of memory to allocate at (program) runtime (eg. Notes of Indirect Addressing MOV A, @R0) Register or direct addressing (eg. MOV A, 30H) cannot be used , since they require operand addresses to be known at assemble-time. 79 Addressing Modes 5) Register Indexed Mode – source or destination address is the sum of the base address and the accumulator (Index) • Base address can be DPTR or PC mov dptr, #4000h mov a, #5 movc a, @a + dptr ;a M[4005] 80 Addressing Modes 5) Register Indexed Mode continue • Base address can be DPTR or PC ORG 1000h 1000 mov a, #5 1002 movc a, @a + PC ;a M[1008] 1003 Nop • Lookup Table • MOVC only can read internal code memory PC 81 Using a base register (starting point) and an offset (how much to parse through) to form the effective address for a JMP or MOVC instruction Indexed Addressing MOVC A, @A+DPTR MOVC A, @A+PC JMP @A+DPTR Used to parse through an array of items or a look-up table Usually, the DPTR is the base register and the “A” is the offset A increases/decreases to parse through the list 82 Program memory ACC DPTR 00 10 ACC 56⊕ Indexed Addressing Example: MOVC A,@A+DPTR AfterBefore MOVC A, @A + DPTR2000 2001 41 3156 83 Instruction Operation MOVC A, @A + DPTR Copy the code byte, found at the ROM address formed by adding register A and the DPTR register, to A MOVC A, @A + PC Copy the code byte, found at the ROM Examples of Indexed Addressing address formed by adding A and the PC, to A JMP @A + DPTR Jump to the address formed by adding A to the DPTR, this is an unconditional jump and will always be done. 84 Example (look-up table) Write a program to get the x value from P1 and send x2 to P2, continuously. ORG 0 MOV DPTR, #300h ; load look-up table address MOV A, #0FFh ; A = FF MOV P1, A ; configure P1 as input port BACK: MOV A, P1 ; get X MOV A, @A+DPTR ; get X square from table MOV P2, A ; issue it to P2 SJMP BACK ; keep doing it ORG 300h TABLE:DB 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81 END 85 Review Questions 1. The instruction “MOV A, 40h” uses ________ addressing mode. Why? 2. What address is assigned to register R2 of bank 0? 3. What address is assigned to register R2 of bank 2? 4. What address is assigned to register A? 5. Which registers are allowed to be used for register indirect addressing mode if the data is in on-chip RAM? 86 Access to Accumulator • A register can be accessed by direct and register mode • This 3 instruction has same function with different code 0703 E500 mov a,00h 0705 8500E0 mov acc,00h 0708 8500E0 mov 0e0h,00h • Also this 3 instruction 070B E9 mov a,r1 070C 89E0 mov acc,r1 070E 89E0 mov 0e0h,r1 87 Access to SFRs • B – always direct mode - except in MUL & DIV 0703 8500F0 mov b,00h 0706 8500F0 mov 0f0h,00h 0709 8CF0 mov b,r4 070B 8CF0 mov 0f0h,r4 • P0~P3 – are direct address 0704 F580 mov p0,a 0706 F580 mov 80h,a 0708 859080 mov p0,p1 • Also other SFRs (pcon, tmod, psw,.) 88 SFRs Address All SFRs such as (ACC, B, PCON, TMOD, PSW, P0~P3, ) are accessible by name and direct address But both of them Must be coded as direct address 89 8051 Instruction Format • 6) relative addressing here: sjmp here ;machine code=80FE(FE=-2) Range = (-128 ~ 127) • 7) Absolute addressing (limited in 2k current mem block) Op code Relative address A10- A8 Op code 0700 1 org 0700h 0700 E106 2 ajmp next ;next=706h 0702 00 3 nop 0703 00 4 nop 0704 00 5 nop 0705 00 6 nop 7 next: 8 end A7-A0 07FEh 90 Tính toán offset với định địa chỉ tương đối 91 Used in jump (“JMP”) instructions Relative address: an 8-bit value (-128 to +127) Relative Addressing SJMP relative DJNZ direct, relative DJNZ Rn, relative, where n=0,1,,,7 You may treat relative address as an offset Labels indicate the JMP destinations (i.e. where to stop) Assembler finds out the relative address using the label 92 The relative address is added to the PC The sum is the address of the next instruction to be executed Relative Addressing As a result, program skips to the desired line right away instead of going through each line one by one Labels indicate the JMP destinations (i.e. where to stop). 93 Branch Opcode Offset Next Opcode Program Counter Relative Addressing Program counter + offset = Effective address = address of next instruction + Offset Next Instruction 94 Instruction Operation SJMP NXT Jump to relative address with the label 'NXT'; this is an unconditional jump and is always taken. DJNZ R1, DWN Decrement register R1 by 1 and jump to the relative address specified by the label 'DWN' if Examples of Relative Addressing the result of R1 is not zero. 0035 95 Only used with the instructions ACALL and AJMP Similar to indexed addressing mode The largest “jump” that can be made is 2K Absolute Addressing ACALL address11 AJMP address11 211 = 2048=2K The subroutine called must therefore start within the same 2K Block of the program memory as the first byte of the instruction following ACALL. 96 Absolute Addressing ACALL address11 AJMP address11ORG 00H ; reset location LJMP START ; 3 bytes instruction ORG 3FFEH START: ACALL FORWARD ; 2 bytes instruction ; now code address at 4000H LJMP TEST ORG 47FFH ; 010001111111111B FORWARD: RET ORG 5800H ; 0101100000000000B BACKWARD: RET ORG 5FFDH TEST: ACALL BACKWARD ; 2 bytes instruction ; now code address at 5FFFH SJMP $ END 97 8051 Instruction Format • Long distance address • Range = (0000h ~ FFFFh) 0700 1 org 0700h Op code A15-A8 A7-A0 0700 020707 2 ajmp next ;next=0707h 0703 00 3 nop 0704 00 4 nop 0705 00 5 nop 0706 00 6 nop 7 next: 8 end 98 Bài tập 1 Cho biết mã máy và các cách định địa chỉ của các lệnh sau: 1. MOVX @DPTR, A 2. SETB P3.1 3. ADD A, R3 4. MOV A, #0FBH 5. MOV A, @R1 6. MOV 41H, A 99 Bài tập 2 1. Viết các lệnh thực hiện cất giá trị FFH vào RAM dữ liệu bên ngoài ở địa chỉ 19A3H. 2. Sau đoạn chương trình này, cho biết các địa chỉ bit có nội dung là 1: a) MOV 25h, #13h b) MOV R0, #22h c) MOV @R0, 25h 100 Bài tập 3 1. Cho biết mã máy sau biểu diễn lệnh/tác vụ gì? 75H, 8AH, E7H 2. Giả sử lệnh AJMP LABEL trong bộ nhớ mã ở địa chỉ 1600H và 1601H, và nhãn LABEL ứng với lệnh ở địa chỉ 1723H a) Cho biết mã máy của lệnh này? b) Lệnh này có hợp lệ không khi LABEL ứng với lệnh ở địa chỉ 1A23H? Giải thích 101
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