Giáo trình Anh văn 1
Tóm tắt Giáo trình Anh văn 1: ...ith a partner. Complete the table by matching the verbs (watch, do, have, go, listen to) with the nouns to make ten different daily activities. a) do b) _____ c)_____ • the washing up • the ironing • to the park • for a walk • a cup of tea • lunch with friends Reading Suzanne Vega...e cushions next to the sofa. f) There are some pictures under the coffee tabic. g) There's a radiator on the sofa. Language reference: there is / there are You use there is or there are to say that something or somebody exists. Question Short answer Yes Short answer Wo Singular Is there for a job. Five sentences are not necessary - erooo them out. Where do the following parts of a formal letter go? Match a letter (a-g) to a number (2-7). For example: a) 2 a) Happy Holidays 300 Railway Lane Worthing Sussex b) Flat 4 65 Green Road Brighton Sussex c) Dear...
ou got? b) How many tomatoes have you got? ft) How_______cheese have you got? A) How ____peppers have you got? I've got a lot. I've got a lot. I've got ____ . I've got ____ . I haven't got much. I haven't got many. I haven't got ____ . I haven't got ____ .. I haven't got any. I haven't got any. I haven't got ____ . I haven't got ____ . 3 £31 39 Listen, check and repeat. Work with a partner. What is in your fridge at the moment? Ask and answer the questions in 2. Ask three more questions. Writing: Wrile a short paragraph about your favourite food and drink. 20 uncountable milk NOT one milk furniture NOT throe furnitures jewellery NOT six jewelleries Work Lexis: describing character 1 Work with a partner. Look at the word snake and find ten adjectives to describe character. Use a dictionary. How many of the adjectives are similar to adjectives in your language? Which job? Lexis: jobs 1 Work with a partner. Match the characteristics with the jobs. Add one more characteristic necessary for each job. Characteristics a) confident, good-looking, slim \ b) adventurous, energetic, strong c) creative, sensitive, artistic d) cheerful, sociable, energetic e) sensible, honest, good at Maths f) helpful, hard-working, kind Job 1 a snow'boarder 2 an accountant 3 a nurse 4 a model 5 a tourist guide 6 a graphic designer 2 Work with a partner, Student A look at page 89. Student B look at page 101. Reading 1 Work with a partner. You are going to read an article about the model and snowboarder Charlotte Dutton. Which words and phrases in the box do you associate with modeling? Which do you associate with snowboarding? muscles slim freezing strong Paris warm baggy clothes'*-crash helmet designer clothes 2 Read the article and check your answers to 1. Born: 1980 Height: 1m 72 Weight: 51 kg Hometown: London job: Snowboarder and model Charlotte Dutton has two jobs. Half the year she's a top model in Europe, and the other half she's a professional snowboarder in Canada. Here she talks about the problems of having two careers. 'I love modelling and snowboarding,' she says, 'but I have to be two 5 different people! You need muscles to be a snowboarder, but you have to be slim to be a model. When I'm modelling I can't eat anything fattening. But in the mountains it's freezing, so you have to eat protein, cakes and chocolate, for the jumps and turns, you have to be strong. Snowboarding is sometimes dangerous, 10 and I often fall. But I have to be careful because I can't break my leg and then go to Paris to model the best skirts. It's funny half the year I have to wear warm baggy clothes and a 15' crash helmet. Then I go to Europe for a season, and I have to wear beautiful designer clothes.' Does she want to be a top 20 international model or an Olympic snowboarder? The answer is she wants to do both ... but when she's much older, she dreams of living in a bakery and 25 eating cakes all day! Language reference: can, can’t, have to, don’t have to You use can/can't to talk about possibility and have to I don't have to to talk about necessity. Possible: You can smoke. = It's okay for you to smoke. Not possible: She can't eat fattening food. = It's not okay for her to eat fattening food. Necessary: He has to wear a crash helmet. = It's necessary for him to wear a crash helmet. Not necessary: We don't have to do any homework. = It's not necessary for us to do any homework. Close up can, can't, have to, don't have to Verb structures p115 ) 1 Work with a partner. The beginnings and ends of these sentences are mixed up. Rearrange them to make realistic sentences. a) A snowboarder can work from home. b) A DJ has to have very clean hands. c) A writer has to wear a crash helmet. d) A tourist guide can't eat fattening food. e) A model has to know a lot of history: f) A cook doesn't have to get up early in the morning. For example: A snowboarder has to wear a crash helmet. 2 Work with a partner. Match the underlined part of each sentence (a-d) with the correct meaning (1-4). Think about your work/school. Which sentences are true for you? a) I can arrive at any time. b) I can't smoke. c) I have to use a computer. d) I don't have to wear a uniform. 1 It's necessary for me to ... 2 It's not okay for me to ... 3 It's not necessary for me to . ' 4 It's okay for me to ... Writing 1 Read the letter applying for a job. Five sentences are not necessary - erooo them out. Where do the following parts of a formal letter go? Match a letter (a-g) to a number (2-7). For example: a) 2 a) Happy Holidays 300 Railway Lane Worthing Sussex b) Flat 4 65 Green Road Brighton Sussex c) Dear Sir or Madam, d) .Yours faithfully, e) 1 look forward to hearing from you. f) 23rd May 2003 g) Jason Reeves Write a letter of application to Happy Holidays for one of the following part-time jobs: sales assistants-waiter /waitress; security guard. Decide on the best application for each job. (1).. (2).. (3).. (4)... I would like to apply for a part-time job as a tour leader with your company during ray summer holidays, I don't really want to work, but I noed thq mpnoy. I am available from the beginning of June to the end of September. I am a second-year student at Sussex University. Unfortunately I failed some of my exams this year, but I can take them again in the autumn. I am studying tourism and I think I can learn a lot in your company. I enjoy working with people and I am interested in learning more about the holiday industry. I sometimes get up a bit late, but I'm very nice and friendly. I am good at working with people and I enjoy travelling. I can speak French quite well and I can speak a little Spanish. I can also count from 1 to 10 in German, Japanese, Arabic, Icelandic and Bulgarian. I am available for an interview any time. I would prefer the afternoon, if you don't mind. You can contact me at the address above, or phone me on my mobile number 09970 340 678. (5) ___ (6)____ (7)____ 1. Past simple 2. Past time expressions 3. Adjective structures 4. Time conjunctions Sea LANGUAGE TOOLBOX rk in small groups. Discuss the questions. Do you live near the sea, a river or a lake? Do you usually go to the beach for your holidays? Where do you go? Do you like water sports? Which ones? (Look at the photos above.) 44 Three people were interviewed about water sports. The time expressions in the table are wrong. Listen and complete the table with the correct expressions. Past simple be go I was I went you were you went he was he went she was she went it was it went we were we wentv thev were thev wen! 2 Re-write the two questions in the correct order and ask your partner. a) ever you go Do swimming? b) last was When you the went time swimming? 3 Ask each other different questions by replacing the underlined words in 2 with different sports. Lexis: time expressions 1 Work with a partner. Complete the tab.le lo show two ways oi .-.aying the same thing. With on, in, at and hint a) last week b) last weekend c) in 19°8 d) last winter e) on ___ f) last ___ «) »t...... h) in ____ With ngo ii week ago ___ days ago __ years ago ___ months ago three days ago eight months ago th ree hours ago ten years ago Language reference: past simple The past simple is used to fix events and situations in the past. You often use it in stories. Last year I went to Paris, i visited all the toursi sites, ate tors of delicious mod and had a wonderful time. It was great! Note: Apart from the verb be, there is only one past form for each verb - / / you I he / she / it / we / they went or visited or met. etc. For verbs with ragular nast forms add -ed, -d or -ied. For verbs with irregular past forms you have to learn them. There is a list on page Close up Past simple 1 Work with a partner. Look at the verbs in boxes A and B and discuss the questions. Verb structures p114 A enjoy /enjoyed like /liked live/lived stop/stopped study/studied travel/travelled try/tried watch/watched a) go / went do /(did) send / sent b) have / sell / ______ tell / ______ c) bring / _____ swim / _______ think / ______ d) meet / _____ let/ _______ get/_______ e) read /______ hear / ______ say / __ 0 can / _____ teach / ______ catch /______ g) fly/______ know / _______ buy / ______ h) see /_____ keep / ______ sleep / ______ B break/broke come /came fall/fell find/found lose/lost put/put sit /sat write/wrote 46 Listen and check your answers to 2. Reading & writing 1 Read this story about British actor, Richard E Grant's terrifying childhood experience. Are the following sentences true or false? a) Grant lived in Mozambique. d) Grant fell in the water. b) Grant went fishing with his family. e) Grant's father became a hero. c) There was a dolphin in the water near the boat, f) Grant enjoyed the film Jaws. When he was eight, British actor, Richard E Grant went on holiday to Mozambique with his parents and his younger brother. (1) One day, they went fishing in a small motor boat on an enormous lagoon called San Martina. (2) __ , the motor stopped, and they couldn't start it again. They shouted, but nobody heard them. (3)_____ , something moved in the water near the boat. (4) __ , they thought it was a dolphin. But then they realised it was a big, grey shark. It started knocking the boat. The boat rocked from side to side, and they nearly fell into the water. They were terrified. Grant's father tried to push the shark away, and his mother held him and his brother. They thought they were going to die. (5) __, people in a fishing boat heard them and took them home. Everybody in the town heard about their story and talked about it. Grant's father became a local hero. (6) __ , a local fisherman caught the shark and put it in the main square. Everybody came to see the monster and took pictures of it. (7)___, when Grant saw the film ]aws, he relived the terrible experience. 2 48 Work with a partner. Use the time linkers in the box to complete the story in 1. Listen and check your answers. One day At first After a few hours Many year later Eventually Suddenly Two or three weeks later a) Which verbs have irregular past forms? b) Which verbs have regular past forms? c) How do you make past forms for regular verbs ... 1 ending in -e (love)? 3 ending in 1 vowel + 1 consonant (stop)? 2 ending in consonant + y (try)? 4 ending in any other way? Work with a partner. Write thegast forms of these irregular verbs and practise saying them. In each group, (circle) the past form with a different vowel sound from the other two. You can use the Irregular verbs list on page 117. Shark attack! Keaaing Work with a partner. You are going to write the story of a disastrous trip to see a football match. • Look at the pictures and discuss what you think happened in the story. • Complete the sentences (a-i) by putting the verbs in the past simple form. • Match each sentence with a picture and write the completed story. 1 Harry and Joss were Manchester 2 The next day, ... 3 Then,... United fans. One day, ... 7 Suddenly,... 8 Eventually,... 9 Two days later, ... a) ... they (enjoy) the flight. They (have) lunch, (read) the newspapers and (sleep) for a short time. b) ... they (gc) to the travel agents and booked flights to Santiago. c) ... they (watch) the match in a hote 1 bar. d) tiarnj and joss ivere Manchester United fans. One day, they (decide) decided to travel to Spain to watch Manchester United play against the Spanish team, Deportivo La Coruna. 1 e) ... they (realise) their mistake. f) ... Joss (ask) how long the flight to Santiago was. The flight attendant (say) 'Eleven hours, sir. South America's a long way from Manchester.' g) ... they (look) at a map of Spain and ( f i nd ) the nearest airport - Santiago, h) ••• they (travel) to Manchester airport. Their flight (be) on time. i) ... they (arrive) in Santiago - but it wasn't Santiago in Spain. It (be) Santiago in Chile! Writing 4 Two weeks later, ... 5 At first, ... 6 But after a few Solo Lexis: feelings 1 50 Listen and practise saying the words in the box. Underline the stressed syllable. Tick (/) the words you know angry bored embarrassed excited frightened happy lonely nervous sad worried 2 Work with a partner. Look at the photographs (a-f). Find a word or words in the box in 1 to describe the person's feelings in each photograph. Use your dictionary. 3 Work with a partner. Take it in turns to make the facial expression to go with the words in 1. Guess which feeling is being demonstrated by your partner. 4 How do you feel in the situations described in the box? Discuss with your partner. How do \;m feel in an exam? when you see a baby? in a traffic jam? when you see a spider? in a fast car? when you speak English? in a club or disco? | when you sing karaoke? now? Solo voyage Reading 1 Work with a partner. You are going to read an article about a boat race Read the first part of the report and discuss the following questions. a) What kind of race did Debra and Andrew enter? b) How many other teams were in the race? e) What do you think happened to Andrew? GOING IT ALONE Married couple, Debra and Andrew Veal, entered a 3,000-mile rowing race across the Atlantic from Tenenfe to Barbados. There were thirty four other rowing teams. They started the race together, but Debra finished the iourney alone Listening 1 51 You are going to listen to a radio programme about heroes. Nelly B answers questions about her hero, Debra Veal. Listen and match the six questions (a-f) with the six pictures (1-6). a) How did Debra feel when Andrew left her? 4 b) What was the main danger of being alone on the boat? c) Did she have any bad experiences? d) Did she feel lonely? e) What did she miss the most? f) Was Andrew there when she arrived in Barbados? 2 Underline the correct preposition in each of these sentences. a) Debra and Andrew were excited about /with the race. b) Debra was always worried about /of big ships. c) Debra wasn't angry of /with her husband. d) Debra was frightened of /with sharks. e) The sharks weren't interested about / in Debra. f) Debra was very happy about /with completing the race. g) Debra was embarrassed about /in her husband. h) Debra was sad about /with coming last in the race. 3 Listen to the interview again. Tick (/) the sentences in 2 which we know are true. Do you think the other sentences in 2 are true or false? Discuss with your partner. Language reference: past simple You use did to make questions and give short answers with all verbs (except be) in the past simple. Yes/No questions 'Did you have a good day yesterday?' 'Did your friends contact you last weekend?' Wh questions 'Where did you go on holiday last year?' 'I went... 'What did you watch on TV last night?' 7 watched . Short answer /Vo 'No, I didn't (I did not).' 'No, they didn't (they did not).' Note: You don't use did with be. 'Was the weather good yesterday?' Where were you born?' Past simple 1 Work with a partner. Complete the questions and write two possible answers. a) WHS the weather good yesterday? b) Did you get up early? c) Did you have a bath? ___ ___ d) ___ your mother make breakfast for vou? ____ ___ e) ___ you late for work or school? ____ ___ f) ___ your friends call or text you? ____ ___ g) ___ you go out in the evening? ____ ___ ^ Work with a partner. You are going to ask your partner questions about past events. • Complete the questions in box A. • Choose an event from box B. • Ask your partner about the event using appropriate questions from box A. A a) What / you / see? Wliat did you see? b) What / it / be about? Wliat was it about? c) Where / you / go?______ d) Who / you / go with? _______ e) What / you / do?_______ f) What / you / eat or drink? _______ g) Where / you / stay? ______ h) What time / you / leave? _______ i) How much / you / spend? ________ B 1 2 The last film you saw. The last foreign country you visited. The last party you went to. Short answer Yes 'Yes, I did.' 'Yes, they did.' Yes, it was. No, it wasn't Yes, I did. No, I didn't. Yes, 1____ No, I The life and times of .. Reading 1 Work with a partner. You are going to read about the life of Greta Garbo. Use the words in brackets to make comprehension questions for the article. a) Where she born? (was) Where was she born? b) When she school? (did / leave) When did she leave school? c) When she her name to Greta Garbo? (did / change) d) How many Academy Award nominations she? (did / getl e) How she different from other Hollywood stars? (was) f) In which film she the famous line, 'I want to be alone'? (did / say) g) vVhen she from cinema? (did / retire) h) vVhere she the rest of her life? (did / spend) 2 Read the article and answer the questions in 1. I WANT TO BE ALONE Ollwood legend, Greta Garbo, was one of the most glamorous and mysterious stars of cinema in the 1920s and 30s. She was born in Sweden in 1906 and started life as Greta Gustafsson. She left school at the age of fourteen but when she was seventeen she went to theatre school. She changed her name to Garbo when she moved to Hollywood. She later became an American citizen. She appeared in twenty-seven films and got four Academy Award nominations. She was not a typical Hollywood star. She kept her private life very private. She never spoke about her love affairs and she didn't sign autographs or give interviews. She didn't attend her own premieres, and even her own studio didn't have her telephone number. In 1932 in the film Grand Hotel she said the famous line, 'I want to be alone'. 20 Many people fell in love with Garbo, and she had several serious relationships. But she never got married, and she didn't have any children. At the age of thirty-six, Garbo retired from cinema. In 1954 she 25 got a special Academy Award for unforgettable performances, but she didn't attend the ceremony. She moved to New York, changed her name to Harriet 30 Brown and spent the rest of her life there - alone. She died in 1990 at the age Of eighty-four. r ( 3 Who is your favourite Hollywood star? What do you know about his or her life? Tell your partner about him or her. Writing a biography 1 Here is a summary of Greta Garbo's life. Put the lines in the correct order. ( ) a) theatre school at the age of seventeen. She later moved ( ) b) in love with her, and she had (2) c) school when she was fourteen and then went to ( ) d) from film. She moved to New York. She lived alone ( ) e) to Hollywood. During her life, many people fell (I) f) Greta Garbo grew up in Sweden. She left ( ) g) several relationships. But she didn't get ( ) h) any children. When she was thirty-six Garbo retired ( ) i) in a large apartment until she died in 1990. ( ) j) married and she didn't have 2 Think about somebody in your family who was born in the first half of the last century (1900-1950). Write a summary of their life using expressions in the box. grew up in (a place) went to (school, college, university, etc.) left (school, college, university, etc.) got a job moved to (a new place) lived in (a house, an apartment, etc.) fell in love with had a relationship with got (engaged to, married to, divorced from) had children retired 3 Compare your summary with a partner.
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