Influence of soaking temperature time on the ability prepared liquefaction of wood from cashew nut shell waste
Tóm tắt Influence of soaking temperature time on the ability prepared liquefaction of wood from cashew nut shell waste: ...step was 0.9642 with a scanning angle of 500 to 4000cm 1. The binder was KBr. The test method was a transmittance spectrum. Determine a residual CNSW: Phenolic resin is crushed, filtered, and washed to re- move residual phenol in the resin. The washed resin is dried at 70oC. The sample was the...ime to residual CNSW ratio Sample Temperature (oC) Soaking time (minute) Residual CNSW ratio (% .wt) ST90 150 90 29.68 1.45 ST120 150 120 15.25 1.36 ST150 150 150 11.95 0.91 ST180 150 180 9.44 1.15 ST210 150 210 9.02 1.24 data in Table 5 and Figure 3, the samples all had the presence of...012.04.043. 5. Kurimoto Y. Wood species effects on the characteristics of liquefied wood and the properties of polyurethane films prepared from the liquefied wood. Biomass and Bioenergy. 2001;21(5):381–390. Available from: S0961-9534(01)00041-1. 6. Jin Y. Liquefaction ...
h D Q, Minh H N, Nhi N V U, Kien K D T. Influence of soaking temperature time on the ability prepared liquefaction ofwood from cashewnut shell waste. Sci. Tech. Dev. J. – Engineering and Technology; 4(1):713-720. 713 Copyright © VNU-HCM Press. This is an open- access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 4(1):713-720 In Vietnam, cashew is one of the important indus- trial trees. Due to exporting cashew nuts only, cashew nut shell has become one of the waste items in the cashew industry. Cashew nut shell is often pressed to get cashew oil. However, the cashew nut shell after pressing (often called the cashew nut shell waste) is still a waste to be treated. There have been some stud- ies using cashew shell waste to fabricate ceramic17,18. Other studies have also used cashew shell waste to make wood liquefaction19,20. This research will study the influence of soaking temperature time on the abil- ity to prepared wood liquefaction from cashew nut shell waste. EXPERIMENTALMETHODS Rawmaterials CNSW was taken from Binh Phuoc. Chemical com- position was shown in Table 1 and Table 2. CNSW was washed and crushed to a size of less than 500 mm. Phenol (1.07 g/cm3, Merck) and 98% sulfuric acid (1.84 g/cm3, Merck) were also used to fabricate wood liquefaction from CNSW. Phenol, CNSW were mixed with the ratio of 2/1 (wt.) and 5% sulfuric acid According to the amount of phe- nol used. Themixed mixtures were placed in the dry- ing oven and soaked at 150 C for different time peri- ods to make wood liquefaction. The soaking temper- ature times are shown in Table 3. Optimum soaking time was determined by analyz- ing properties such as vibrational units of functional groups by FT-IR method; Wood liquefaction reaction efficiency through assessment of residual CNSW ra- tio; The number average molecular weight (Mn) and the weight average molecular weight (Mw) by Gel chromatography (GPC) method. Methods Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT- IR): The vibration of the functional groups of wood liq- uefaction was analyzed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR – Model Nicolet 6700, Thermo, USA). The scanning step was 0.9642 with a scanning angle of 500 to 4000cm 1. The binder was KBr. The test method was a transmittance spectrum. Determine a residual CNSW: Phenolic resin is crushed, filtered, and washed to re- move residual phenol in the resin. The washed resin is dried at 70oC. The sample was then weighed 2,00 0.01 gram, contained in Erlen, added about 40 ml of ethanol, and swirled well. The sample is filtered slowly through the filter paper and weighed to deter- mine the mass of the filtered sample. After filtration is complete, the filter paper containing the residue is placed in a drying cup and dried to constant weight. The residual CNSW is determined from the following formula: %mgd = ms mgl mo (1) mgd – the percentage of residual CNSW (%) ms – the weight of filter paper and insoluble residue (gram) mgl – the weight of dry filter paper (gram) mo – the weight of the original phenolic resin (gram) Gel permeation chromatography (GPC): The number average molecular weight (Mn) and the weight average molecular weight (Mw) were deter- mined by Gel permeation chromatography method (GPC - Model PL-GPC 50, POLYMERLAB, USA). The used soluble solvent is Dimethyl - Formamide (DMF). The wood liquefaction samples were dis- solved in DMF solvent at a concentration of 0.10 mg/ml. The dosage for each sample injection was 50m l. THE RESULTS ANDDISCUSSIONS Vibrational units of functional groups by FT-IR spectrum Wood liquefaction samples at different soaking times were determined functional groups by FT-IRmethod. FT-IR spectrums of samples were presented in Fig- ure 1. FT-IR spectrum showed that the samples all had functional groups such as: CHn (2929, 2850 cm 1), C=O (1700cm 1), C=C (1598 cm 1), C-C (1513 cm 1), CH2 (1452 cm 1), CH (1371 cm 1), OH (1257 cm 1), C-H (1092, 815, 754 cm 1) (Ta- ble 4)2,3,21,22. The results of the FTIR spectrum of the samples were similar. Comparison with the FTIR spectrum of pre- vious studies showed that therewaswood liquefaction formation in all samples2,3,21,22. In this case, it is dif- ficult to estimate the optimal retention time for wood liquefaction generation at 150C. Therefore, the de- termination of residual CNSW and the GPC method was used to evaluate this factor. Determine residual CNSW Results from the graph in Figure 2 showed that the residual CNSW of liquefied wood decreased as the soaking time increases. When the retention time in- creased, the reaction time for creating wood liquefac- tion was prolonged, the reaction performance also in- creased. The residue of CNSW was reduced rapidly 714 Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 4(1):713-720 Table 1: The composition of the chemical elements (%wt.) of CNSW 20 Sample C N H O Others CSNW 53.6 9.5 8.8 26.8 1.2 Table 2: The composition of chemical compounds (%wt.) of CNSW Sample Cellulose Hemi cellulose Lignin Anacardic acid Cardanol Cardol 2-Methyl Cardol CSNW 53-56 11-12 16-17 10-15 1-2 2-4 <1 Table 3: The soaking temperature times Sample Ratio (wt.) Temperature Soaking time Phenol CNSW Sulfuric acid(*) (oC) (minutes) ST90 2 1 5% 150 90 ST120 2 1 150 120 ST150 2 1 150 150 ST180 2 1 150 180 ST210 2 1 150 210 * According to the amount of phenol used Table 4: Vibration of functional groups Wavenumbers (cm 1) Function groups Ref. 3351 Vibrate of OH group of phenolic and methylol 21 2929, 2850 Vibrate of CH2 group of aliphatic 2,21 1700 Vibrate of C=O group of carboxylic 3 1598 Vibrate of C=C group of benzen 22 1513 Vibrate of C-C in aromatic ring 3 1452 Vibrate of -CH2 group 1 1371 Vibrate of -CH group 21 1257 Vibrate of OH group 1 1092 Vibrate of C-H group inside the aromatic ring 1,21 815 Vibrate of C-H group of benzen 1 754 Vibrate of C-H group outside the aromatic plane 1 when extending the retention time from 90 to 180 minutes corresponding to the model ST90 to ST180 (from 29.68% to 9.44%). If the soaking time was pro- longed, the residue of CNSWwould be difficult to re- duce further (from 9.44% to 9.02%). When the heat retention time was prolonged, the chemical reactions between phenol, CNSW, and the acid catalyst would take place more thoroughly. As a result of this process, the amount of CNSW in- volved in the reaction to create the resin was more, the amount of CNSW remaining after the reaction also was less. However, besides the resin-forming re- action, there was also the thermal decomposition of CNSW23. Therefore, when the heat retention time was longer than 180 minutes, the result of CNSW residue decreases very little. The CNSW residue re- sult showed that at 150oC the optimal soaking time was 180 minutes. DetermineMn andMw by GPC The results of the GPC analysis of the samples were presented in Table 5 and Figure 3. According to the 715 Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 4(1):713-720 Figure 1: FTIR ofwood liquefaction at 150oC for different soaking time Table 5: Effect of soaking time to residual CNSW ratio Sample Temperature (oC) Soaking time (minute) Residual CNSW ratio (% .wt) ST90 150 90 29.68 1.45 ST120 150 120 15.25 1.36 ST150 150 150 11.95 0.91 ST180 150 180 9.44 1.15 ST210 150 210 9.02 1.24 data in Table 5 and Figure 3, the samples all had the presence of two characteristic distribution areas. The first region (region 1) had the number average molec- ular weight (Mn) in the range of 6997 - 7552 and the weight average molecular weight (Mw) in the range 10152 - 10849. The second region (region 2) had Mn index in the range 1275 - 1325 and Mw in the range of 1545 – 1755. This region was the distribution of oligomers. Kensuke Naka pointed out that polymer had a molec- ular weight of more than ten thousand and oligomer had a molecular weight of several thousand or less23. GPC results showed that region 1 with Mw value over 10000 was the distribution region of the polymer and region 2 with Mw value from 1545 to 1755 was the distribution region of the oligomer. TheWn was used to determine the formation of the liquefied wood at different thermal retention time. When holding the heat at 150oC from 90 minutes to 180 minutes (ST90 – ST180 samples), the oligomers linked together to form polymers. The Wn value of the polymer region would increase and the oligomer region would de- crease. Conversely, if the holding time was too long (ST210 sample), the Wn value of the polymer region would decrease and the oligomer region would in- crease. This result demonstrated that prolonging the soaking time also would sever themolecular circuit of the newly formed polymer. This result combined with the residual CNSW ra- tio (Figure 1) and the relative intensity ratio of the peaks on the FT-IR spectra (Figure 2) showed that the formed wood liquefaction at different soaking times 716 Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 4(1):713-720 Figure 2: Effect of soaking time to residual CNSW ratio Table 6: Gel permeation chromatography of wood liquefaction samples Sample Soaking time (minutes) Region Mn Mw ST90 90 1 7056 10152 2 1325 1679 ST120 120 1 7141 10845 2 1295 1610 ST150 150 1 7410 10401 2 1282 1755 ST180 180 1 7552 10640 2 1275 1545 ST210 210 1 6997 10509 2 1323 1629 had a similar structure and 180 minutes was the opti- mal time to fabricate wood liquefaction from CNSW at 150oC. CONCLUSIONS In this study, the effect of soaking time at 150oC on the ability to prepared wood liquefaction was in- vestigated. The FTIR results showed that there was LW formation in all samples at different soaking times. When increasing the soaking time, the resid- ual CNSW ratio in resin decreased. However, when increasing the retention time of more than 180 min- utes, the residual CNSW ratio did not decrease signif- icantly. Mw andMn values in the GPC results showed that the samples had coexistence of the polymer and oligomer and 180 minutes was the optimal time to fabricate wood liquefaction from CNSW at 150oC. The ST180 sample had the residual CNSW ratio of 717 Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 4(1):713-720 Figure 3: GPC result of wood liquefactionat 150oC for different soaking time 9.44%, the number average molecular weight (Mn) of 7552, and the weight average molecular weight (Mw) of 10640. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research is funded by Vietnam National Uni- versity Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM) under grant number: C2019-20-27. We acknowledge the support of time and facilities from Ho Chi Minh City Uni- versity of Technology (HCMUT), VNU-HCM for this study. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this article. AUTHOR’S CONTRIBUTION The authors confirm contribution to the paper as follows: study conception and design: Do Quang Minh, Kieu Do Trung Kien; data collection: Nguyen Vu Uyen Nhi; analysis and interpretation of results: Huynh Ngoc Minh; draft manuscript preparation: Kieu Do Trung Kien. All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript. REFERENCES 1. Jiang H, et al. The pyrolysis mechanism of phenol formaldehyde resin, Polymer Degradation and Stability. 2012;97(8):1527–1533. Available from: 1016/j.polymdegradstab.2012.04.016. 2. Huang Y, et al. Thermal and structure analysis on reaction mechanismsduring thepreparationof activatedcarbonfibers by KOH activation from liquefied wood-based fibers, Indus- trial Crops and Products. 2015;69:447–455. Available from: 3. KobayashiM, et al. 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Liên hệ Kiều Đỗ Trung Kiên, Bộ môn Vật liệu Silicat, Khoa Công nghệ Vật liệu, Trường Đại học Bách Khoa Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (HCMUT), 268 Lý Thường Kiệt, quận 10, thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam Đại học Quốc Gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (ĐHQG-HCM), phường Linh Trung, quận Thủ Đức, thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam. Email: Lịch sử Ngày nhận: 25-11-2020 Ngày chấp nhận: 16-03-2021 Ngày đăng: 30-03-2021 DOI : 10.32508/stdjet.v4i1.796 Ảnh hưởng của thời gian lưu nhiệt đến khả năng tạo gỗ hoá nhựa từ nguồn nguyên liệu bã thải vỏ điều ĐỗQuangMinh1,2, Huỳnh NgọcMinh1,2, Nguyễn Vũ Uyên Nhi1,2, Kiều Đỗ Trung Kiên1,2,* Use your smartphone to scan this QR code and download this article TÓM TẮT Gỗ hoá nhựa là một trong những sản phẩm nhựa phenolic. Tuy nhiên, không giống như các loại nhựaphenolic thươngphẩm thườngđược tổnghợp từphảnứnghoáhọcgiữaphenol và formalde- hyde, gỗ hoá nhựa thường được tổng hợp từ phản ứng giữa phenol với một loại nguyên liệu gốc gỗ và xúc tác tại nhiệt độ 120 – 180oC. Tuỳ thuộc vào xúc tác sử dụng là bazơ hoặc axít, nhựa tạo thành có thể là nhựa nhiệt rắn hoặc nhiệt dẻo. Trong nghiên cứu này, gỗ hoá nhựa được tổng hợp từ bã thải vỏ điều, phenol và xúc tác axít sulphuric. Bã thải vỏ điều được lấy từ tỉnh Bình Phước – Việt Nam và được nghiền đến kích thước hạt nhỏ hơn 500 mm. Phenol và xúc tác axít sulphuric sử dụng là các hoá chất thí nghiệm. Bột bã thải vỏ điều, phenol và axít sulphuric được trộn với nhau và được cho phản ứng ở 150oC trong những thời gian lưu nhiệt khác nhau. Thời gian lưu nhiệt thích hợp được xác định thông qua dư lượng bã thải vỏ điều còn lại sau phản ứng tạo nhựa. Ngoài ra, sản phẩm gỗ hoá nhựa cũng được các định số lượng phân tử số trung bình (Mn) và phân tử khối trung bình (Mw) bằng phương pháp sắc ký thẩm thấu gel (GPC). Nhóm chức tạo thành được xác định bằng phổ biến đổi hồng ngoại (FTIR). Kết quả chỉ ra rằng nhựa tạo thành là nhựa nhiệt dẻo và thời gian lưu nhiệt thích hợp để tạo gỗ hoá nhựa là 180 phút. Mẫu nhựa này có dư lượng bã thải vỏ điều còn lại sau phản ứng là 9.44%, phân tử số trung bình là 7552, phân tử khối trung bình là 10640. Gỗ hóa nhựa từ bã thải vỏ điều có thể được sử dụng làm chất liên kết trong sản xuất tấm ván gỗ ép (MDF) hoặc làm nguyên liệu thúc đẩy quá trình kết khối trong sản xuất vật liệu gốm gỗ. Ngoài ra, gỗ hoá nhựa cũng có thể được nhiệt phân để tạo thành sợi cacbon. Sợi cacbon có thể được ứng dụng làm vật liệu gia cường trong sản xuất một số loại gốm. Từ khoá: nhựa phenolic, gỗ hoá nhựa, bã thải vỏ điều Trích dẫn bài báo này: Minh D Q, Minh H N, Nhi N V U, Kiên K D T. Ảnh hưởng của thời gian lưu nhiệt đến khả năng tạo gỗ hoá nhựa từ nguồn nguyên liệu bã thải vỏ điều. Sci. Tech. Dev. J. - Eng. Tech.; 4(1):713-720. 720
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