Luận văn An investigation into negative sentences in english and vietnamese: a word grammar perspective
Tóm tắt Luận văn An investigation into negative sentences in english and vietnamese: a word grammar perspective: ...g) WG is cognitivist and prototypist h) WG is implementationist Default inheritance ‘Default inheritance’ is the name for the basic logical operation which makes generalizations possible in WG. Default inheritance is closely related to the idea of prototypes, since the default c...e representatives of its type. 12 The Structure of Negative Statements a. Predicate negation Figure 4.1: Predicate negation of ENS analyzed in WG Figure above shows how predicate negation works in an English auxiliary sentence: Figure 4.4: Predicate negation of ENS analyzed i... Double negative in Vietnamese is used mostly to strongly affirm the fact. 19 4.5 SUGGESTIONS FOR STUDYING NEGATIVE SENTENCES 4.5.1 Negative word functioning as the complement As analyzed above, the negative words can be the complement of the auxiliaries in the sentence. While the mai...
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