Luận văn An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of educational institution mottos in english and vietnamese
Tóm tắt Luận văn An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of educational institution mottos in english and vietnamese: ...sed in a particular time or in certain events, activities, programs or campaigns meanwhile mottos are employed for a long time and often during the lives of people, the running of institutions, organizations or companies. Therefore, the sayings such as: “A promise for life” (Abbott Milk Ad... of EEIMs NPs are established in various ways by combining a head noun with either determiner or modifier according to the needs in identifying and specifying the referent of the NP or by combining some NPs. They are all illustrated in Table 4.2 as follows: Table 4.2: Noun Phrase Structur...l as enumerative structures, parallel structures and elliptical structures. Secondly, in both EEIMs and VEIMs, NP and imperatives are most used as they commonly occur in language. The rates of them are just a little bit different between English and Vietnamese. Thirdly, all kinds of declar...
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