Mix design of high-volume fly ash ultra high performance concrete
Tóm tắt Mix design of high-volume fly ash ultra high performance concrete: ... 70% of the designed unit water was added and then mixed for another 4 min; and (3) the other 30% of the unit water including superplasticizer was added and mixed for 9 min. Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering NUCE 20 1 ISSN 1859-2996 7 0.00025 0.354 5.9 26.22 0.00 12...sired compressive strength. Based on the suggestions of several researches using available local materials in Vietnam [20, 21, 22, 23], some trial tests were conducted, and the W/B ratio was adjusted to attain the desired compressive strength of 120 MPa. It should be noted that the very high S... use SCMs to replace cement to produce UHPC. 4.5. Effect of heat treatment duration from 1 to 7 days on the 28-day compressive strength After the desired compressive strength of HVFA UHPC was obtained, the effect of heat treatment duration on the 28-day compressive strength was studied to determ...
in the range of 200–250 mm by adjusting the superplasticizer (SP) dosage, as listed in Table 4. Table 4. Mix proportions of HVFA UHPC mixtures Mix. No W/B (by weight) S/B (by weight) FA (wt.% of binder) SF (wt.% of binder) SP wt.% of binder) C, kg/m3 FA, kg/m3 SF, kg/m3 S, kg/m3 Water, kg/m3 SP, kg/m3 1 0.16 1 0 10 0.58 1036 0 115 1151 182 22.3 2 0.16 1 10 10 0.56 911 114 114 1139 180 21.3 3 0.16 1 20 10 0.52 789 225 113 1127 180 19.5 4 0.16 1 30 10 0.49 669 335 112 1116 179 18.2 5 0.16 1 40 10 0.40 552 442 110 1104 179 14.7 6 0.16 1 50 10 0.27 437 547 109 1093 181 9.8 7 0.16 1 60 10 0.24 325 649 108 1082 180 8.7 8 0.16 1 70 10 0.19 214 750 107 1072 179 6.8 Note: Water considering the additional water content in both the saturated sand with a moisture content of 1.15 wt.% and the liquid superplasticizer with a solid content of 30 wt.%. 4.4. Effect of the FA content on the development of compressive strength of HVFA UHPC In this step, the development of compressive strength with time of UHPC using different FA con- tents from 0% to 70% by weight of binder was determined. The experimental results were compared with the desired compressive strength, i.e. over 120 MPa and 150 MPa under standard curing and heat treatment, respectively (Fig. 5). It should be noted that the W/B ratio was kept constantly at 0.16, and the SF content was fixed at 10% by weight of binder. 204 Dong, P. S., et al. / Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering NUCE 2021 ISSN 1859-2996 11 SF content was fixed at 10% by weight of binder. The flow measurements were controlled in the range of 200–250 mm by adjusting the superplasticizer (SP) dosage, as listed in Table 4. Table 4. Mix proportions of HVFA UHPC mixtures. Mix. No W/B (by weight) S/B (by weight) FA (wt.% of binder) SF (wt.% of binder) SP wt.% of binder) C, kg/m3 FA, kg/m3 SF, kg/m3 S, kg/m3 Water, kg/m3 SP, kg/m3 1 0.16 1 0 10 0.58 1036 0 115 1151 182 22.3 2 0.16 1 10 10 0.56 911 114 114 1139 180 21.3 3 0.16 1 20 10 0.52 789 225 113 1127 180 19.5 4 0.16 1 30 10 0.49 669 335 112 1116 179 18.2 5 0.16 1 40 10 0.40 552 442 110 1104 179 14.7 6 0.16 1 50 10 0.27 437 547 109 1093 181 9.8 7 0.16 1 60 10 0.24 325 649 108 1082 180 8.7 8 0.16 1 70 10 0.19 214 750 107 1072 179 6.8 Note: Water considering the additional water content in both the saturated sand with a moisture content of 1.15 wt.% and the liquid superplasticizer with a solid content of 30 wt.%. 4.4 Effect of the FA content on the development of compressive strength of HVFA UHPC In this step, the development of compressive strength with time of UHPC using different FA contents from 0% to 70% by weight of binder was determined. The experimental results were compared with the desired compressive strength, i.e. over 120 MPa and 150 MPa under standard curing and heat treatment, respectively (Figure 5). It should be noted that the W/B ratio was kept constantly at 0.16, and the SF content was fixed at 10% by weight of binder. 0 50 100 150 200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Co m pr es siv e str en gt h, M Pa The FA content, wt.% of binder 3 days 7 days 28 days (a) Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering NUCE 2021 ISSN 1859-2996 12 Figure 5. Effect of the FA content on 28-day compressive strength of UHPC with time, W/B = 0.16, 10% SF, under (a) standard curing condition, (b) heat treatment Experimental results show that the enhancement of the compressive strength of HVFA UHPC requires the early heat treatment. The maximum 28-day compressive strengths of 149 MPa and 160 MPa were achieved when using a combination of 10%SF and 20%FA under standard curing and heat treatment, respectively. In both curing conditions, the compressive strength of concrete reached over 120 MPa with the FA content up to 50%. It means that the total amount of SF and FA, in this case, is 60% by weight of binder, which contributes a great significance to use SCMs to replace cement to produce UHPC. 4.5 Effect of heat treatment duration from 1 to 7 days on the 28-day compressive strength After the desired compressive strength of HVFA UHPC was obtained, the effect of heat treatment duration on the 28-day compressive strength was studied to determine the maximum FA content to produce HVFA UHPC because the heat curing condition can enhance the microstructure and result in increasing strengths [1, 24, 25]. In this study, the desired compressive strength was either 120 MPa under standard curing or 150 MPa under heat treatment, and the achieved experimental results are shown in Figure 6. It can be observed from Figure 6 that extension of heat treatment time enhances the compressive strength of UHPC but not significant after 1-2 days. Compared with the desired compressive strength, it is recommended as at least two days under heat treatment from the experimental results. 0 50 100 150 200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Co m pr es siv e str en gt h, M Pa The FA content, wt.% of binder 3 days 7 days 28 days (b) Figure 5. Effect of the FA content on 28-day compressive strength of UHPC with time, W/B = 0.16, 10% SF, under (a) standard curing condition, (b) heat treatment Experimental res lts show that the enhancement of the compressive strength of HVFA UHPC requires the early heat treatment. Th maximum 28-day compressive strengths of 149 MPa and 160 MPa were achiev d when using a combination of 10%SF and 20%FA under standard curing and heat treatment, resp ctively. In both uring conditions, the compressiv strength of concrete reached over 120 MPa with the FA content up to 50%. It means that the total amount of SF and FA, in this case, is 60% by weight of binder, which contributes a great significance to use SCMs to replace cement to produce UHPC. 4.5. Effect of heat treatment duration from 1 to 7 days on the 28-day compressive strength After the desired compressive strength of HVFA UHPC was obtained, the effect of heat treatment duration on the 28-day compressive strength was studied to determine the maximum FA content to produce HVFA UHPC because the heat curing condition can enhance the microstructure and result in increasing strengths [1, 24, 25]. In this study, the desired compressive strength was either 120 MPa under standard uring or 150 MPa und r he treatme t, and th achieved experimental results are shown in Fig. 6. It can be observed from Fig. 6 that extension of heat tre m n ime enhanc s the compressive strength of UHPC bu n t significant af er 1-2 days. Compared with the desired compressive strength, it is recommended as at least two days under heat treatment from the experimental results. 205 Dong, P. S., et al. / Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering NUCE 2021 ISSN 1859-2996 13 Figure 6. Effect of the heat curing duration on 28-day compressive strength of HVFA UHPC, W/B = 0.16, SF fixed at 10%. 4.6 Embodied CO2 emissions of HVFA UHPC The replacement of HVFA for cement in producing UHPC gives a positive influence on the environmental impact due to that UHPC consumes a high amount of cement as aforementioned. In this study, the environmental benefit of using HVFA to produce UHPC can be assessed by the embodied CO2 emissions of concrete mixtures. The calculation method following to the life cycle assessment (LCA) approach presented by Yang et al. [26]. The LCA procedure is specified and meets the minimum requirements, i.e. from the cradle to the gate of concrete plant, of the ISO 14040 series. In this calculation, CO2 inventories of raw materials, i.e., sand, cement, SP, water, SF, FA, were taken from studies by Shi et al. [27] and King [28], as given in Table 5. Note that the transportation of each component was not considered in this calculation. Table 5. Embodied e-CO2 of components [26, 27]. Unit: CO2-kg/kg. Cement FA SF Quart sand Water SP 0.83 0.009 0.028 0.01 0 0.72 From the UHPC mix proportions in Table 4 and embodied e-CO2 of components in Table 5, embodied CO2 emissions of UHPC using different FA contents under standard curing were calculated and the results are shown in Figure 7. 0 50 100 150 200 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Co m pr es siv e str en gt h, M Pa Heat treatment duration, days REF 20%FA 30%FA 50%FA 70%FA Figure 6. Effect of the heat curing duration on 28-day compressive strength of HVFA UHPC, W/B = 0.16, SF fixed at 10% 4.6. Embodied CO2 issi ns of HVFA UHPC The replacement of HVFA for cement in producing UHPC gives a positive influence on the en- vironmental impact due to that UHPC consumes a high amount of cement as aforementioned. In this study, the environmental benefit of using HVFA to produce UHPC can be assessed by the embodied CO2 emissions of concrete mixtures. The calculation method following to the life cycle assessment (LCA) approach presented by Yang et al. [26]. The LCA procedure is specified and meets the min- imum requirements, i.e. from the cradle to the gate of concrete plant, of the ISO 14040 series. In this calculation, CO2 inventories of raw materials, i.e., sand, cement, SP, water, SF, FA, were taken from studies by Shi et al. [27] and King [28], as given in Table 5. Note that the transportation of each component was not considered in this calculation. Table 5. Embodied e-CO2 of components [26, 27] (Unit: CO2-kg/kg) Cement FA SF Quart sand Water SP 0.83 0.009 0.028 0.01 0 0.72 From the UHPC mix proportions in Table 4 and embodied e-CO2 of components in Table 5, embodied CO2 emissions of UHPC using different FA contents under standard curing were calculated and the results are shown in Fig. 7. Regarding the heat treatment, the total heat treatment duration of 54 h was applied, including the gradual heating time of 6 h and the 48 h constant temperature time. The CO2 emission for heat treatment of 2.49 CO2/(m3.h) was chosen [27] in this study. Therefore, the total CO2 emission of 134.46 kg/m3 was added to the CO2 emission under the standard curing condition for all samples under the heat treatment condition. It can be observed in Fig. 7 that progressively increasing FA was found to decrease the embodied CO2 emissions of UHPC. The replacement of 50% FA reduces 56.4% embodied CO2 emission in producing UHPC while still reaching the desired 28-day compressive strength of 120 MPa under the standard curing condition. This contributes to a significant environmental impact benefit for the sustainable development of UHPC. 206 Dong, P. S., et al. / Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering NUCE 2021 ISSN 1859-2996 14 Figure 7. Embodied CO2 emissions of UHPC using different FA contents under standard curing condition. Regarding the heat treatment, the total heat treatment duration of 54 h was applied, including the gradual heating time of 6 h and the 48 h constant temperature time. The CO2 emission for heat treatment of 2.49 CO2/(m3.h) was chosen [27] in this study. Therefore, the total CO2 emission of 134.46 kg/m3 was added to the CO2 emission under the standard curing condition for all samples under the heat treatment condition. It can be observed in Figure 7 that progressively increasing FA was found to decrease the embodied CO2 emissions of UHPC. The replacement of 50% FA reduces 56.4% embodied CO2 emission in producing UHPC while still reaching the desired 28-day compressive strength of 120 MPa under the standard curing condition. This contributes to a significant environmental impact benefit for the sustainable development of UHPC. 5. Conclusions This paper presents a proposed mix design verified by the experiments of properties evaluation for high volume fly ash ultra-high performance concrete (HVFA UHPC). From the results obtained, the following conclusions can be drawn: - The mix design method based on the optimization of granular composition calculated by the method of F.de Larrard, selection of a reasonable W/B ratio, and application of absolute volume principle can be used effectively to fine optimum mix proportions of HVFA UHPC. The effect of curing condition, and heat treatment duration were considered in this proposed mix design method. - At least two days under heat treatment is required for HVFA UHPC to achieve the desired compressive strength. - The total SCMs content of 60% (10%SF + 50% FA), or only 437 kg cement per m3, can be used to produce HVFA UHPC with a desired compressive strength over 120 MPa and 150 MPa under standard curing and heat treatment, 89 0. 7 78 7. 1 68 5. 4 58 5. 7 48 6. 8 38 8. 7 29 5. 7 20 3. 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Em bo di ed C O 2 (k g/ m 3 ) The FA content, wt.% of binder 56.4% Figure 7. Embodied CO2 emissions of UHPC using different FA contents under standard curing condition 5. Conclusions This paper presents a proposed mix design verified by the experiments of properties evaluation for high volume fly ash ultra-high performance concrete (HVFA UHPC). From the results obtained, the following conclusions can be drawn: - The mix design method based on the optimization of granular composition calculated by the method of F. de Larrard, selection of a reas nable W/B ratio, and application f absolute volume principle can be used effectively t fine optimum mix proportions of HVFA UHPC. The effect of curing condition, and heat treatment duratio were considered in this proposed mix design method. - At least two days u der heat treatment is required for HVFA UHPC to achieve the desired compressive strength. - The total SCMs content of 60% (10%SF + 50%FA), or only 437 kg cement per m3, can be used to produce HVFA UHPC with a desired compressive strength over 120 MPa and 150 MPa under standard curing and heat treatment, respectively. - The embodied CO2 emissions of UHPC reduces 56.4% with addition of 50% FA. References [1] Richard, P., Cheyrezy, M. H. (1994). Reactive powder concretes with high ductility and 200-800 MPa compressive strength. 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