Optimal precoder designs for sum rate maximization in MIMO multiuser multicells
Tóm tắt Optimal precoder designs for sum rate maximization in MIMO multiuser multicells: ... i-th user in the k-th cell is expressed as 1 1 , , 1 1 1 , l i i i i j j i IK K k k l l k k l l l k l l j y H x n H V s n (3) where 1ki i N x k Cn is additive white Gaussian noise at the i-th user in the k-th cell with ݊ ~ ܥܰ (0,ߪଶ ܫேೖ). To clearly...ve the convex optimization (16) to obtain ( 1 ) .iK Q Then, applying the SVD ( 1) ( 1) ( 1) ( 1) ,i i i i H K K K K Q U we have 1/2 ( 1) ( 1) ( 1) .i i iK K K T U 5: Obtain ( 1)iK V by (13). 6: Evaluate the sum rate in (15). 3.2 FBS transmission strategies N...d that the objective function is monotonically increased over iterations and it quickly converges in less than 20 iterations. In addition, as the maximum allowable transmitted power increases, the sum rate of the FBSs also increases. Figure 2. Convergence characteristic of the proposed ...
e system is maximized. Since the MBS can exploit the spectrum frequency without awareness of the existence of the FBSs, we first derive the MBS transmission strategy. Then, the FBSs transmission scheme is introduced to handle both intra-tier and cross-tier interference. 3.1 MBS transmission strategies In practice, the FBS operates in the plug and play mode. Thus, the MBS transmission strategy is oblivious the existence of the FBSs and the FBS must guarantee the harmless interference levels to MUs [6]. With the exclusion of cross-tier interference, the received signal of the i-th MU in the MBS is given by 1 ( 1) ( 1) ,( 1) ( 1) ( 1) ( 1) ,( 1) ( 1) ( 1) ( 1) 1, . i i i i K i j j i K K K K K I K K K K K j j i y H V s H V s n (7) To remove intra-cell interference at the i-th user in the macro cell, we adopt the BD scheme [14]. Form Eq. (7), the conditions for zero- interference are given by ( 1 ) ,( 1) ( 1) 10, ; , 1, ...,i jK K K Kj i i j I H V (8) It immediately implies that the channel capacity of the i-th user in the macro-cell is given by ( 1)( 1) 2 ( 1) ,( 1)2 ( 1) ( 1) ( 1) ( 1) ,( 1) 1log . i K ii i i i i K N K K K H H K K K K C I H V V H (9) Define ( 1)jKH as the 1 ( 1) 1 1, xM K j I K K j j i N channel matrix for all users other than the j-th user in the MBS 1 ( 1) ( 1) (K 1) ( 1) ( 1) ( 1) ( 1) ( 1) ... ... ... . j j j T T T K K K K TT K H H H H H (10) Condition (8) is equivalent to ( 1) ( 1) 10 , 1, ..., .j jK K Kj I VH (11) In other words, ( 1) jKV is the null space of matrix ( 1)jKH . Accordingly, the null space condition (11) imposes 1 1 ( 1) 1, K j I K K j j i M N ( 1) jK d . Applying the SVD to ( 1)jKH yields ( 1) ( 1) ( 1) ( 1) ,j j j j H K K K KU V H (12) where ( 1)jKU and ( 1)jKV are the left and right singular matrices of ( 1)jKH . The diagonal matrix ( 1) jK contains the decreasing ordered SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT, Vol.18, No.K6 - 2015 Trang 96 singular values on its diagonal. To satisfy (11), we chose ( 1) ( 1) 1 ( 1) 1 ( 1):, 1 :j j j jK K K K K KM d M V V T (13) where ( 1) ( 1)x ( 1) K Kj j j d d K C T can be an arbitrary matrix subject to the power constraint at the MBS. From (2), the transmitted power constraint at the MBS is rewritten as 1 1 1 ( 1) ( 1) 1 max ( 1) ( 1) 1 1 trace trace . K i i K i i I H K K K i I H K K K i P P = V V = T T (14) Then, from (9) the sum rate at the MBS can be calculated as 1 ( 1) ( 1)1 2 2 1 ( 1) ( 1)( 1) ( 1) 1log , K iK i i ii i I KK N i K HH KK K C I H T T H (15) where we define ( 1) ( 1) ,( 1) ( 1 )i i iK K K K H H V 1 ( 1) 1:, 1:jK K KM d M for simplicity. The design problem of interest is to find the precoders at the MBS to maximize the total sum rate. Thus, the optimal design of precoders can be mathematically posed as 1 ( 1) ( 1) 2 ( 1) ( 1) ( 1)2 1 ( 1) 1logmax K K i i iiK i i I H N K K K i K Q I H Q H (16a) 1 max ( 1) 1 1 traces.t. K i I K K i P Q (16b) where ( 1) ( 1) ( 1)i i i H K K K Q T T . It is clear that the objective function and constraints of (16) are convex optimization. It is well known that in such a convex optimization problem, a local optimum is also a global optimum. Thus, problem (16) can be efficiently solved by standard optimization software packages, e.g., CVX [15]. After obtaining the optimal solution ( 1) iK Q to problem (16), we calculate the singular value decomposition ( 1) ( 1) ( 1) ( 1)i i i i H K K K K Q U V and obtain the optimal ( 1 ) iK T by 1/2( 1) ( 1) ( 1) .i i iK K K T U (17) We summarize the design steps of the precoders at MBS in Algorithm 1. Algorithm 1 : MBS transmission strategies 1: Input: m ax 1 ( 1) 1, , , C S I, .iK K KK M N P 2: Output: ( 1) ( 1) 1and , .i iK K KC T V 3: Compute ( 1)jKV from (12). 4: Solve the convex optimization (16) to obtain ( 1 ) .iK Q Then, applying the SVD ( 1) ( 1) ( 1) ( 1) ,i i i i H K K K K Q U we have 1/2 ( 1) ( 1) ( 1) .i i iK K K T U 5: Obtain ( 1)iK V by (13). 6: Evaluate the sum rate in (15). 3.2 FBS transmission strategies Note that the FBSs can operate in the same frequency with the MBS if they do not cause harmful interference to MUs. In addition, the intra-tier interference should be mitigated to enhance the sum rate of the femtocells. This means that the FBSs should be deal with both cross-tier and intra-tier interference. The received signal of the i-th user in the k-th cell, defined by (4), yields the channel capacity of the i-th user in k-th femtocell given by 1 2 , ,log ,i k i i i i ii H H k N k k k k k k kC I H V V H (18) where 2 ,l , ( , ) ( , ) i i k i j j ii H H k k N k l l k l l j k i I H V V H . The sum-rate of the femtocells is 12 , , 1 1 log . k i k i i i ii IK H k N k k k k k k k i R Q I H Q H (19) TAÏP CHÍ PHAÙT TRIEÅN KH&CN, TAÄP 18, SOÁ K6- 2015 Trang 97 It is highly desired that the femtocell deployment still guarantees the quality of service of the MUs. The inter-cell interference from K femtocells caused to the i-th user in the MBS must by constrained by an acceptable threshold ( 1)iK ( 1) ( 1) , ( 1) , ( 1) 1 1 trace k i i j i i IK H K K k k K k K k j I H Q H (20) where we define w i th a n d = 1 , . . . = 1 , . . . j j j k H k k k k K j IQ V V (21) For simplicity of notation, we define =1,..., and =1,..., j k k k K j I Q Q . To investigate on the efficiency of the precoder design, we consider the scenario in which perfect CSI is exchanged by the BSs via the backhaul links [10] and global CSI is perfectly known at all BSs. The problem of interest is to find the precoders at FBSs to maximize the total sum rate of K femtocells. Thus, the optimal design of precoders can be written as max R Q Q (22a) max 1 s.t. trace 1,..., k i I k k i k KP Q (22b) 1 ( 1) , ( 1) , 1 1 ( 1) trace 1, ...,, k i j i i K IK H K k k K k k j K i I H Q H (22c) where constraint (22b) is imposed on the transmitted power per FBS while constraint (22c) guarantees that the interference power at the i-th MU receiver is less than an allowable threshold ( 1)iK . It is obvious that the constraints of (22) are convex while the objective function is nonconcave. Thus, problem (22) is nonconvex which renders the mathematical challenges to find the optimal solutions of (22). Our approach is to recast problem (22) into a d.c. optimization and, then, develop an iterative d.c. programming for finding the precoders. To this end, we rewrite (22) as 2 2 , , 1 1 min log log k i i i i i IK H k k k k k k k k i Q H Q H (23a) max 1 s.t. trace 1,..., k i I k k i k KP Q (23b) 1 ( 1) , ( 1) , 1 1 ( 1) trace 1, ...,, k i j i i K IK H K k k K k k j K i I H Q H (23c) where 2 ,l , ( , ) ( , ) i i k i j ii H k k N k l k l l j k i I H Q H . This minimization problem is still nonconvex because 2log ik concave. Nevertheless, it can be solved by applied the local d.c. programming [16], [17]. Since 2log ik is concave, at the th iteration, one can has 2 2 ( ) 1( ) ( ) , , ( , ) ( , ) log log trace i i i i i j j k k H k l k k l l l l j k i H H Q Q (24) Replacing (24) into (23) yields the following optimization problem 2 2 ( ) 1 1 1( ) ( ) , , ( , ) ( , ) , , min log trace log k i i i i j j i i i i IK k k i H k l k k l l l l j k i H k k k k k k Q H H Q Q H Q H (25a) max 1 s.t. trace 1,..., k i I k k i k KP Q (25b) 1 ( 1) , ( 1) , 1 1 ( 1) trace 1, ...,, k i j i i K IK H K k k K k k j K i I H Q H (25c) which is a convex optimization and, thus, it can be efficiently solved. As a result, the iterative SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT, Vol.18, No.K6 - 2015 Trang 98 procedure to solve problem (23) is summarized in Algorithm 2 where ϵ is an acceptable accuracy. Note that problem (23) is of d.c. programming and thus, it can be proved that the convergence of Algorithm 2 is guaranteed [16], [17]. Algorithm 2 : Interative algorithm for sum rate maximization of FBSs 1: Initialization: Set 0 , choose (0 ) ik Q , and calculate (0 )ikR Q . 2: th iteration: Solve the convex optimization problem (25) to obtain the solution * ik Q and set 1 , ( ) * i ik k Q Q and calculate ( )ikR Q . 3: Ending iteration: If ( ) ( 1) ( )/i i ik k kR R R Q Q Q ϵ, then stop; else go to step 2. 4. ILLUSTRATIVE RESULTS In this section, we evaluate the performance of the proposed method by numerical simulations. We consider the HetNet with 1 MBS and K = 2 FBSs. Each MBS or FBS is equipped with Mk = M = 2 antennas. Each base station serves Ik = I = 2 users, each equipped with Nk = N = 2 antennas. Each base station transmits d ik = d = 1 data stream to its intended user. The MIMO Rayleigh channels are randomly generated with zero mean and unit variance entries. All noise variances are normalized 2 ik = 2 = 1, k = 1, , K+1 and i = 1, , Ik. We assume that all FBSs have the same maximum allowable transmitted power m a x m a xkP P while the MBS has m a x 1 m a x2KP P . We investigate the sum rate of the system for m a xP from 0 to 30dB. We set the acceptable interference threshold at all MUs ( 1 )K i . Firstly, we study on the convergence characteristic of the proposed Algorithm 2. We set = 0.1 and ϵ = 10-9. Figure 2 illustrates the evolution of the objective function (22) over iterations. It can observed that the objective function is monotonically increased over iterations and it quickly converges in less than 20 iterations. In addition, as the maximum allowable transmitted power increases, the sum rate of the FBSs also increases. Figure 2. Convergence characteristic of the proposed algorithm. Next, we investigate the sum rate performance loss of the macrocell for different interference powers caused by FBSs. As can seen from Fig. 3 that for a small fixed value of = 0.1 the reduction in the sum-rate of the macrocell when there is the presence of FBSs is negligible. When we increase the allowable interference threshold = 1, the sum-rate performance loss of the marocell increases. When the allowable interference threshold varies with respect to the transmitted power at base stations, max0.1P or max0.5P , the sum-rate of the macrocell does not increase when the transmitted power is large enough due to an increasing interference power at MUs. 0 5 10 15 20 8.8 9 9.2 9.4 9.6 9.8 10 Iterations Su m ra te o f F B Ss (b ps /H z) Pmax=10dB Pmax=12dB Pmax=14dB Pmax=16dB TAÏP CHÍ PHAÙT TRIEÅN KH&CN, TAÄP 18, SOÁ K6- 2015 Trang 99 Figure 3. The sum rate loss of the macrocell for difference interference threshold. Figure 4. The sum rate of the femtocells for difference interference threshold. On the other hand, the sum rate of femtocells is given in Fig. 4. In contrast to the macrocell, the average sum-rate of femtocells increases when the interference constraints at the MUs are more relaxed, as shown in Fig. 4. It is observed from Figs. 3 and 4, the average sum rate of the macrocell is higher than that of the femtocells. The reasons are that the MBS has higher transmitted power than the FBSs and the transmission strategies of FBSs must guarantee the harmless interference to MUs. Now, we compare the total sum-rate performance of our proposed method with that of time division multiple access (TDMA) in [1] and selfish approach in [12]. In TDMA, each base station transmits the signals in different time slots so that there is no inter-cell interference [1]. In selfish approach, each base station only cares about its signals in its own cell and does not care about interference to users in other cells [12]. As observed from Fig. 5, our proposed method outperforms the other methods for all interested region maxP . Figure 5. The sum-rate of the HetNet. Especially, when m a xP is large, the sum-rate performance gap between our method and the selfish approach is significant. This is because the inter-cell interference is dominant for large maxP while selfish approach is not aware to inter-cell interference. On the other hand, the TDMA approach can handle inter-cell interference but each cell can use only a part of time for transmission. By choosing an appropriate interference threshold, our method can provide an improved sum-rate since it can efficiently handle both inter and intra-cell interference. 5. CONCLUSION This paper has presented the transmission strategies for the downlink of multicell multiuser MIMO HetNets. The block diagonalization scheme is used for the macrocell. The precoders at the FBSs are designed to maximize the total sum-rate while keeping interference to the MUs below the acceptable threshold. The convex optimization is exploited to find the MBS precoders while the d.c. programming is used to find the precoders at the FBSs. The simulation 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 P max (dB) A ve ra ge su m ra te o f M B S (b ps /H z) =0.1 =1 =0.1Pmax =0.5Pmax without FBS 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Pmax (dB) A ve ra ge su m ra te o f F B Ss (b ps /H z) =0.1 =1 =0.1Pmax =0.5Pmax 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Pmax (dB) A ve ra ge su m ra te o f H et N et (b ps /H z) =0.1 =1 =0.1Pmax =0.5Pmax TDMA Selfish SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT, Vol.18, No.K6 - 2015 Trang 100 results show the effectiveness of the proposed method as compared with the typical TDMA scheme and selfish transmission strategy in terms of the sum rate. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research is funded by Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under grant number 102.04-2013.46. Thiết kế bộ tiền mã hóa tối ưu để cực đại tổng tốc độ bit trong hệ thống MIMO nhiều cell nhiều người sử dụng Hà Hoàng Kha Nguyễn Đình Long Đỗ Hồng Tuấn Trường Đại học Bách Khoa, ĐHQG-HCM, Việt Nam TÓM TẮT Bài báo nghiên cứu về vấn đề thiết kế các bộ tiền mã hóa tuyến tính cho hệ thống mạng không đồng nhất bao gồm nhiều người sử dụng có nhiều antenna phát và nhiều antenna thu. Mô hình mạng không đồng nhất bao gồm nhiều trạm phát femto hoạt động đồng thời trong vùng phủ sóng của một trạm phát macro. Để giải quyết vấn đề can nhiễu giữa các người sử dụng trong macrocell, chúng tôi sử dụng kỹ thuật khối chéo hóa và kỹ thuật tối ưu lồi để cực đại hóa tổng tốc độ bit của người sử dụng trong macrocell. Kỹ thuật truyền của các trạm femto được thiết kế để tối đa hóa tổng dung lượng của người sử dụng trong femtocell với ràng buộc về công suất phát và mức can nhiễu gây ra cho người sử dụng trong macrocell. Vấn đề thiết kế này tổng quát là bài toán tối ưu không lồi, và việc tìm lời giải tối ưu là một thách thức. Giải pháp của chúng tôi là biến đổi vấn đề thiết kế các bộ tiền mã hóa thành bài toán tối ưu hiệu của hai hàm lồi, và chúng tôi phát triển một giải thuật lặp hiệu quả để tìm các bộ mã hóa tối ưu. Các mô phỏng số đã chỉ ra rằng giải pháp đề xuất cung cấp tổng tốc độ bit cao hơn các phương pháp khác cho mạng không đồng nhất. Từ khóa: Tiền mã hóa tuyến tính, kênh can nhiễu MIMO, nhiều cell, mạng không đồng nhất, tối ưu D.C. REFERENCES [1]. W. Shin, N. Lee, W. Noh, H.-H. Choi, B. Clerckx, C. Shin, and K. Jang, Hierarchical interference alignment for heterogeneous networks with multiple antennas, IEEE Int. TAÏP CHÍ PHAÙT TRIEÅN KH&CN, TAÄP 18, SOÁ K6- 2015 Trang 101 Conf. Commun. Workshops (ICC), pp. 1–6, (June 2011). [2]. K. Shashika Manosha, M. Codreanu, N. Rajatheva, and M. Latva-aho, Power- throughput tradeoff in MIMO heterogeneous networks, IEEE Trans. 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