About convergence rates in regularization for ill-posed operator equations of hammerstein type
Tóm tắt About convergence rates in regularization for ill-posed operator equations of hammerstein type: ... (k)1 (y)‖ L‖x0 − y‖, ∀ y ∈ U0, ‖F (k)2 (x∗0)− F (k)2 (y∗)‖ L‖x∗0 − y∗‖, ∀ y∗ ∈ V0, for F (k) i : k = si − 1 if si = [si], k = [si] if si = [si], and if [si] 3, then F (2)1 (x0) = ... = F (k) 1 (x0) = 0, and F (2) 2 (x ∗ 0) = ... = F (k) 1 (x ∗ 0) = 0, 52 NGUYEN BUONG, DANG TH...2.4) and the monotone property of Ah it implies that A 〈J(zh,δα )− J(z0), zh,δα − z0〉 〈J(z0), z0 − zh,δα 〉 + 1 α [〈f δ − f, zh,δα − z0〉+ 〈A(z0)−Ah(z0), zh,δα − z0〉]. (2.5) It is not difficult to verify that ‖Ah(z)−A(z)‖ √ 2hg(‖z‖). (2.6) 54 NGUYEN BUONG, DANG THI HAI HA Further, fro...ty mapping of the space Zn. From (2.8) we obtain An(zh,δα,n)−An(z0,n) + α[Jn(zh,δα,n)− Jn(z0,n)] = f δ,n + An(zh,δα,n)−Ahn(zh,δα,n)−An(z0,n)− αJn(z0,n). (2.10) 56 NGUYEN BUONG, DANG THI HAI HA Therefore, from (1.4) and the properties of the projections Pn, P ∗ n it implies that 〈An(zh,δα,n)...
Ta. p ch´ı Tin ho. c va` Die`ˆu khieˆ’n ho. c, T.23, S.1 (2007), 50—58 ABOUT CONVERGENCE RATES IN REGULARIZATION FOR ILL-POSED OPERATOR EQUATIONS OF HAMMERSTEIN TYPE NGUYEN BUONG1, DANG THI HAI HA2 1Vietnamse Academy of Science and Technology, Institute of Information Technology 2Vietnamese Forestry University, Xuan Mai, Ha Tay Abstract. The aim of this paper is to study convergence rates of the regularized solutions in connection with the finite-dimensional approximations for the operator equation of Hammerstein type x+F2F1(x) = f in reflexive Banach spaces under the perturbations for not only the operators Fi, i = 1, 2, but also f . The conditions of convergence and convergence rates given in this paper for a class of inverse-strongly monotone operators Fi, i = 1, 2, are much simpler than those in the past papers. To´m ta˘´t. Mu. c d´ıch cu’a ba`i ba´o na`y la` nghieˆn cu´ .u toˆ´c doˆ. hoˆ. i tu. cu’a nghieˆ.m hieˆ.u chı’nh da˜ du .o.. c xaˆ´p xı’ hu˜.u ha.n chie`ˆu cho phu .o.ng tr`ınh toa´n tu.’ loa. i Hammerstein x + F2F1(x) = f trong khoˆng gian Banach pha’n xa. vo´ .i nhie˜ˆu khoˆng chı’ co´ o.’ ca´c toa´n tu.’ Fi, i = 1, 2 ma` ca’ o.’ f . Die`ˆu kieˆ.n hoˆ. i tu. va` toˆ´c doˆ. hoˆ. i tu. trong ba`i ba´o na`y cho toa´n tu .’ ngu.o.. c do .n dieˆ.u ma.nh Fi, i = 1, 2 la` yeˆ´u ho .n nhie`ˆu so vo´.i ca´c keˆ´t qua’ tru.´o.c. 1. INTRODUCTION Let X be a reflexive real Banach space, and X∗ be its dual which both are strictly convex. For the sake of simplicity the norms of X and X∗ are denoted by the symbol ‖.‖. We write〈 x∗, x 〉 or 〈 x, x∗ 〉 instead of x∗(x) for x∗ ∈ X∗ and x ∈ X . Concerning the space X , in addition assume that it possesses the property: the weak convergence and convergence of norms for any sequence follows its strong convergence. Let F1 : X → X∗ and F2 : X∗ → X be monotone, in general nonlinear, bounded (i.e. image of any bounded subset is bounded) and continuous operators. Our main aim of this paper is to study a stable method of finding an approximative solution for the equation of Hammerstein type x+ F2F1(x) = f, f ∈ X. (1.1) Usually instead of Fi, i = 1, 2, and f we know their monotone continuous approximations F h i and fδ, such that ‖F h1 (x)− F1(x)‖ hg(‖x‖) ∀x ∈ X, ‖F h2 (x∗)− F2(x∗)‖ hg(‖x∗‖) ∀x∗ ∈ X∗, g(t) Mt+N, M,N 0, ABOUT CONVERGENCE RATES IN REGULARIZATION FOR ILL-POSED 51 where g(t) is a real nonegative, non-decreasing, bounded function (the image of a bounded set is bounded) with g(0) = 0, and ‖fδ−f‖ δ. Without additional conditions for the operators Fi such as the strongly monotone property, equation (1.1) is ill-posed (see the example at the end of the paper). To solve (1.1) we need to use stable methods. One of them is the operator equation x+ F h2,αF h 1,α(x) = fδ (1.2) (see [1], [2]), where F hi,α = F h i +αUi, Ui, i = 1, 2, are the normalized dual mappings of X and X∗, respectively (see [9]), and α > 0 is the small parameter of regularization. For every α > 0 equation (1.2) has a unique solution xh,δα , and the sequence {xh,δα } converges to a solution x0 of (1.1) as (h + δ)/α, α → 0. Moreover, this solution xh,δα , for every fixed α > 0, depends continuously on F hi , i = 1, 2 and fδ, the finite-dimensional problems x+ F h2,α,nF h 1,α,n(x) = fδ,n, x ∈ Xn, (1.3) where F h2,α,n = PnF h 2,αP ∗ n , F h 1,α,n = P ∗ nF h 1,αPn, fδ,n = Pnfδ, Pn is a linear projection from X onto its finite-dimensional subspace Xn such that Xn ⊂ Xn+1, Pnx→ x, as n→∞ for every x ∈ X , and P ∗n is the dual of Pn with ‖Pn‖ c˜ = constant, for all n, have a unique solution xh,δα,n, and the sequence {xh,δα,n} converges to xh,δα , as n→∞, without additional conditions on Fi, i = 1, 2. In the case of linearity for F2 and fδ = f for all δ > 0, the convergence rates for the sequences {xh,δα } and {xh,δα,n} are given in the paper [3] provided the existence of bounded inversion (I + F2F ′ 1(x0)) −1, where I denotes the identity operator in X. It is not difficult to verify that this condition can be replaced by the bounded inversion of (I + F ′2(x ∗ 0)F ′ 1(x0)) −1, when F2 also is nonlinear, where x ∗ 0 = F1(x0). The last requirement is equivalent to that -1 is not an eigenvalue of the operator F ′2(x ∗ 0)F ′ 1(x0) and is used in studying a method of collocation-type for nonlinear integral equations of Hammerstein type (see [6]). In general case, i.e., when both the operators Fi, i = 1, 2, are nonlinear, it means that R, the range of the operator I + F ′2(x ∗ 0)F ′ 1(x0), is the whole space X . It is natural to ask if we can estimate the convergence rates for the sequences {xh,δα }, {xh,δα,n}, when R is not the whole space X . For this purpose, only demanding that R contains a necessary element of X, the convergence rates of {xh,δα } and {xh,δα,n} are estimated in [4], [5] on the base of the zero value of the derivatives of higher order for F1 and F2 at x0 and x ∗ 0, respectively. This result is formulated in the following theorem. Theorem 1.1. (see [4] or [5]). Let the following conditions hold: (i) F1 is Fre´chet differentiable at some neighbourhood U0 of x0 s1−1-times if s1 = [s1], the integer part of s1, [s1]-times if s1 = [s1], and F2 is Fre´chet differentiable at some neighbourhood V0 of x∗0 s2 − 1-times, if s2 = [s2], [s2]-times if s2 = [s2], (ii) there exists a constant L > 0 such that ‖F (k)1 (x0)− F (k)1 (y)‖ L‖x0 − y‖, ∀ y ∈ U0, ‖F (k)2 (x∗0)− F (k)2 (y∗)‖ L‖x∗0 − y∗‖, ∀ y∗ ∈ V0, for F (k) i : k = si − 1 if si = [si], k = [si] if si = [si], and if [si] 3, then F (2)1 (x0) = ... = F (k) 1 (x0) = 0, and F (2) 2 (x ∗ 0) = ... = F (k) 1 (x ∗ 0) = 0, 52 NGUYEN BUONG, DANG THI HAI HA (iii) there exists an element x1 ∈ X such that( I + F ′2(x ∗ 0) ∗F ′1(x0) ∗ ) x1 = F ′2(x ∗ 0) ∗U1(x0)− U2(x∗0), if s1 = [s1] then L‖x1‖ < m1s1!, and if s2 = [s2] then L‖F ′1(x0)∗x1 − U1(x0)‖ < m2s2! Then, if α is chosen such that α ∼ (h+ ε)ρ, 0 < ρ < 1, we have ‖xω − x0‖ = O((h+ ε)θ), θ = min {θ1, 1− ρ+ θ2 s1 − 1 }, θi = min {1− ρ si , ρ si }, i = 1, 2. In this paper, the convergence rates of {xh,δα } and {xh,δα,n} are established under much weaker conditions on Fi, i = 1, 2. These are the assumptions that R contains some element of X , and Fi, i = 1, 2, are inverse-strongly monotone, i.e. 〈F1(x)− F1(y), x− y〉 m˜1‖F1(x)− F1(y)‖2, x, y ∈ X, 〈F2(x∗)− F2(y∗), x∗ − y∗〉 m˜2‖F2(x∗)− F2(y∗)‖2, x∗, y∗ ∈ X∗, (1.4) where m˜i, i = 1, 2, are some positive constants. Note that in [7] the inverse-strongly monotone property was used to estimate the convergence rates of the regularized solutions for ill-posed variational inequalities. Below, by “a ∼ b” we mean “a = O(b) and b = O(a)”. 2. MAIN RESULTS Assume that the normalized dual mappings Ui, i = 1, 2, of the spaces X and X∗ satisfy the following conditions (see [8])〈 Ui(y i 1)− Ui(yi2), yi1 − yi2 〉 mi‖yi1 − yi2‖si , mi > 0, si 2, (2.1) ‖Ui(yi1)− Ui(yi2)‖ ci(Ri)‖yi1 − yi2‖νi , 0 < νi 1, (2.2) where yi1, y i 2 ∈ X or X∗ on dependence of i = 1 or 2, respectively, and ci(Ri), Ri > 0, are the positive increasing functions on Ri = max {‖yi1‖, ‖yi2‖}. The following theorem answers the question on convergence rates for {xh,δα }. Theorem 2.1. Assume that the following conditions hold: (i) Fi, i = 1, 2, are inverse-strongly monotone and continuously Fre´chet differentiable at some neighbourhoods U of x0 and V of x∗0 , respectively, and ‖F1(x)− F1(x0)− F ′1(x0)(x− x0)‖ τ1‖F1(x)− F1(x0)‖, ∀x ∈ U , ‖F2(x∗)− F2(x∗0)− F ′2(x∗0)(x∗ − x∗0)‖ τ2‖F2(x∗)− F2(x∗0)‖, ∀x∗ ∈ V, where τi, i = 1, 2, are some positive constants, ABOUT CONVERGENCE RATES IN REGULARIZATION FOR ILL-POSED 53 (ii) there exists an element x1 ∈ X such that( I + F ′2(x ∗ 0) ∗F ′1(x0) ∗ ) x1 = F ′2(x ∗ 0) ∗U1(x0)− U2(x∗0). Then, if α is chosen such that α ∼ (h+ δ)ρ, 0 < ρ < 1, we have ‖xh,δα − x0‖ = O ( (h+ δ)θ/s1), θ = min {ρ/2, 1− ρ}. Proof. Set A = m1‖xh,δα − x0‖s1 +m2‖xh,δ,∗α − x∗0‖s2 , xh,δ,∗α = F h1,α(xh,δα ). It is easy to see that x0 is a solution of (1.1) iff z0 = [x0, x ∗ 0] is a solution of the system of following operator equations F1(x)− x∗ = 0, F2(x ∗) + x− f = 0. Similarily, xh,δα is a regularized solution of the operator equation (1.2) iff z h,δ α = [x h,δ α , x h,δ,∗ α ] is a solution of the system of following equations F h1 (x) + αU1(x)− x∗ = 0, F h2 (x ∗) + αU2(x ∗) + x− fδ = 0. Consider the space Z = X ×X∗ with the norm ‖z‖2 = ‖x‖2 + ‖x∗‖2, z = [x, x∗], x ∈ X, and x∗ ∈ X∗. Then, the two above systems of equations can be written, respectively, in form of equations A(z) = f, Ahα(z) ≡ Ah(z) + αJ(z) = f δ, (2.3) where A(z) = [F1(x), F2(x∗)] + [−x∗, x], Ah(z) = [F h1 (x), F h2 (x∗)] + [−x∗, x], J(z) = [U1(x), U2(x ∗)], f = [0, f ], f δ = [0, fδ]. (2.4) It is easy to verify that A and Ah are the monotone operators from Z to Z∗ = X∗ ×X, and the operator J is the normalized duality mapping of the space Z. Hence, from (2.1), (2.3), (2.4) and the monotone property of Ah it implies that A 〈J(zh,δα )− J(z0), zh,δα − z0〉 〈J(z0), z0 − zh,δα 〉 + 1 α [〈f δ − f, zh,δα − z0〉+ 〈A(z0)−Ah(z0), zh,δα − z0〉]. (2.5) It is not difficult to verify that ‖Ah(z)−A(z)‖ √ 2hg(‖z‖). (2.6) 54 NGUYEN BUONG, DANG THI HAI HA Further, from (1.4) it follows 〈A(zh,δα )−A(z0), zh,δα − z0〉 = 〈F1(xh,δα )− xh,δ,∗α − (F1(x0)− x∗0), xh,δα − x0〉 + 〈F2(xh,δ,∗α ) + xh,δα − (F2(x∗0) + x0), xh,δ,∗α − x∗0〉 = 〈F1(xh,δα )− F1(x0), xh,δα − x0〉+ 〈F2(xh,δ,∗α )− F2(x∗0), xh,δ,∗α − x∗0〉 m˜1‖F1(xh,δα )− F1(x0)‖2 + m˜2‖F2(xh,δ,∗α )− F2(x∗0)‖2 min{m˜1, m˜2}C2, C2 = ‖F1(xh,δα )− F1(x0)‖2 + ‖F2(xh,δ,∗α )− F2(x∗0)‖2. On the other hand, from (2.3), (2.4)-(2.6) and the properties of A,Ah, J, g we have 〈A(zh,δα )−A(z0), zh,δα − z0〉 〈f δ − f, zh,δα − z0〉 + α〈J(z0), z0 − zh,δα 〉+ 〈A(zh,δα )−Ah(zh,δα ), zh,δα − z0〉, and {zh,δα } is bounded, as (h+ δ)/α→ 0. Therefore, C2 1 min{m˜1, m˜2} [δ + α‖J(z0)‖+ √ 2hg(‖zh,δα ‖)]‖zh,δα − z0‖. Consequently, C O( √ h+ δ + α). Hence, ‖F1(xh,δα )− F1(x0)‖ O( √ h+ δ + α), ‖F2(xh,δ,∗α )− F2(x∗0)‖ O( √ h+ δ + α). (2.7) Now, we shall estimate the value 〈J(z0), z0 − zh,δα 〉. For this purpose, set x2 = U1(x0) − F ′1(x0) ∗x1. From condition (ii) of the theorem it follows that x1 and x2 (∈ X∗) satisfy the system of following equalities F ′1(x0) ∗x1 + x2 = U1(x0), F ′2(x ∗ 0) ∗x2 − x1 = U2(x∗0). By virtue of 〈J(z0), z0 − zh,δα 〉 = 〈U1(x0), x0 − xh,δα 〉+ 〈U2(x∗0), x∗0 − xh,δ,∗α 〉 =〈F ′1(x0)∗x1 + x2, x0 − xh,δα 〉+ 〈F ′2(x∗0)∗x2 − x1, x∗0 − xh,δ,∗α 〉 =〈xh,δ,∗α − x∗0 − F ′1(x0)(xh,δα − x0), x1〉 + 〈x0 − xh,δα − F ′2(x∗0)(xh,δ,∗α − x∗0), x2〉 =〈F1(xh,δα )− F1(x0)− F ′1(x0)(xh,δα − x0), x1〉 + α〈U1(xh,δα ), x1〉+ 〈F h1 (xh,δα )− F1(xh,δα ), x1〉 + 〈F2(xh,δ,∗α )− F2(x∗0)− F ′2(x∗0)(xh,δ,∗α − x∗0), x2〉 + 〈αU2(xh,δ,∗α ) + f − fδ, x2〉+ 〈F h2 (xh,δ,∗α )− F(xh,δ,∗α ), x2〉, we have 〈J(z0), z0 − zh,δα 〉 max{τ1‖x1‖, τ2‖x2‖} × (‖F1(xh,δα )− F1(x0)‖+ ‖F2(xh,δ,∗α )− F2(x∗0)‖) +O(h+ δ + α). ABOUT CONVERGENCE RATES IN REGULARIZATION FOR ILL-POSED 55 Thus, for sufficiently small h, δ, α (h+ δ + α < 1) from (2.5)-(2.7) we have got A O((h+ δ)1−ρ) +O( √ h+ δ + α), It means that ‖xh,δα − x0‖ = O ( (h+ δ)θ/s1). Theorem is proved. Theorem 2.2. Assume that the conditions of Theorem 2.1 hold, and α is chosen such that α ∼ (h+ δ + γn)ρ, 0 < ρ < 1, where γn = max{‖(I − Pn)x0‖, ‖(I − Pn)f‖, ‖(I − Pn)x1‖, ‖(I∗ − P ∗n)x∗0‖, ‖(I∗ − P ∗n)x2‖}, and I∗ denotes the identity operator in X∗. Then, ‖xh,δα,n − x0‖ = O ( (h+ δ)η + γµn ) , η = min {1− ρ s1 , ρ 2s1 }, µ = min {η, ν1 s1 , ν2 s1 }. Proof. Set B = m1‖xh,δα,n − x0,n‖s1 +m2‖xh,δ,∗α,n − x∗0,n‖s2 , with x0,n = Pnx0, x h,δ,∗ α,n = F h1,α,n(x h,δ α,n), and x∗0,n = P ∗ nx ∗ 0. It is easy to see that x h,δ α,n is a solution of (1.3) iff xh,δα,n and x h,δ,∗ α,n are the solutions of the system of following equations F h1,n(x) + αU n 1 (x)− x∗ = 0, F h2n(x ∗) + αUn2 (x ∗) + x− fδ,n = 0, with Un1 = P ∗ nU1Pn, U n 2 = PnU2P ∗ n , F h 1,n = P ∗ nF h 1 Pn, F h 2,n = PnF h 2 P ∗ n , and fδ,n = Pnfδ. As in the proof of theorem 2.1, zh,δα,n := [x h,δ α,n, x h,δ,∗ α,n ] is the solution of the following operator equation Ahα,n(z) ≡ Ahn(z) + αJn(z) = f δ,n, (2.8) where Ahn(z) = [F h1,n(x), F h2,n(x∗)] + [−x∗, x], Jn(z) = [Un1 (x), U n 2 (x ∗)], f δ,n = [0, fδ,n]. (2.9) The operatorsAhn andAn, defined byAn(z) = [F1,n(x), F2,n(x∗)]+[−x∗, x], F1,n = P ∗nF1Pn, F2,n = PnF2P ∗ n , are the monotone operators, and act from Zn := Xn × X∗n into Z∗n, and Jn is the normalized duality mapping of the space Zn. From (2.8) we obtain An(zh,δα,n)−An(z0,n) + α[Jn(zh,δα,n)− Jn(z0,n)] = f δ,n + An(zh,δα,n)−Ahn(zh,δα,n)−An(z0,n)− αJn(z0,n). (2.10) 56 NGUYEN BUONG, DANG THI HAI HA Therefore, from (1.4) and the properties of the projections Pn, P ∗ n it implies that 〈An(zh,δα,n)−An(z0,n), zh,δα,n − z0,n〉 = 〈F1(xh,δα,n)− F1(x0,n), xh,δα,n − x0,n〉 + 〈F2(xh,δ,∗α,n )− F2(x∗0,n), xh,δ,∗α,n − x∗0,n〉 m˜1‖F1(xh,δα,n)− F1(x0,n)‖2 + m˜2‖F2(xh,δ,∗α,n )− F2(x∗0,n)‖2 min{m˜1, m˜2}C2n, C2n = ‖F1(xh,δα,n)− F1(x0,n)‖2 + ‖F2(xh,δ,∗α,n )− F2(x∗0,n)‖2. On the other hand, from (2.8), (2.9) we also obtain Ahn(zh,δα,n)−Ahn(z0,n) + α[Jn(zh,δα,n)− Jn(z0,n)] = f δ,n −Ahn(z0,n)− αJn(z0,n). (2.11) Hence, on the base of the property of J and (2.11) we can write B 1 α 〈f δ − f − αJ(z0,n), zh,δα,n − z0,n〉 + 1 α 〈A(z0)−Ah(z0,n), zh,δα,n − z0,n〉 1 α [δ + ‖A(z0)−A(z0,n)‖+ hg(‖z0,n‖)]‖zh,δα,n − z0,n‖ + 〈Jn(z0,n), z0,n − zh,δα,n〉. (2.12) Moreover, using the continously Fre´chet differentiable property of F1, F2 and the definition of γn we can also write ‖A(z0,n)−A(z0)‖ (‖F1(x0,n)− F1(x0)‖2 + ‖F2(x∗0,n)− F2(x∗0)‖2)1/2 + √ 2γn (max{c˜1, c˜2}+ √ 2)γn, where c˜1 = max0t1 ‖F ′1(x0 + t(x0,n − x0))‖ and c˜2 = max0t1 ‖F ′2(x∗0 + t(x∗0,n − x∗0))‖. Consequently, {zh,δα,n} is bounded, when (h+ δ + γn)/α→ 0. By virtue of (2.10) we have 〈An(zh,δα,n)−An(z0,n), zh,δα,n − z0,n〉 〈f δ,n −An(z0,n), zh,δα,n − z0,n〉 + 〈An(zh,δα,n)−Ahn(zh,δα,n)− αJn(z0,n), zh,δα,n − z0,n〉 〈f δ − f +A(z0)−A(z0,n), zh,δα,n − z0,n〉 + 〈An(zh,δα,n)−Ahn(zh,δα,n)− αJ(z0,n), zh,δα,n − z0,n〉 O(h+ δ + α+ γn)‖z0,n − zh,δα,n〉‖. Therefore, C˜n O( √ h+ δ + α+ γn). Hence, ‖F1(xh,δα,n)− F1(x0,n)‖ O( √ h+ δ + α+ γn), ‖F2(xh,δ,∗α,n )− F2(x∗0,n)‖ O( √ h+ δ + α+ γn). ABOUT CONVERGENCE RATES IN REGULARIZATION FOR ILL-POSED 57 Now, we obtain the esimation for 〈Jn(z0,n), z0,n − zh,δα,n〉. From (2.2), (2.8) and the condition of the theorem we have got 〈Jn(z0,n), z0,n − zh,δα,n〉 = 〈J(z0,n), z0,n − zh,δα,n〉 = 〈J(z0,n)− J(z0), z0,n − zh,δα,n〉+ 〈J(z0), z0,n − zh,δα,n〉 Cγνn‖zh,δα,n − z0,n‖+ 〈F ′1(x0)∗x1 + x2, x0,n − xh,δα,n〉 + 〈F ′2(x∗0)∗x2 − x1, x∗0,n − xh,δ,∗α,n 〉 Cγνn‖zh,δα,n − z0,n‖+ 〈x1, xh,δ,∗α,n − x∗0,n − F ′1(x0)(xh,δα,n − x0,n)〉 + 〈x2, x0,n − xh,δα,n − F ′2(x∗0)(xh,δ,∗α,n − x∗0,n)〉, where C is some positive constant, and ν = min{ν1, ν2}. Obviously, 〈x1, xh,δ,∗α,n − x∗0,n − F ′1(x0)(xh,δα,n − x0,n)〉 = 〈x1, F h1,n(xh,δα,n) + αUn1 (xh,δα,n)− x∗0,n〉 + 〈x1,−F ′1(x0)(xh,δα,n − x0) + F ′1(x0)(x0,n − x0)〉 = 〈x1n,F1(xh,δα,n)− F1(x0)− F ′1(x0)(xh,δα,n − x0)〉 + α〈x1, Un1 (xh,δα,n)〉+ 〈x1, F ′1(x0)(x0,n − x0)〉 + 〈(I − Pn)x1,−F ′1(x0)(xh,δα,n − x0)〉+ 〈x1n, F h1 (xh,δα,n)− F1(xh,δα,n)〉 τ1‖x1n‖‖F1(xh,δα,n)− F1(x0)‖+O(h+ α+ γn), where x1n = Pnx 1. By the argument, we also obtain the estimate 〈x2, x0,n − xh,δα,n − F ′2(x∗0)(xh,δ,∗α,n − x∗0,n)〉 τ2‖x2n‖‖F2(xh,δ,∗α,n )− F2(x∗0)‖ +O(h+ δ + α+ γn). Therefore, 〈Jn(z0), z0 − zh,δα 〉 O(γνn) +O( √ h+ δ + γn + α). Thus, from (2.12) and the properties of Ah, J it follows B O((h+ δ + γn) 1−ρ + γνn +O((h+ δ + γn) ρ/2). Consequently, ‖xh,δα,n − x0‖ = O ( (h+ δ)η + γµn). Theorem is proved. Example 1. Consider the simple example, when X ≡ X∗ = E2, the Euclid space, and F1 = [ 1 −1 1 0 ] , F2 = [ 0 −1 1 1 ] , x = (x1, x2). It is easy to verify that 〈F1x, x〉 = x21 0, and 〈F2x, x〉 = x22 0∀x ∈ E2. It means that Fi, i = 1, 2, are monotone. Equation (1.1) has the form 0x1 = f1, 2x1 = f2 with f = (f1, f2). Obviously, this system of equations has a unique solution when f = (0, f2) for arbitrary f2. When fδ = (f δ 1 , f2) with f δ 1 = 0 equation (1.1) in this case there isn’t a solution. So, equation 58 NGUYEN BUONG, DANG THI HAI HA (1.1) with the monotone operators F1, i = 1, 2, in general is ill-posed. On the other hand, equation A(z) = f for z = (x1, x2, x∗1, x∗2) is the system of 4 linear equations with the matrix A = 1 −1 −1 0 1 0 0 −1 1 0 0 −1 0 1 1 1 . having det A = 0. Consequently, the system of equations is also ill-posed. REFERENCES [1] N. Buong, On solutions of the equations of Hammerstein type in Banach spaces, Zh. Vychisl. Matematiki i Matem. Fiziki 25 (8) (1985) 1256—1280 (in Russian). [2] N. Buong, On solution of Hammerstein’s equation with monotone perturbations, Viet- namese Math. Journal 3 (1985) 28—32. [3] N. Buong, On approximate solution for operator equations of Hammerstein type, J. of Comput. and Applied Math. 75 (1996) 77—86. [4] N. Buong, Convergence rates in regularization for Hammerstein equations, Zh. Vychisl. Matematiki i Matem. Fiziki 39 (4) (1999) 3—7. [5] N. 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