Buckling and postbuckling of axially-loaded CNT-reinforced composite cylindrical shell surrounded by an elastic medium in thermal environment
Tóm tắt Buckling and postbuckling of axially-loaded CNT-reinforced composite cylindrical shell surrounded by an elastic medium in thermal environment: ...ear buckling states of the deflection, respectively. In addition, in Eq. (20), σ0y is average stress in circumferential direction and Ai (i = 1÷ 4) are coefficients to be determined. Next, introduction of solutions (19) and (20) into the compatibility equation (17) gives the following results A...al envi- ronments ∆T (= 0 and 100 K) on the postbuckling behavior of FG-X CNTRC cylindrical shells subjected to axial compression are analyzed in Fig. 3. 4.3. Postbuckling analysis In what follows, the postbuckling behavior of axially-loaded CNTRC cylindrical shells is graphically analyzed. F...sion are given in Fig. 6. It is evident that surrounding elastic foundations have beneficial influences on the nonlinear stability of axially-loaded CNTRC cylindrical shells. More specifically, although severity of snap- through response is not milder, both buckling load and postbuckling ...
s ore sensitive to change of environment temperature. Specifically, decrease in axial load- deflection curves due to high temperature is more pronounced for FG-V type of CNT distribution. Next, the effects of radius-to-thickness ratio on the postbuckling behavior of FG-CNTRC cylindrical shells surrounded by Winkler elastic foundation and loaded by axial compression are examined in Fig. 5. It is clear that load-deflection equilibrium paths are rapidly reduced when ratio is increased. Furthermore, number of full wave in circumferential direction is increased as CNTRC cylindrical shell becomes thinner. Finally, the effects of surrounding elastic foundations on the postbuckling behavior of FG-CNTRC cylindrical shells subjected to axial compression are given in Fig. 6. It is evident that surrounding elastic foundations have beneficial influences on the nonlinear stability of axially-loaded CNTRC cylindrical shells. More specifically, although severity of snap- through response is not milder, both buckling load and postbuckling equilibrium path are pronouncedly enhanced due to the embrace of elastic foundations, especially Pasternak type foundations. Fig. 6. Effects of surrounding elastic media on the postbuckling behavior of FG-CNTRC cylindrical shells under axial compression. /R h /R h n Fig. 5. Effects of radius-to-thickness ratio o th p ckling of CNTRC cylindrical shell sur- rounded by Winkler foundation Fig. 4. Effects of CNT distribution and thermal environments on the postbuckling of CNTRC cylindrical shells. Fig. 5. Effects of radius-to-thickness ratio on the postbuckling of CNTRC cylindrical shell surrounded by Winkler foundation. Again, the simultaneous effects of CNT distribution and thermal environments on the postbuckling behavior of CNTRC cylindrical shells are considered in Fig. 4. It is realized that FG-V shell is more sensitive to change of environment temperature. Specifically, decrease in axial load- deflection curves due to high temperature is more pronounced for FG-V type of CNT distribution. Next, the effects of radius-to-thickness ratio on the postbuckling behavior of FG-CNTRC cylindrical shells surrounded by Winkler elastic foundation and loaded by axial compression are examined in Fig. 5. It is clear that load-deflection equilibrium paths are rapidly reduced when ratio is increased. Furthermore, number of full wave in circumferential direction is increased as CNTRC cylindrical shell becomes thinner. Finally, the effects of surrounding elastic foundations on the postbuckling behavior of FG-CNTRC cylindrical shells subjected to axial co pression are given in Fig. 6. It is evident that surrounding elastic foundations have beneficial influences on the nonlinear stability of axially-loaded CNTRC cylindrical shells. More specifically, although severity of snap- through response is not milder, both buckling load and postbuckling equilibrium path are pronouncedly enhanced due to the embrace of elastic foundations, especially Pastern k type foundations. Fig. 6. Effects of surrounding elastic media on the postbuckling behavior of FG-CNTRC cylindrical shells under axial compression. /R h /R h n Fig. 6. Effects of surrounding elastic media on the postbuckling behavior of FG-CNTRC cylin- drical shells under axial compression Fin lly, the effects of surrounding elastic foundations on the postbuckling behavior of FG-CNTRC cylindrical shells subjected to axial compression are given in Fig. 6. It is evident that su rounding elastic foundations have beneficial influ- ences on the nonlinear stability of axially- loaded CNTRC cylindrical shells. More specifically, although severity of snap- through response is not milder, both buck- ling load n postbuckling equilibrium path are pronouncedly enhanced due to the embrace of elastic foundations, espe- cially Pasternak type foundations. 5. CONCLUDING REMARKS Based on an analytical approach with three-term solution of deflection and Galerkin method, nonlinear buckling and postbuckling behaviors of simply supported thin CN- TRC circular cylindrical shells surrounded by elastic media and subjected to uniform axial compression have been presented. The results show that CNT volume fraction has very sensitive effects on the buckling load, postbuckling strength and snap-through re- sponse of CNTRC cylindrical shells. FG-X type shells have the best postbuckling be- havior in general, and FG-V type shells have relatively high equilibrium paths in small region of postbuckling response in particular. The study also indicates that elevated tem- perature has deteriorative effects on buckling resistance and postbuckling load carrying capabilities of CNTRC cylindrical shells, and these effects are more pronounced in small 44 Hoang Van Tung, Pham Thanh Hieu region of deflection. As a final remark, although intensity of snap-through instability is not reduced, surrounding elastic foundations, especially Pasternak type foundations, have significant and beneficial influences on buckling resistance and postbuckling re- sponse of axially-loaded CNTRC cylindrical shells. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research is funded by Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under grant number 107.02-2017.11. REFERENCES [1] J. N. Coleman, U. Khan, W. J. Blau, and Y. K. Gun’ko. Small but strong: a review of the mechanical properties of carbon nanotube–polymer composites. Carbon, 44, (9), (2006), pp. 1624–1652. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbon.2006.02.038. [2] E. T. 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(25)–(27) are defined as follows f11 = 1 2R2h (1− ν12ν21) e¯21 + K1E m 0 2R4h , f21 = n2 8R3h (1− ν12ν21) e¯21 , f31 = ν12e¯21 Rh e¯11 , f41 = 1 Rh e¯11 (e¯11e¯21T − ν12e¯21e¯11T) , f12 = a¯11 m4pi4 R4hL 4 R + a¯21 n4 R4h + a¯31 m2n2pi2 R4hL 2 R + K1 Em0 R4h + K2 Em0 R2h ( m2pi2 R2hL 2 R + n2 R2h ) + ( m2pi2 R3hL 2 R − a¯42m 4pi4 R4hL 4 R − a¯52m 2n2pi2 R4hL 2 R − a¯62 n 4 R4h )( a¯41m2n2pi2L2R +m 2pi2RhL2R a¯12m4pi4 + a¯22m2n2pi2L2R + a¯32n4L 4 R ) , 48 Hoang Van Tung, Pham Thanh Hieu f22 = n2 R3h e¯21 (1− ν12ν21) , f32 = 1 R4h ( a¯12m4pi4 + a¯22m2n2pi2L2R + a¯32n4L 4 R ) [a¯41m4n4pi4+ m4n2pi4Rh +m2n2pi2R4hL 2 R ( m2pi2 R3hL 2 R − a¯42m 4pi4 R4hL 4 R − a¯52m 2n2pi2 R4hL 2 R − a¯62 n 4 R4h )] + n2 16a¯12R2h ( 4 Rh − 16a¯42m 2pi2 R2hL 2 R ) + n2e¯21 2R3h (1− ν12ν21) , f42 = m4pi4 16a¯32R4hL 4 R + n4 16a¯12R4h + n4e¯21 8R4h (1− ν12ν21) , f52 = m4n4pi4 R4h ( a¯12m4pi4 + a¯22m2n2pi2L2R + a¯32n4L 4 R ) + m4n4pi4 R4h ( 81a¯12m4pi4 + 9a¯22m2n2pi2L2R + a¯32n4L 4 R ) , f62 = m2pi2 R2hL 2 R + ν12 n2e¯21 R2h e¯11 , f72 = n2 R2h e¯11 (e¯11e¯21T − ν12e¯21e¯11T) , f13 = K1 Em0 R4h + e¯21 R2h (1− ν12ν21) , f23 = e¯21 2R2h (1− ν12ν21) + 4a¯11m 4pi4 R4hL 4 R + K1 3Em 4R4h + K2 m2pi2Em R4hL 2 R − 1 4Rh a¯12 ( 4a¯42 m2pi2 R2hL 2 R − 1 Rh ) , f33 = n2e¯21 8R3h (1− ν12ν21) + n 2 16a¯12R3h + m2n2pi2L2R 2 ( a¯12m4pi4 + a¯22m2n2pi2L2R + a¯32n4L 4 R ) (m2pi2 R3hL 2 R − a¯42m 4pi4 R4hL 4 R − a¯52m 2n2pi2 R4hL 2 R − a¯62 n 4 R4h ) , f43 = m4n4pi4 2R4h ( a¯12m4pi4 + a¯22m2n2pi2L2R + a¯32n4L 4 R ) + m4n4pi4 2R4h ( 81a¯12m4pi4 + 9a¯22m2n2pi2L2R + a¯32n4L 4 R ) , f53 = m2pi2 R2hL 2 R , f63 = ν12e¯21 Rh e¯11 , f73 = 1 Rh e¯11 (e¯11e¯21T − ν12e¯21e¯11T) . (A2) Buckling and postbuckling of axially-loaded CNT-reinforced composite cylindrical shell surrounded. . . 49 APPENDIX B The coefficients fi4, fi5 (i = 1÷ 5) in the Eqs. (29) are defined as ( f14, f24, f34, f44, f54)= 1 f64 ( f21 f32 − f11 f42,− f21 f52, f21 f62 − f31 f42, f21 f72 − f41 f42, f21 f12) , ( f15, f25, f35, f45, f55)= 1 f65 (2 f11 f32− f11 f22,−2 f11 f52, 2 f11 f62− f31 f22, 2 f11 f72− f41 f22, 2 f11 f12) , (B1) in which f64 = f65 = 2 f11 f42 − f21 f22 , (B2) The coefficients f j6 (j = 1÷ 8) in the Eq. (30) are defined as f16 = f33 f35 − f13 f34 − f63 , f26 = f53 − f43 f35 , f36 = f33 f55 − f13 f54 , f46 = f13 f14 + f23 − f33 f15 − f43 f55 , f56 = f13 f24 − f33 f25 + f43 f15 , f66 = f43 f25 , f76 = f33 f45 − f13 f44 − f73 , f86 = − f43 f45. (B3)
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