Formalizing and checking web service discovery models using B
Tóm tắt Formalizing and checking web service discovery models using B: ...bility. Reliability is the overall measure of a Web service to maintain its service quality. The number of failures per day, week, month, or year represents an overall measure FORMALIZING AND CHECKING WEB SERVICE DISCOVERY MODELS USING B 79 of reliability for a Web Service. Reliability also expected to result after the execution of the service. For example, a credit card is charged, goods are delivered as so on. The description of effect is as the following. hasEffect The precondition and effects of the web service are formalized by precondition and body of the operation in the...INH THUAN, TRINH THANH BINH, VAN HIEU VU 4.2. Formalizing and checking in B notation Applying the transformation rules presented in Section 3, we formalize the description of the Tax Calculation web service provider and requester presented in Figure 4.5. The requester is described byWS Requester...
B 79 of reliability for a Web Service. Reliability also refers to the assured and ordered delivery for messages being sent and received by service requesters and service providers. Availability. Availability is the quality aspect of whether the Web service is present or ready for immediate use. Availability represents the probability that a service is available. Larger values represent that the service is always ready to use while smaller values indicate unpredictability of whether the service will be available at a particular time. S ecurity. Security is the quality of providing confidentiality and non-repudiation by au- thenticating the parties involved, encrypting messages, and providing access control. Security has added importance because Web service invocation occurs over the Internet. The service provider can have different approaches and levels of providing security depending on the service requester. 3. FORMALIZING AND CHECKING WEB SERVICE DISCOVERY MODELS From the similarity in web service discovery models and the B refinement mechanism. We propose in this section an approach to formalize web service discovery models using B notation. Particularly, this formalization allows us to prove automatically the model by using B provers. 3.1. Formalizing web service discovery models The web service discovery process requires a language such that OWL-S [4], which can be used to encode Web service capabilities for advertisement and for requests. Furthermore, discovery requires a matching process that compares the advertisements with the requests to verify whether they describe matching capabilities. An advertisement matches a request when all the inputs, outputs of the request are matched by the inputs, outputs of the advertisement, respectively. Additionally, precondition, postcondition and other QoS of service advertisement need to match the ones of service requester. Note that, OWL-S supports both views, requester and provider, of the capabilities of Web services. Additionally, OWL-S is based on formal semantics, it can fully represents the inputs, outputs and QoS of the service. As a result, we use OWL-S to express web service semantics in our work. Hình 3.2. Formalizing requester requirements by a B abstract machine Figure 3.2 illustrates the transformation of web service requester requirements to a B abstract machine. The name of service, input and output desired are transformed to the name 80 TRUONG NINH THUAN, TRINH THANH BINH, VAN HIEU VU of operation, input parameters and output parameters, respectively. The precondition and effects of web service are formalized by precondition and body of the operation in the B abstract machine. The others QoS of web service desired are formalized in an operation called serviceQuality. An OWL-S Profile (has also been called service capability advertisement) describes a service as a function of three basic types of information: what organization provides the service, what function the service computes, and a host of features that specify characteristics of the service. The three pieces of information are reviewed in order below. Firstly, the provider information consists of contact information that refers to the entity that provides the service. For instance, contact information may refer to the maintenance operator that is responsible for running the service, or to a customer representative that may provide additional information about the service. Secondly, the functional description of the service is expressed in terms of the transforma- tion produced by the service. Specifically, it specifies the inputs required by the service, the outputs generated, precondition required by the service and the expected effects that result from the execution of the service. Finally, the profile allows the description of a host of properties that are used to describe features of the service. The first type of information specifies the category of a given service. The second type of information is quality rating of the service: some services may be very good, reliable, and quick to respond; others may be unreliable, sluggish, or even malevolent. Before using a service, a requester may want to check what kind of service it is dealing with; therefore, a service may want to publish its rating within a specified rating system. From the description of OWL-S Profile, we propose to formalize them using a B refinement machine as shown in Figure 3.3. An input specifies the information that the service requires to proceed with the computation. For example, a book-selling service could require the credit card number and bibliographical information of the book to sell. The input is described in OWL-S as follows. An output is a type of parameter and is a property of a profile. An output specifies what is the result of the operation of the service, it is expressed: The inputs and outputs in OWL-S Profile are reprensented by input and output parameters of the operation in the B refinement machine, respectively (Figure 3.3). Precondition represents a condition that is expected for the service to work appropriately. For example, a precondition is that some money is available to pay for some goods, or that the goods are available and so on. The precondition is described in the form as follows. FORMALIZING AND CHECKING WEB SERVICE DISCOVERY MODELS USING B 81 Hình 3.3. Formalizing provider capabilities by a B refinement machine Effect represents conditions that are expected to result after the execution of the service. For example, a credit card is charged, goods are delivered as so on. The description of effect is as the following. hasEffect The precondition and effects of the web service are formalized by precondition and body of the operation in the refinement machine (Figure 3.3). The quality rating of a service will be a very important issue in the selection of services. The quality rating has two fields: ratingName and rating: ratingName that specifies the name of the rating service; rating is the rating assigned to the service. An example of rating service is presented as below. SomeRating QoS of web service provider, including the estimation ofmaxResponseTime and averageResponseTime, are formalized in an operation called serviceQuality presented in the refinement machine (Fig- ure 3.3). 3.2. Checking capability matching in WSD model through the B refinement mechanism In a WSD model, capability matching compares the capabilities provided by any of the advertised services with the capabilities needed by the requester. The goal is to find the advertiser that produces the results required for the requester. In order to simplify the development of the system, the method in B machines uses the same notation for all the stages of the development, that goes on for successive refinement steps. B refinement provides a way to construct stronger invariants and also to add details in a model. It is also used to transform an abstract model in a more concrete version by modifying the 82 TRUONG NINH THUAN, TRINH THANH BINH, VAN HIEU VU state description. Increasingly, proof obligations defined in B refinement relation allow us to check that preconditions and postconditions of lower level operations conform to preconditions and postconditions of higher level operations. Recall that, the abstract state variables, xx , and the concrete ones, xx ′, are linked together by means of a gluing invariant InvM ′ defined in the refinement machine. Formalizing WSD model using B refinement, as a result, enables us to check the identity of the name, input and ouput of web service requester required and service provider. Additionally, as presented in the paper [15], the degree of matching can be differentiated by four levels: exact, plug in, subsumes, fail. Depending on the degree of matching, we can also check the correlativeness of preconditions, effects and QoS between requirements of web service requester and capabilities of the one provider. 4. CASE STUDY We illustrate our approach by considering a simple system of Tax calculation web service. This one build a web service that can calculate sales tax amounts for goods. With the devel- opment of applications processing data based Internet resources, such sales tax services are going to be critical for calculating tax amount of imported goods. This web service is described as follows. The calling application must provide a valid type as well as quantity of goods. The returned result is the amount of money calculated basing on tax regulations. Below table shows a capability description for the Tax Calculation web service provider. Context: Tax Calculation; Types: Goods = {Tobacco,Wine,Laptop}, Money = Real; Input: typeOfGoods:Goods; quantity:Integer; Output: TaxAmount:Money; Precondition: quantity > 0; Effect: TaxAmount = taxOf(typeOfGoods)*quantity; TextDescription: calculating tax amount for imported goods. On the other hand, the rating system declares that the max response time of the web service provider is 8 ms, the availability is at least 99% and reliability is at least 98% in the 100-degree rating scale system. Supposing that, in the side of the requester, one requires a web service with the context, types, inputs, outputs, precondition are similar as information described above. The requester does not know the effect of the web service provider, they only require the result of web service is a value of Money type. The also require that, reliability of the web sevice is at least 98%, availability is at least 98% and the max response time is below 10 ms. 4.1. Describing in OWL-S As introduced in Subsection 3.1, Semantic web services are described using OWL-S (for- merly DAML-S) which is an OWL ontology with three interrelated subontologies, known as the profile, process model, and grounding. In brief, the profile is used to express "what a ser- vice does", for purposes of advertising, constructing service requests, and matchmaking; the FORMALIZING AND CHECKING WEB SERVICE DISCOVERY MODELS USING B 83 process model describes "how it works", to enable invocation, enactment, composition, moni- toring and recovery; and the grounding maps the constructs of the process model onto detailed specifications of message formats, protocols, and so forth (normally expressed in WSDL). Because of the similarity of description in OWL-S between web service provider and web service requester, we consider only the description of the Tax Calculation web service provider. We representes inputs, outputs, precondition and effect of the web service in OWL-S Profile and these are then refered to OWL-S Process as the following: (and (member ?TypeOfGoods ?Goods) (and (member ?Quantity ?Integer) (> (?Quantity 0)))) (= ?TaxAmount (* (value ?taxOf ?TypeOfGoods) ?Quantity)) ... Note that, in this description, the precondition and effect of web service are expressed by Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF) [5]. Goods is a set containing all product names in the tax table, taxOf is a function, from the Goods type to the Money type, applied to calculate the tax of goods ruled by government. It is described in OWL-S as follows. ... 84 TRUONG NINH THUAN, TRINH THANH BINH, VAN HIEU VU 4.2. Formalizing and checking in B notation Applying the transformation rules presented in Section 3, we formalize the description of the Tax Calculation web service provider and requester presented in Figure 4.5. The requester is described byWS Requester abstract machine and the provider is introduced in WS Provider refinement machine which refines WS Requester machine. These machines see (SEES clause) the Types machine which declares sets used in the model (Figure 4.4). MACHINE Types SETS GOODS = {Tobacco,Alcohol , ...} CONCRETE CONSTANTS MONEY , AVAILABILITY , RELIABILITY , ... PROPERTIES MONEY ⊆ INT ∧ AVAILABILITY ⊆ NAT ∧ AVAILABILITY = 1..100 ∧ RELIABILITY ⊆ NAT ∧ RELIABILITY = 1..100 ∧ ... END Hình 4.4. Types machine In this model, the rating system uses 100 levels (as supposed above). Each QoS element of the web service thus gets the value from 1 (lowest) to 100 (highest) (see Figure 4.4). The effect in the method used to calculate the tax amount of requester (calcul Tax ) requires merely the return value is belong to theMoney type 1. The one in service provider is a formula calculating the tax amount. The B provers will check if the return value of the formulation in the refinement machine is belong to Money type, corresponding with the output value of the method calcul Tax in the abstract machine. This is done based on proof obligations of B refinement. By this way, we can check the correlation of the value of QoS between web service requester and provider, defined in gluing invariant of the refinement machine. We proved our B model with B4free tool [7], 10 proof obligations are generated for the WS Provider refinement machine, 80% (8) of them are proved automatically and the rest are proved interactively. Other proof obligations in the model are proved automatically. 5. RELATED WORK The impact of formal methods in SOA has been confirmed [6]. Actually, however, many of them using model checking for formalizing web service compositions [11, 13]. These approaches focus on formalizing web service communications by state transition system in order to check deadlock or LTL properties. The paper [14] is aimed at enabling markup and automated reasoning technology to de- scribe, simulate, compose and verify compositions of Web services. It defines the semantics for a relevant subset of DAML-S in terms of a first-order logical language. With the semantics, 1The B notation does not support the Real type, we thus use Integer as a Money type FORMALIZING AND CHECKING WEB SERVICE DISCOVERY MODELS USING B 85 MACHINE WS Requester SEES Types VARIABLES availabilityR, maxResTimeR, reliabilityR . . . INVARIANT availabilityR ∈ AVAILABILITY ∧ maxResTimeR ∈ INT ∧ reliabilityR ∈ RELIABILITY . . . INITIALISATION . . . OPERATIONS taxAmount ←− calcul Tax ( typeOfGoods ,quantity) = PRE typeOfGoods ∈ GOODS ∧ quantity ∈ INT ∧ quantity > 0 THEN taxAmount :∈ MONEY END ; serviceQuality = BEGIN availabilityR := 98‖ maxResTimeR := 10‖ reliabilityR := 98 . . . END END (a) Web service requester REFINEMENT WS Provider SEES Types REFINES WS Requester VARIABLES taxOf , availabilityP , maxResTimeP , reliabilityP ... INVARIANT taxOf ∈ GOODS −→ MONEY ∧ availabilityP ∈ AVAILABILITY ∧ maxResTimeP ∈ INT ∧ reliabilityP ∈ RELIABILITY ∧ availabilityR ≤ availabilityP ∧ maxResTimeR ≥ maxResTimeP ∧ reliabilityR ≤ reliabilityP ... INITIALISATION ... OPERATIONS taxAmount ←− calcul Tax ( typeOfGoods ,quantity) = PRE typeOfGoods ∈ GOODS ∧ quantity ∈ INT ∧ quantity > 0 THEN taxAmount := taxOf (typeOfGoods) ∗ quantity END ; serviceQuality = BEGIN availabilityP := 99‖ maxResTimeP := 8‖ reliabilityP := 98... END END (b) Web service provider Hình 4.5. Formalizing web service discovery model of Tax system by B 86 TRUONG NINH THUAN, TRINH THANH BINH, VAN HIEU VU they encode service descriptions in a Petri Net formalism and provide decision procedures for Web service simulation, verification and composition. Wang et al [17] present an idea about describing, verifying and developing Web Service using the B-method. This work transforms the BPEL4WS documents based on WSDL into the B machine models, and then uses the more rigorous and well-developed verification theory, concept and supported tools to guarantee the validity of Web services and their composition. The paper [15] proposes an approach based on DAML-S for semantic matching of Web Service capabilities. They show how service capabilities are presented in the Profile section of a DAML-S description and how a semantic match between advertisements and requests is performed. However, this paper consider only the matching between inputs and ouputs of web services but do not consider the conformance of precondition, effect as well as non-functional properties of web services. Another paper concerns the connection between semantic webs and formal methods presented in [9]. This work focuses on building a Semantic Web (RDF/DAML) environment for supporting, extending and integrating many different formalisms. 6. CONCLUSION Transformation techniques between different languages are useful and important not only for checking Web ontology through software modeling languages and tools, but also for check- ing and analysing complex software design models [8]. In this paper, we make a link between formal methods and SOA by presenting an approach to formalize and check web service discovery models using B. Based on charateristics of B specification which can be used to model a software system at different levels of abstraction, we formalize requirements of web service requester desired in a high abstraction level and capability of service provided in a lower abstraction level. The different abstraction levels in the B method are developped in a consistent and incremental way and are guaranteed by proof obligations between levels. The matching between two sides of web service discovery models thus can be analyzed by using B provers which prove automatically proof obligations generated. The contribution of this paper can be used in early analysis of SOA applications by building a B formal model. Alternatively, it can be also applied to check the matching of capabilities between service requesters and service providers by extracting their capabilities. In the future, we will consider to formalize the sending and receiving security aspects into WSD models in order to apply the approach in a high security web service system. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] OWL-S: Semantic Markup for Web Services. [5] FORMALIZING AND CHECKING WEB SERVICE DISCOVERY MODELS USING B 87 [6] L. Bocchi and P. Ciancarini, On the impact of formal methods in the SOA, Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 160 (2006) 113–126. [7] Clearsy, B4free, Available at 2004. [8] J. S. Dong, From semantic web to expressive software specifications: a modeling languages spec- trum, ICSE’06: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Software engineering, ACM (2006) 1063–1064. [9] J. S. Dong, J. Sun, and H. Wang, Semantic web for extending and linking formalisms, FME ’02: Proceedings of the International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe, Springer-Verlag, (2002) 587–606. [10] M. G. Hinchey and J. P. Bowen, Applications of Formal Methods, Prentice Hall, 1995. [11] R. 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