Giáo trình Strength of Materials - Chapter 1: Basic Concepts
Tóm tắt Giáo trình Strength of Materials - Chapter 1: Basic Concepts: - Explaining your works effectively in writing. THIS COURSE PROVIDES THE VERY FIRST BASE OF ALL CIVIL ENGINEERS, MECH. ENGINEERS – LIKE CHILDREN LEARN HOW TO SPELL. Assessment Components Notes: - All assignments and Exam are practice problems, no purely theoretical questions ... 12 Final Exam. Learning Strategies • Text books • Weekly lectures will be used to extend the practical exercise • Homework of each week • Understand the summaries, notes, conclusions CHAPTER 1: BASIC CONCEPTS 1.1 BASIC CONCEPTS OF STRENGTH OF MATERIALS COURSE 1.2 ENGINEERING SHA...SOLID 1.2 ENGINEERING SHAPES Pyramids and their structures 1.2 ENGINEERING SHAPES Gravity dam and its structure 1.2 ENGINEERING SHAPES (2) PLATE – SHELL – MEMBRANE PLATE 1.2 ENGINEERING SHAPES SHELL 1.2 ENGINEERING SHAPES MEMBRANE 1.2 ENGINEERING SHAPES (3) BAR FRAME DO...
STRENGTH OF MATERIALS, COURSE CODE: INTRODUCTION: 2016 • Lecturers: Dr. Lam Nguyen-Sy (Nguyễn Sỹ Lâm), B6, Civil Eng Building Email:, Phone: 0916511973 • Lectures: Monday pm – pm, Room 304 H2 - 205H2 Building Friday pm – pm, Room 403 H2 • Consultation: (1) try your peer students, (2) then try your tutor, (3) then Lecturers (room , Tuesday -pm & Wednesday STRENGTH OF MATERIALS, COURSE CODE: INTRODUCTION: 2015 MAIN BOOKS 1. Đỗ Kiến Quốc, et al, Strength of Materials, 2007. 2. Hibbeler RC, Mechanics of Materials, Fifth Edition, 2003. 3. Gere JM, Mechanics of Materials, Fifth Edition, 2001. 4. Problems on Mechanics of Materials (Vietnamese) AIMS The subject aims: - To equip the student with essential knowledge about external and internal forces occurring in simple structural elements under the action of various types of loadings. - To understand the determination of the stresses, strains and displacements produced by the loads. - To furnish an understanding of the mechanical behavior of materials, which is essential for the safe design of all structures in civil and mechanical engineering. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS What do you think the STRENGTH OF MATERIALS course should be dealing with? LEARNING EXPECTATIONS A DAM: WHAT IS THE BASIC PRINCIPLE OF ITS STRUCTURE? LEARNING EXPECTATIONS A DOM: WHAT IS THE BASIC PRINCIPLE OF ITS STRUCTURE? LEARNING EXPECTATIONS A BRIDGE: WHY DOES IT HAVE THIS SHAPE? FOR BEAUTY OR ANYTHING ELSE? LEARNING EXPECTATIONS ANOTHER BRIDGE: IS THERE ANY IMPLICATION IN ITS SHAPE EXCEPT BEAUTY? LEARNING EXPECTATIONS SOME BRIDGE MODELS: ANY GENERAL PRINCIPLES? LEARNING EXPECTATIONS HIGH-RISE BUILDING: WHY DO PEOPLE NEED THESE KINDS OF STRUCTURES ? LEARNING EXPECTATIONS At the end of this course, the student should be able to: • Knowledge - Draw the diagrams of internal forces: axial force, shear force, bending moment - Analysis of stresses, displacements of simple structures - Identify of mechanical properties of materials. - Analysis of stability of simple structures • Skills - Model from the real structures to analytical models - Extend in the professional courses - Explaining your works effectively in writing. THIS COURSE PROVIDES THE VERY FIRST BASE OF ALL CIVIL ENGINEERS, MECH. ENGINEERS – LIKE CHILDREN LEARN HOW TO SPELL. Assessment Components Notes: - All assignments and Exam are practice problems, no purely theoretical questions (i.e. No learn by heart answers). - No purely theory. Final Exam Lab practices Big Assignment (homework) Assignments or Mid Exam. (at class) Penalty for missing tutorials 60 % 20 % 10 % 10 % 1 % per miss At end of semester From week 12 At end of week 12 – Hand writing – must do During the course Missing 3 or more tutorials may result in failing the course, unless justified via a special consideration form. COURSE OUTLINE Section Content Tasks/Milestone 1 Begins with a review of the fundamental concepts and assumptions and the importance of satisfying equilibrium 2 Theory of internal forces is described 3 Analysis of normal stress in axial loaded members and discussion of some of the mechanical properties are given 4 Concept of state of stress and the relations of stresses and strains are presented 5 Application of various theories of failure are presented 6 Geometric properties of cross sections are presented 7 Bending problem in-plane, stress-strain relationship, ultimate stress 8 Displacements of beams under bending moments 9 Torsion problems Assignment 1 due 10 Combined forces problems 11 Stability problems 12 Final Exam. Learning Strategies • Text books • Weekly lectures will be used to extend the practical exercise • Homework of each week • Understand the summaries, notes, conclusions CHAPTER 1: BASIC CONCEPTS 1.1 BASIC CONCEPTS OF STRENGTH OF MATERIALS COURSE 1.2 ENGINEERING SHAPES 1.3 EXTERNAL FORCES – SUPPORTS/CONNECTION – REACTION FORCES 1.4 BASIC OF FORCE – DEFORMATION STYLES 1.5 HYPOTHESES 1.1 BASIC CONCEPTS OF STRENGTH OF MATERIALS COURSE What is “MECHANICS OF MATERIALS” (SBVL là gì) ? • Mechanics of Materials is a branch of Applied Mechanics that deals with the behavior of DEFORMABLE solid bodies subject to various types of loading. • Other names: Strength of Materials Mechanics of Deformable Bodies What is “MECHANICS OF MATERIALS”? • Mechanics of Materials is a branch of Mechanics that develops relationships between the external loads (ngoại lực) applied to a deformable body (vật thể biến dạng được) and the internal forces (nội lực) acting within the body. 1.1 BASIC CONCEPTS OF STRENGTH OF MATERIALS COURSE 1.1 BASIC CONCEPTS OF STRENGTH OF MATERIALS COURSE OBJECTIVES STRENGTH CONDITIONS (đ/k bền) no failure (không bị phá hoại) – ULTIMATE LIMIT STATE RIGIDITY CONDITIONS (đ/k cứng) no extra deformation (không biến dạng quá mức) – SERVICEABILITY LIMIT STATE STABILITY CONDITION (đ/k ổn định) retain the initial deformation state advanced conditions 1.2 ENGINEERING SHAPES (1) SOLID 1.2 ENGINEERING SHAPES Pyramids and their structures 1.2 ENGINEERING SHAPES Gravity dam and its structure 1.2 ENGINEERING SHAPES (2) PLATE – SHELL – MEMBRANE PLATE 1.2 ENGINEERING SHAPES SHELL 1.2 ENGINEERING SHAPES MEMBRANE 1.2 ENGINEERING SHAPES (3) BAR FRAME DOME STRAIGHT BAR 1.3.1 External forces 1.3 EXTERNAL FORCES – SUPPORTS – REACTIONS (1) Load – Reaction Load: all information are known: strength – location – time – direction Reaction: occur passively, depend on Load, have to calculate to know (2) Distribution patterns Point Load, concentrate load (Force): applied at a point [N, kN, MN, Ton, kGf] Distribution Load (Forces): - applied on a line [N/m; kN/m; N/cm] - applied on a surface (Area load) [N/m2; kN/m2] - applied in a volume (Volume load): gravity; thermo-stress, acceleration [kN/m3] 1.3.1 External forces 1.3 EXTERNAL FORCES – SUPPORTS - REACTIONS 1.3.2 Support/Connection - Reaction 1.3 EXTERNAL FORCES – SUPPORTS - REACTIONS EQUILIBRIUM OF A DEFORMABLE BODY (CÂN BẰNG CỦA VẬT THỂ BIẾN DẠNG ĐƯỢC) • Support Reactions (Phản lực liên kết) • Equations of Equilibrium (Phương trình cân bằng) F 0 M / 0 0 • If an x,y,z cordinate system is established • With planar problems x y z x y z F 0 F 0 F 0 M 0 M 0 M 0 x y oF 0; F 0; M 0 • Axial forces on a two force member result in only normal stresses on a plane cut perpendicular to the member axis. Axial 1.4 BASIC FORCES – DEFORMATION STYLES Axial 1.4 BASIC FORCES – DEFORMATION STYLES Bending 1.4 BASIC FORCES – DEFORMATION STYLES AF A P ave Single Shear A F A P 2 ave Double Shear Shear 1.4 BASIC FORCES – DEFORMATION STYLES Torsion 1.4 BASIC FORCES – DEFORMATION STYLES Shear strain 1.4 BASIC FORCES – DEFORMATION STYLES 1.5 BASIC HYPOTHESES Materials hypothesis (Giả thiết v.liệu): Continuous, homogenous, isotropic, linearly (liên tục, đồng nhất, đẳng hướng) Analytical model or Calculating Scheme (Sơ đồ tính) Superpostion Principle (Cộng tác dụng) Small Displacements 1.5 BASIC HYPOTHESES Linear Elastic 1.5 BASIC HYPOTHESES Superposition principle
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