Giáo trình Strength of Materials - Chapter 3: Axial forces
Tóm tắt Giáo trình Strength of Materials - Chapter 3: Axial forces: ...Region of Plasticity: BC Deformation develops under constant yield stress, C end of the region of plasticity Strain-hardening & necking regions: Nonlinear Stress-Strain Relationship Point D: the ultimate stress, Point E: Fracture of the specimen 3.4 HOOKE’S LAW:...FORMATION UNDER AXIAL LOAD Example 3.02 The rigid bar BDE is supported by two links AB and CD. Link AB is made of aluminum (E = 70 GPa) and has a cross-sectional area of 500 mm2. Link CD is made of steel (E = 200 GPa) and has a cross-sectional area of (600 mm2). For the 30-kN force...number of loadings that may be expected during the life of the structure /machine 3. Types of loadings that are planned for in the design, or that may occur in the future 4. Types of failures that may occur 5. Uncertainty due to the methods of analysis 6. Deterioration that may occur in ...
CHAPTER 3: AXIAL FORCES 3.1 Concept, Internal Forces 3.2 Normal Strain and Normal Stress 3.3 Stress – Strain diagram 3.4 Hooke’s law: Modulus of Elasticity 3.5 Deformation under axial loading 3.6 Safety Factor, Allowable Stress 3.7 Statically Indeterminate Systems 3.1 CONCEPT, INTERNAL FORCES • Suitability of a structure or machine may depend on the deformations in the structure as well as the stresses induced under loading. Statics analyses alone are not sufficient. • Considering structures as deformable allows determination of member forces and reactions which are statically indeterminate. • Determination of the stress distribution within a member also requires consideration of deformations in the member. • Chapter 3 is concerned with deformation of a structural member under axial loading. Later chapters will deal with torsional and pure bending loads. 3.1 CONCEPT, INTERNAL FORCES A structural member under axial loading means: Internal forces: only axial force N (along longitudinal axis of the bar) Method of Section: the same as discussed in previous chapter Imaginary cut is made through the body in the region where the internal loading is to be determined. The two parts are separated and a free body diagram of one of the parts is drawn. Only then applying equilibrium would enable us to relate the resultant internal force and moment to the external forces. 3.1 CONCEPT, INTERNAL FORCES WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE? 3.1 CONCEPT, INTERNAL FORCES WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE? 3.1 CONCEPT, INTERNAL FORCES HOW CAN WE KNOW THAT IT IS A PURELY AXIAL LOADING PROBLEM? (1) Structure member is subjected to axial (longitudinal direction) forces only. For example: OR (2) Structure members are connected together by hinges (so-called nodes) and there is no load on the member, just have loads at nodes. For example: 3.1 CONCEPT, INTERNAL FORCES EXAMPLES: DERTEMINE INTERNAL FORCES OF STRUCTURES BELOWS? (1) (2) 3.2 NORMAL STRAIN AND NORMAL STRESS strain normal stress L A P L A P A P 2 2 LL A P 2 2 a force P produces a deformation . In engineering, we usually transform this force into stress and the deformation into strain and we define these as follows: 3.2 NORMAL STRAIN AND NORMAL STRESS Strain has no unit’s since it is a ratio of length to length. Most engineering materials do not stretch very mush before they become damages, so strain values are very small figures. It is quite normal to change small numbers in to the exponent for 10-6( micro strain). Sign convention of normal stresses: x > 0 : tensile stress x < 0 : compression stress 3.2 NORMAL STRAIN AND NORMAL STRESS Normal stress: at a section far from the bar ends, the normal stress can be regarded uniform, or considered as average value Stress has units of force per unite area (kN/m2; N/m2) Note: Most of engineering fields used kPa, MPa, GPa. 3.2 NORMAL STRAIN AND NORMAL STRESS 3.3 STRESS – STRAIN DIAGRAM 3.3 STRESS – STRAIN DIAGRAM Ductile Materials 3.3 STRESS – STRAIN DIAGRAM Brittle Materials 3.3 STRESS – STRAIN DIAGRAM Stress Strain Diagram 3.3 STRESS – STRAIN DIAGRAM Elastic domain: OA linear stress–strain relationship point A: proportional limit Const slope: Modulus of Elasticity, E Transition domain: AB B: Elastic Limit (A B) Region of Plasticity: BC Deformation develops under constant yield stress, C end of the region of plasticity Strain-hardening & necking regions: Nonlinear Stress-Strain Relationship Point D: the ultimate stress, Point E: Fracture of the specimen 3.4 HOOKE’S LAW: MODULUS OF ELASTICITY • Below the yield stress Elasticity of Modulus or Modulus Youngs E E • Strength is affected by alloying, heat treating, and manufacturing process but stiffness (Modulus of Elasticity) is not. 3.4 HOOKE’S LAW: MODULUS OF ELASTICITY • For a slender bar subjected to axial loading: 0 zy x x E • The elongation in the x-direction is accompanied by a contraction in the other directions. Assuming that the material is isotropic (no directional dependence), 0 zy • Poisson’s ratio is defined as x z x y strain axial strain lateral POISSON RATIO - Poisson’s ratio, determined by experiment; values from 0.2 – 0.5 3.5 DEFORMATION UNDER AXIAL LOAD POISSON RATIO AE P E E • From Hooke’s Law: • From the definition of strain: L • Equating and solving for the deformation, AE PL • With variations in loading, cross-section or material properties, i ii ii EA LP 3.5 DEFORMATION UNDER AXIAL LOAD Determine the deformation of the steel rod shown under the given loads. in. 618.0 in. 07.1 psi1029 6 dD E SOLUTION: • Divide the rod into components at the load application points. • Apply a free-body analysis on each component to determine the internal force • Evaluate the total of the component deflections. Example 3.01 3.5 DEFORMATION UNDER AXIAL LOAD SOLUTION: • Divide the rod into three components: 2 21 21 in 9.0 in. 12 AA LL 2 3 3 in 3.0 in. 16 A L • Apply free-body analysis to each component to determine internal forces, lb1030 lb1015 lb1060 3 3 3 2 3 1 P P P • Evaluate total deflection, in.109.75 3.0 161030 9.0 121015 9.0 121060 1029 1 1 3 333 6 3 33 2 22 1 11 A LP A LP A LP EEA LP i ii ii in. 109.75 3 3.5 DEFORMATION UNDER AXIAL LOAD Example 3.02 The rigid bar BDE is supported by two links AB and CD. Link AB is made of aluminum (E = 70 GPa) and has a cross-sectional area of 500 mm2. Link CD is made of steel (E = 200 GPa) and has a cross-sectional area of (600 mm2). For the 30-kN force shown, determine the deflection a) of B, b) of D, and c) of E. SOLUTION: • Apply a free-body analysis to the bar BDE to find the forces exerted by links AB and DC. • Evaluate the deformation of links AB and DC or the displacements of B and D. • Work out the geometry to find the deflection at E given the deflections at B and D. 3.5 DEFORMATION UNDER AXIAL LOAD Displacement of B: m10514 Pa1070m10500 m3.0N1060 6 926- 3 AE PL B mm 514.0B Displacement of D: m10300 Pa10200m10600 m4.0N1090 6 926- 3 AE PL D mm 300.0D Free body: Bar BDE ncompressioF F tensionF F M AB AB CD CD B kN60 m2.0m4.0kN300 0M kN90 m2.0m6.0kN300 0 D SOLUTION: 3.5 DEFORMATION UNDER AXIAL LOAD Displacement of D: mm 7.73 mm 200 mm 0.300 mm 514.0 x x x HD BH DD BB mm 928.1E mm 928.1 mm 7.73 mm7.73400 mm 300.0 E E HD HE DD EE 3.5 DEFORMATION UNDER AXIAL LOAD Example 3.03 3.6 SAFETY FACTOR – ALLOWABLE STRESS ALLOWABLE LOAD / ALLOWABLE STRESS Max load that a structural member/machine component will be allowed to carry under normal conditions of utilization is considerably smaller than the ultimate load This smaller load = Allowable load / Working load / Design load Only a fraction of ultimate load capacity of the member is utilised when allowable load is applied The remaining portion of the load-carrying capacity of the member is kept in reserve to assure its safe performance The ratio of the ultimate load/allowable load is used to define FACTOR OF SAFETY FACTOR OF SAFETY = ULTIMATE LOAD/ALLOWABLE LOAD FACTOR OF SAFETY = ULTIMATE STRESS/ALLOWABLE STRESS 3.6 SAFETY FACTOR – ALLOWABLE STRESS SELECTION OF F.S. 1. Variations that may occur in the properties of the member under considerations 2. The number of loadings that may be expected during the life of the structure /machine 3. Types of loadings that are planned for in the design, or that may occur in the future 4. Types of failures that may occur 5. Uncertainty due to the methods of analysis 6. Deterioration that may occur in the future because of poor maintenance / because of unpreventable natural causes 7. The importance of a given member to the integrity of the whole structure 3.6 SAFETY FACTOR – ALLOWABLE STRESS • Factor of Safety: n • Allowable Stresses, Ductile Materials: Brittle Materials: actual strength Factor of safety n required strength 1 allow or ( ) y allow n ultallow n 3.6 SAFETY FACTOR – ALLOWABLE STRESS Saint-Venant’s Principle • Loads transmitted through rigid plates result in uniform distribution of stress and strain. • Saint-Venant’s Principle: Stress distribution may be assumed independent of the mode of load application except in the immediate vicinity of load application points. • Stress and strain distributions become uniform at a relatively short distance from the load application points. • Concentrated loads result in large stresses in the vicinity of the load application point. 3.7 STATICALLY INDETERMINACY • Structures for which internal forces and reactions cannot be determined from statics alone are said to be statically indeterminate. 0 RL • Deformations due to actual loads and redundant reactions are determined separately and then added or superposed. • Redundant reactions are replaced with unknown loads which along with the other loads must produce compatible deformations. • A structure will be statically indeterminate whenever it is held by more supports than are required to maintain its equilibrium. 3.7 STATICALLY INDETERMINACY Determine the reactions at A and B for the steel bar and loading shown, assuming a close fit at both supports before the loads are applied. • Solve for the reaction at A due to applied loads and the reaction found at B. • Require that the displacements due to the loads and due to the redundant reaction be compatible, i.e., require that their sum be zero. • Solve for the displacement at B due to the redundant reaction at B. SOLUTION: • Consider the reaction at B as redundant, release the bar from that support, and solve for the displacement at B due to the applied loads. Example 3.04 3.7 STATICALLY INDETERMINACY SOLUTION: • Solve for the displacement at B due to the applied loads with the redundant constraint released, EEA LP LLLL AAAA PPPP i ii ii 9 L 4321 26 43 26 21 3 4 3 321 10125.1 m 150.0 m10250m10400 N10900N106000 • Solve for the displacement at B due to the redundant constraint, i B ii ii R B E R EA LP δ LL AA RPP 3 21 26 2 26 1 21 1095.1 m 300.0 m10250m10400 3.7 STATICALLY INDETERMINACY • Require that the displacements due to the loads and due to the redundant reaction be compatible, kN 577N10577 0 1095.110125.1 0 3 39 B B RL R E R E • Find the reaction at A due to the loads and the reaction at B kN323 kN577kN600kN 3000 A Ay R RF kN577 kN323 B A R R 3.7 STATICALLY INDETERMINACY • MORE EXAMPLES - PRACTICES
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