Giáo trình Strength of Materials - Chapter 7: Pure bending
Tóm tắt Giáo trình Strength of Materials - Chapter 7: Pure bending: ...determine (a) the maximum tensile and compressive stresses, (b) the radius of curvature. SOLUTION: • Based on the cross section geometry, calculate the location of the section centroid and moment of inertia. 2dAII A Ay Y x • Apply the elastic flexural formula to...e the maximum stress in the steel portion of the bar by multiplying the maximum stress for the transformed section by the ratio of the moduli of elasticity. 7.3 COMPOSITE SECTION EXAMPLE 7.02 • Evaluate the transformed cross sectional properties 4 3 12 13 12 1 in 063.5 ...the member is made of a linearly elastic material, the neutral axis passes through the section centroid I My x and • For a material with a nonlinear stress-strain curve, the neutral axis location is found by satisfying dAyMdAF xxx 0 • For a member with vertical and horizo...
CHAPTER 7: PURE BENDING 7.0 Introduction 7.1 Bending deformation 7.2 Stress due to pure bending 7.3 Composite section 7.4 Stress concentration 7.5 Plastic analysis 7.0 INTRODUCTION Pure Bending: Prismatic members subjected to equal and opposite couples acting in the same longitudinal plane 7.0 INTRODUCTION OTHER LOADING TYPES • Eccentric Loading: Axial loading which does not pass through section centroid produces internal forces equivalent to an axial force and a couple • Transverse Loading: Concentrated or distributed transverse load produces internal forces equivalent to a shear force and a couple • Principle of Superposition: The normal stress due to pure bending may be combined with the normal stress due to axial loading and shear stress due to shear loading to find the complete state of stress. 7.0 INTRODUCTION SYMMETRIC MEMBERS IN PURE BENDING MdAyM dAzM dAF xz xy xx 0 0 • These requirements may be applied to the sums of the components and moments of the statically indeterminate elementary internal forces. • Internal forces in any cross section are equivalent to a couple. The moment of the couple is the section bending moment. • From statics, a couple M consists of two equal and opposite forces. • The sum of the components of the forces in any direction is zero. • The moment is the same about any axis perpendicular to the plane of the couple and zero about any axis contained in the plane. 7.1 BENDING DEFORMATIONS BENDING DEFORMATIONS • bends uniformly to form a circular arc • cross-sectional plane passes through arc center and remains planar • length of top decreases and length of bottom increases • a neutral surface must exist that is parallel to the upper and lower surfaces and for which the length does not change • stresses and strains are negative (compressive) above the neutral plane and positive (tension) below it Beam with a plane of symmetry in pure bending: • member remains symmetric 7.1 BENDNG DEFORMATIONS STRAIN DUE TO BENDING Consider a beam segment of length L. After deformation, the length of the neutral surface remains L. At other sections, mx m m x c y c ρ c yy L yyLL yL or linearly) ries(strain va 7.2 STRESS DUE TO PURE BENDING STRESS DUE TO BENDING • For a linearly elastic material, linearly) varies(stressm mxx c y E c y E • For static equilibrium, dAy c dA c y dAF m mxx 0 0 First moment with respect to neutral plane is zero. Therefore, the neutral surface must pass through the section centroid. • For static equilibrium, I My c y S M I Mc c I dAy c M dA c y ydAyM x mx m mm mx ngSubstituti 2 7.2 STRESS DUE TO PURE BENDING BEAM SECTION PROPERTIES • The maximum normal stress due to bending, modulussection inertia ofmoment section c I S I S M I Mc m A beam section with a larger section modulus will have a lower maximum stress • Consider a rectangular beam cross section, Ahbh h bh c I S 6 13 6 1 3 12 1 2 Between two beams with the same cross sectional area, the beam with the greater depth will be more effective in resisting bending. • Structural steel beams are designed to have a large section modulus. 7.2 STRESS DUE TO PURE BENDING DEFORMATIONS IN A TRANSVERSE CROSS SECTION • Deformation due to bending moment M is quantified by the curvature of the neutral surface EI M I Mc EcEcc mm 11 • Although cross sectional planes remain planar when subjected to bending moments, in-plane deformations are nonzero, yy xzxy • Expansion above the neutral surface and contraction below it cause an in-plane curvature, curvature canticlasti 1 7.2 STRESS DUE TO BENDING PROPERTIES OF AMERICAN STANDARD SHAPES 7.2 STRESS DUE TO PURE BENDING EXAMPLE 7.01 A cast-iron machine part is acted upon by a 3 kN-m couple. Knowing E = 165 GPa and neglecting the effects of fillets (đường gờ cong), determine (a) the maximum tensile and compressive stresses, (b) the radius of curvature. SOLUTION: • Based on the cross section geometry, calculate the location of the section centroid and moment of inertia. 2dAII A Ay Y x • Apply the elastic flexural formula to find the maximum tensile and compressive stresses. I Mc m • Calculate the curvature EI M 1 7.2 STRESS DUE TO PURE BENDING EXAMPLE 7.01 SOLUTION: Based on the cross section geometry, calculate the location of the section centroid and moment of inertia. mm 38 3000 10114 3 A Ay Y 3 3 3 32 101143000 104220120030402 109050180090201 mm ,mm ,mm Area, AyA Ayy 49-3 23 12 123 12 1 23 12 12 m10868 mm10868 18120040301218002090 I dAbhdAIIx 7.2 STRESS DUE TO PURE BENDING EXAMPLE 7.01 • Apply the elastic flexural formula to find the maximum tensile and compressive stresses. 49 49 mm10868 m038.0mkN 3 mm10868 m022.0mkN 3 I cM I cM I Mc B B A A m MPa 0.76A MPa 3.131B • Calculate the curvature 49- m10868GPa 165 mkN 3 1 EI M m 7.47 m1095.20 1 1-3 7.2 STRESS DUE TO PURE BENDING TECHNICAL EXPRESSION y x z z Mx > 0 z z z z z z max min max min Mx < 0 7.2 STRESS DUE TO PURE BENDING TECHNICAL EXPRESSION y I M x x x y x tension x x c I M maxmax ncompressio x x c I M maxmin tension tension x x c I M maxmax ncompressio min For safety: ncompressioncompressio cy maxmax tensiontension cy maxmax 7.3 COMPOSITE SECTION BENDING MEMBERS MADE OF SEVERAL ATERIALS • Consider a composite beam formed from two materials with E1 and E2. • Normal strain varies linearly. y x • Piecewise linear normal stress variation. yE E yE E xx 2 22 1 11 Neutral axis does not pass through section centroid of composite section. • Elemental forces on the section are dA yE dAdFdA yE dAdF 222 1 11 1 211 2 E E ndAn yE dA ynE dF • Define a transformed section such that xx x n I My 21 7.3 COMPOSITE SECTION EXAMPLE 7.02 Bar is made from bonded pieces of steel (Es = 29x10 6 psi) and brass (Eb = 15x10 6 psi). Determine the maximum stress in the steel and brass when a moment of 40 kip*in is applied. SOLUTION: • Transform the bar to an equivalent cross section made entirely of brass • Evaluate the cross sectional properties of the transformed section • Calculate the maximum stress in the transformed section. This is the correct maximum stress for the brass pieces of the bar. • Determine the maximum stress in the steel portion of the bar by multiplying the maximum stress for the transformed section by the ratio of the moduli of elasticity. 7.3 COMPOSITE SECTION EXAMPLE 7.02 • Evaluate the transformed cross sectional properties 4 3 12 13 12 1 in 063.5 in 3in. 25.2 hbI T SOLUTION: • Transform the bar to an equivalent cross section made entirely of brass. in 25.2in 4.0in 75.0933.1in 4.0 933.1 psi1015 psi1029 6 6 T b s b E E n • Calculate the maximum stresses ksi 85.11 in 5.063 in 5.1inkip 40 4 I Mc m ksi 85.11933.1max max ms mb n ksi 22.9 ksi 85.11 max max s b 7.3 COMPOSITE SECTION REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS • Concrete beams subjected to bending moments are reinforced by steel rods. • In the transformed section, the cross sectional area of the steel, As, is replaced by the equivalent area nAs where n = Es/Ec. • To determine the location of the neutral axis, 0 0 2 2 2 1 dAnxAnxb xdAn x bx ss s • The normal stress in the concrete and steel xsxc x n I My • The steel rods carry the entire tensile load below the neutral surface. The upper part of the concrete beam carries the compressive load. 7.3 COMPOSITE SECTION REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS – EXAMPLE 7.03 A concrete floor slab is reinforced with 5/8-in-diameter steel rods. The modulus of elasticity is 29x106psi for steel and 3.6x106psi for concrete. With an applied bending moment of 40 kip*in for 1-ft width of the slab, determine the maximum stress in the concrete and steel. SOLUTION: • Transform to a section made entirely of concrete. • Evaluate geometric properties of transformed section. • Calculate the maximum stresses in the concrete and steel. 7.3 COMPOSITE SECTION REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS – EXAMPLE 7.03 SOLUTION: • Transform to a section made entirely of concrete. 22 8 5 4 6 6 in95.4in 206.8 06.8 psi 106.3 psi 1029 s c s nA E E n • Evaluate the geometric properties of the transformed section. 4223 3 1 in4.44in55.2in95.4in45.1in12 in450.10495.4 2 12 I xx x x • Calculate the maximum stresses. 4 2 4 1 in44.4 in55.2inkip40 06.8 in44.4 in1.45inkip40 I Mc n I Mc s c ksi306.1c ksi52.18s 7.4 STRESS CONCENTRATIONS STRESS CONENTRATIONS Stress concentrations may occur: • in the vicinity of points where the loads are applied I Mc Km • in the vicinity of abrupt changes in cross section 7.5 PLASTIC ANALYSIS PLASTIC DEFORMATIONS • For any member subjected to pure bending mx c y strain varies linearly across the section • If the member is made of a linearly elastic material, the neutral axis passes through the section centroid I My x and • For a material with a nonlinear stress-strain curve, the neutral axis location is found by satisfying dAyMdAF xxx 0 • For a member with vertical and horizontal planes of symmetry and a material with the same tensile and compressive stress-strain relationship, the neutral axis is located at the section centroid and the stress- strain relationship may be used to map the strain distribution from the stress distribution. 7.5 PLASTIC ANALYSIS PLASTIC DEFORMATIONS • When the maximum stress is equal to the ultimate strength of the material, failure occurs and the corresponding moment MU is referred to as the ultimate bending moment. • The modulus of rupture in bending, RB, is found from an experimentally determined value of MU and a fictitious linear stress distribution. I cM R UB • RB may be used to determine MU of any member made of the same material and with the same cross sectional shape but different dimensions. 7.5 PLASTIC ANALYSIS MEMBERS MADE OF AN ELASTOPLASTIC MATERIAL • Rectangular beam made of an elastoplastic material moment elastic maximum YYYm mYx c I M I Mc • If the moment is increased beyond the maximum elastic moment, plastic zones develop around an elastic core. thickness-half core elastic 1 2 2 3 1 2 3 Y Y Y y c y MM • In the limit as the moment is increased further, the elastic core thickness goes to zero, corresponding to a fully plastic deformation. shape)section crosson only (dependsfactor shape moment plastic 2 3 Y p Yp M M k MM 7.5 PLASTIC ANALYSIS PLASTIC DEFORMATIONS OF MEMBERS WITH A SINGLE PLANE OF SYMMETRY • Fully plastic deformation of a beam with only a vertical plane of symmetry. • Resultants R1 and R2 of the elementary compressive and tensile forces form a couple. YY AA RR 21 21 The neutral axis divides the section into equal areas. • The plastic moment for the member, dAM Yp 2 1 • The neutral axis cannot be assumed to pass through the section centroid. 7.5 PLASTIC ANALYSIS RESIDUAL STRESSES • Plastic zones develop in a member made of an elastoplastic material if the bending moment is large enough. • Since the linear relation between normal stress and strain applies at all points during the unloading phase, it may be handled by assuming the member to be fully elastic. • Residual stresses are obtained by applying the principle of superposition to combine the stresses due to loading with a moment M (elastoplastic deformation) and unloading with a moment -M (elastic deformation). • The final value of stress at a point will not, in general, be zero. 7.5 PLASTIC ANALYSIS EXAMPLE 7.04, 7.05 A member of uniform rectangular cross section is subjected to a bending moment M = 36.8 kN-m. The member is made of an elastoplastic material with a yield strength of 240 MPa and a modulus of elasticity of 200 GPa. Determine (a) the thickness of the elastic core, (b) the radius of curvature of the neutral surface. After the loading has been reduced back to zero, determine (c) the distribution of residual stresses, (d) radius of curvature. 7.5 PLASTIC ANALYSIS EXAMPLE 7.04, 7.05 mkN 8.28 MPa240m10120 m10120 10601050 36 36 233 3 22 3 2 YY c I M mmbc c I • Maximum elastic moment: • Thickness of elastic core: 666.0 mm60 1mkN28.8mkN8.36 1 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 3 1 2 3 YY Y Y Y y c y c y c y MM mm802 Yy • Radius of curvature: 3 3 3 9 6 102.1 m1040 102.1 Pa10200 Pa10240 Y Y Y Y Y Y y y E m3.33 7.5 PLASTIC ANALYSIS EXAMPLE 7.04, 7.05 • M = 36.8 kN-m MPa240 mm40 Y Yy • M = -36.8 kN-m Y 36 2MPa7.306 m10120 mkN8.36 I Mc m • M = 0 6 3 6 9 6 105.177 m1040 105.177 Pa10200 Pa105.35 core, elastic theof edge At the x Y x x y E m225
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