Tài liệu Luật giáo dục nghề nghiệp
Tóm tắt Tài liệu Luật giáo dục nghề nghiệp: ... a) Thúc đẩy hợp tác với cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp Việt Nam thông qua việc xúc tiến xây dựng các chương trình, dự án hợp tác trong lĩnh vực giáo dục nghề nghiệp; b) Tổ chức các hoạt động giao lưu, tư vấn, trao đổi thông tin, hội thảo, triển lãm trong lĩnh vực giáo dục nghề nghiệp nhằm giới ...ing 1. Diversify types of vocational education and training institutions, forms of vocational education and training; encouraging, and creating favourable conditions for social, socio-political, social-professional organisations, other organizations, Vietnamese and foreign organizations and i...ange into private ownership in any forms. 5. The state management agencies in vocational education and training at central, ministries, ministerial-level agencies, provincial People’s Committees level examine, inspect management and use of financial sources in vocational education and trai...
erseas 1. The State provides policy on organizing vocational education and training for labourers who wish to work overseas. 2. If trainees go to work overseas before completing their vocational education and training, they are entitled to reserve their vocational education and training results. The reservation of vocational education and training results is not of more than 05 years. Article 64. Policy for people awarded with prize in skills contests 1. The State encourages trainees to participate in skill contests. Prize winners at national, ASEAN and international skill contests are commended and rewarded in accordance with regulations of the law on emulation and commendation. 2. First-, second- or third- prize winners at national skill contests are enrolled directly into colleges for training in occupations compatible with those for which they have won prizes in the case that they possess high school graduation diploma or secondary level vocational education and training diploma and already complete sufficient volume of knowledge, passed graduation exams for basic subjects at high school level and meeting requirements as regulated by law. LUẬT GIÁO DỤC NGHỀ NGHIỆP 107 3. First-, second- or third-prize winners at ASEAN and international skill contests are enrolled directly into universities for training in occupations compatible with those for which they have won prizes in the case that they possess high school graduation diploma or secondary level vocational education and training diploma and already complete sufficient volume of knowledge, pass graduation exams for basic subjects at high school level and meeting requirements as regulated by law. Chapter VI QUALITY ACCREDITATION FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Article 65. Objectives, principles of quality accreditation of vocational education and training 1. Aims of vocational education and training quality accreditation a) Ensure and improve vocational education and training quality; b) Confirm level of satisfaction of vocational education and training institution and vocational education and training program for a specific period against vocational education and training objectives; 2. Objectives of vocational education and training quality accreditation include: a) Vocational education and training institutions; b) Vocational education and training programs. 3. Principles of vocational education and training quality accreditation a) Independent, objective, conforming to law; b) Honest, public, transparent; c) Equal, periodical; d) Be mandatory for vocational education and training institutions, national focal occupations and vocational education and training programs LUẬT GIÁO DỤC NGHỀ NGHIỆP108 for occupations approaching regionally, internationally advanced levels; vocational education and training institutions and vocational education and training programs on fields, trades serving the state management. Article 66. Organization, management of quality accreditation of vocational education and training 1. Organizations of vocational education and training quality accreditation have the task of assessing and recognizing vocational education and training institutions and programs that meet standards of vocational education and training. 2. Organizations of vocational education and training quality accreditation include: a) Organizations for vocational education and training quality accreditation established by the State; b) Organizations for vocational education and training quality accreditation established by organizations or individuals. 3. Organization of vocational education and training quality accreditation is established when a project ensuring the following conditions is in place: a) Having physical facilities, equipment, finance meeting requirements of operation of the center for vocational education and training quality accreditation; b) Having management staff and accreditors meeting requirements of vocational education and training quality accreditation activity. 4. Center for vocational education and training quality accreditation has legal status and is responsible towards the law for its vocational education and training quality accreditation; entitled to collect fees of quality accreditation as regulated by law. 5. The Head of state management agency in vocational education and training at central level promulgates regulations on criteria, standards, process, and cycle of vocational education and training quality accreditation; specific regulations on conditions for establishment, dissolution, tasks of organization of vocational education and training quality accreditation; regulations on recognition of results of vocational education and training quality accreditation; issuance and revocation of certificates of vocational education and training quality accreditation; regulations on standards, tasks LUẬT GIÁO DỤC NGHỀ NGHIỆP 109 and authorities of accreditors; regulations on use of results of vocational education and training quality accreditation; regulations on management, and issuance of accreditor card. Article 67. Duties and rights of vocational education and training institution in the implementation of vocational education and training quality accreditation 1. To develop and to implement long-term and annual plans on vocational education and training quality improvement. 2. To organize vocational education and training quality self-accreditation according to vocational education and training quality accreditation standards and procedures. 3. To provide information and documents for the vocational education and training quality accreditation. 4. Implement accreditation as requested by authorized state management agency. 5. Pay accreditation fees to vocational education and training quality accreditation agencies. 6. Select organizations for vocational education and training quality accreditation to do accreditation for vocational education and training institution and vocational training programs. 7. Make complaints and denunciations with the competent authorities of the decision, conclusions, violations of the laws of the organizations and individuals performing vocational education and training quality accreditation. Article 68. Recognition of vocational education and training quality accreditation 1. If vocational education and training institution subjected to quality accreditation satisfies all requirements, they are granted with certificate of vocational education and training quality accreditation. Such certificate is valid for five years. 2. If vocational education and training institutions fail to maintain their quality according to vocational education and training quality accreditation LUẬT GIÁO DỤC NGHỀ NGHIỆP110 standards, their certificates of vocational education and training quality accreditation will be withdrawn. Article 69. Duties and authority of vocational education and training institutions accredited for vocational education and training quality standards 1. Maintain and improve their vocational education and training quality. 2. Annually report the result of self-accreditation to the state management agency in vocational education and training. 3. Be entitled to policies on investment support policy for improvement of vocational education and training quality and can participate in bidding for realising/carrying out the vocational education and training quotas ordered by the State. Article 70. Use of vocational education and training quality accreditation results Vocational education and training quality accreditation results are used as basis: 1. Assessing the quality of vocational education and training of institutions involving in vocational education and training activities; 2. Trainees chose vocational education and training institutions, training programs and level; 3. Employers recruit workers; 4. The state invests, biding and training order for vocational education and training of institutions. Chapter VII STATE MANAGEMENT IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Article 71. Responsibilities of state management in vocational education and training LUẬT GIÁO DỤC NGHỀ NGHIỆP 111 1. The Government implements consistent state management in vocational education and training. 2. The state management agency in vocational education and training at central level is responsible towards the Government for implementation of state management in vocational education and training as regulated by the Government has following responsibilities and authority: a) Develope and organize implementation of strategies, planning, plans and policies on vocational education and training development; b) Promulgate and organize implementation of legal documents on vocational education and training; c) Stipulate vocational education and training objectives, contents, methods and curricula; standards for vocational teacher; lists of training occupations of different levels; standards on physical facilities and equipment; enrolment statue, testing, examination and issuance of vocational education and training diplomas, certificates; d) Organize implementation of issuance of vocational education and training license; e) Manage and organize implementation of vocational education and training quality accreditation; f) Carry out statistics and communication on the organization of and activity of vocational education and training; g) Organize a management structure of vocational education and training; h) Manage and organize training for vocational teachers and management staff, teachers of continuing vocational education and training programs. i) Mobilize, manage and use resources for vocational education and training development. k) Manage; organize research and application of science and technology, productivity and services in vocational education and training. l) Manage; organize international cooperation in vocational education and training. m) Inspect, examine the observance of law on vocational education and training; settle complaints, denunciations and handle violations of the law on vocational education and training. LUẬT GIÁO DỤC NGHỀ NGHIỆP112 3. Ministries, ministerial-level agencies coordinate with the state management agency in vocational education and training at central level in implementing state management of vocational education and training within their authority; directly manage the vocational education and training institutions of their own Ministries, sectors (if any) following the functions and assigned tasks. 4. Provincial People’s Committee, within its duties and authority, implements state management of vocational education and training as decentralized by the Government; formulates and organizes implementation of vocational education and training plan in line with workforce demands of their respective locality; inspects the observance of the law on vocational education and training of vocational education and training institutions, enterprises, organizations, individuals engaging in vocational education and training in the territory within its authority; implements socialization of vocational education and training; improves vocational education and training quality and efficiency in the locality. 5. The Government provides specific regulations on authority and contents of state management in vocational education and training. Article 72. Inspection of vocational education and training 1. Vocational education and training inspectorate is a specialized inspectorate. 2. Inspection of vocational education and training includes: a) Inspect implementation of laws, policies on vocational education and training; b) Detect, prevent and handle within authority or propose competent state agencies to handle violations of the law on vocational education and training; c) Verify, propose competent state agencies to settle complaints, denunciations on vocational education and training; d) Other activities on inspection as regulated by the law on inspection. 3. Organization and performance of vocational education and training inspectorate complies with regulations on inspection. Article 73. Handling of violations 1. Individuals violating the regulations of this Law shall, depending on LUẬT GIÁO DỤC NGHỀ NGHIỆP 113 nature and seriousness of their violations, be disciplined, administratively sanctioned or prosecuted for criminal liability; if causing damage, they must pay compensation in accordance with regulations of law. a) Establishment of vocational education institution or vocational education activities in contravention of the law; b) Violation of the provisions on the organization and operation of vocational education and training institutions; c) Publishing, printing, disseminating documents contrary to the provisions of law; d) Making false documents, violating regulations for admission, examination, graduation diplomas and certificates; e) Damaging dignity and physical body of educators, managers of vocational education and training institutions; abuse learners; f) Violating of regulations on accreditation of vocational education and training institutions; g) Disturbing, damaging social security in of vocational education and training institutions; h) Losing funds, taking advantage of vocational education activities to collect money improperly or for-profit purposes; i) Causing damage to the facilities of vocational education and training institutions; k) Other acts violating the law on vocational education and training. 2. The Government regulates specifically on administrative fines and punishment for violations in vocational education and training. Article 74. Complaints, denunciations and settlement of complaints and denunciations Complaints, denunciations and settlement of complaints, denunciations with regards to vocational education and training comply with regulations of law. LUẬT GIÁO DỤC NGHỀ NGHIỆP114 Chapter VIII PROVISION ON IMPLEMENTATION Article 75. Implementation effect 1. This Law takes effect from 1st July, 2015. 2. The Law on vocational training No. 76/2006/QH11 is invalid once this Law takes effect. Article 76. Revision and additions to a number of articles in Law on Education Amend, supplement or remove a number of articles of the Education Law No. 38/2005/QH11 which had been amended and supplemented some articles according to Law No. 44/2009/QH12 as follows: 1. Points c and d, Clause 2, Article 4 are amended and supplemented as follows: “c) Vocational education and training of elementary, intermediate and diploma levels and other occupational training programs; d) Higher education (hereinafter referred to as tertiary education) provides training of undergraduate degree, master’s degree, doctoral degree.”; 2. Point d, Clause 1, Article 51 is amended and supplemented as follows: “d) The Minister of Education and Training decided to university foundation schools; Head of state management of vocational education at central level make decisions to colleges;”; 3. Clause 3 of Article 70 is amended as follows: “3. The teachers teaching in early childhood education institutions, general education, vocational education and training of elementary and intermediate levels are called teachers. Those teaching in colleges and higher education institutions are known as lecturers. “; 4. Replace the phrases in some articles as follows: a) The phrase “training center” with the phrase “vocational education and training center” at Point b, Clause 1, Article 83; b) The phrase “vocational course” with the phrase “vocational training” in Point a Clause 1 of Article 69 and Point b Clause 1 Article 83; LUẬT GIÁO DỤC NGHỀ NGHIỆP 115 c) The phrase “head of state management on vocational training” with the phrase “heads of state management agency in vocational education and training at central level” in Articles 45, 50, 51, 52, 54, 77, 105 and 113; d) The phrase “vocational training institutions” with the phrase “vocational education and training institutions” in Clause 3 of Article 54; e) The phrase “vocational schools” with the phrase “vocational education and training institutions” in Clause 1 of Article 89; 5. Remove the phrases in some articles as follows: a) Remove the phrase “collegiate level,” in Clause 2 of Article 40 and Clause 1 of Article 41; b) Remove the word “colleges” in Article 41, Point d Clause 1 of Article 51 and Article 79; c) Remove the phrase “colleges and” in Point 3 Clause 2 of Article 41; d) Remove the phrase “and secondary technical education course” at Point a and the phrase “Integrated technical centers-career guidance centers; vocational training centers “in Point b, Clause 1, Article 69; 6. Abolish Section 3- technical education of Chapter II, including Articles 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37; repeal Clause 5 of Article 30, Clause 1 of Article 38, Clause 2 of Article 39, Point 2 Clause 1 of Article 40, Point a Clause 1 of Article 42, Clause 1 of Article 43, Point d and e Clause 1 of Article 77. Article 77. Revision and supplement to a number of articles in Law on Higher Education Amend, supplement or repeal a number of articles of the Law on Higher Education No. 08/2012/QH13 as follows: 1. Replace the phrase “professional secondary schools” with the phrase “secondary vocational education and training schools” in Clause 3 of Article 37; 2. Remove the phrases in some articles as follows: a) Remove the word “college” in Clause 2 of Article 4, Clause 2 of Article 5, Article 33, Point a Clause 1 and Clause 3 of Article 36, Clause 4 of Article 45; b) Remove the phrase “collegiate level,” in Clause 1 of Article 6; c) Remove the word “college” in Article 2, Clause 8 of Article 4, Clause 1 LUẬT GIÁO DỤC NGHỀ NGHIỆP116 of Article 11, Article 14, Clause 1 of Article 16, Clause 1 of Article 17, Clause 1 of Article 19, Clause 1 of Article 20, Clause 4 of Article 27 and Article 28; d) Remove the phrase “Minister of Education and Training recognizes the ranking for colleges” in Clause 5 of Article 9; e) Remove the phrase “have a master’s degree for college rectors” in Point b Clause 2 of Article 20; f) Remove the phrase “college degree” in Clause 1 of Article 38; g) Remove the phrase “training program of collegiate level” in Article 59; 3. Abolish Clause 2 of Article 5, Clause 1 of Article 7, Point 2- Clause 1 of Article 27, Point 2 Clause 2 of Article 27 and Point a Clause 1 of Article 38. Article 78. Terms of transition Vocational education and training institutions and institutions of higher education which have enrollments before this Law comes into effects shall continue to organize training, granting degrees and certificates to students under the provisions of the Education Law No. 38/2005/QH11, Law No. 44/2009/QH12 with a number of amendments and supplement to Law on Education, Law on Vocational Training No. 76/2006/QH11 and Higher Education Law No. 08/2012/QH13 until the end of the training program. Article 79. Implementation guidance The Government, competent and authorized agencies provide specific regulations and guidance on implementation of assigned articles, clauses of this Law. This Law was adopted by the 13th National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the 8th Session, dated 27 November 2014./. CHAIRMAN OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY LUẬT GIÁO DỤC NGHỀ NGHIỆP 117 LUẬT GIÁO DỤC NGHỀ NGHIỆP118 In 19.000 cuốn, khổ 14.8cm x 20,5cm Tài liệu được lưu hành nội bộ - không bán. LUẬT GIÁO DỤC NGHỀ NGHIỆP NHÀ XUẤT BẢN TÀI CHÍNH LAW ON VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING
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