Tối ưu hóa các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến quá trình sản xuất sirô sim (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) để có hàm lượng anthocyanin cao
Tóm tắt Tối ưu hóa các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến quá trình sản xuất sirô sim (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) để có hàm lượng anthocyanin cao: ...(A510 − A700) at pH 1.0] − [(A510 − A700) at pH 4.5] with a molar extinction coefficient of 26,900 for anthocyanin. The total anthocyanin content was calculated as cyanidin-3-glucoside equivalents as the following eaquation: L)(mg mLε VDFMA=C /10 3 [4] where A is the absorba... cells and tissues to release the soluble substrates (sugar, acid, vitamin and anthocyanin) resulting increase of the yield. It was found that the hydrolysis of pectin could increase the extraction yield 10% more than the control (Wolfbrother, 2011). The response surface could be fitted ...Tref = 85oC and z = 8.3oC (Ly Nguyen Binh and Nguyen Nhat Minh Phuong, 2011; Weemaes, 1997). The temperature profiles of Sim syrup heated at 85oC shown on Figure 5 are representative for pasteurization of all samples in this study. These temperature profiles of Sim syrup of the same heat...
t germinate. Consequently, it is only necessary to inactivate molds and yeasts. This can be done at much lower temperatures, with the result that the F0-values are very low, since the lethal rate at a temperature of 80◦C is 7.76 × 10−5 min−1. A more practical unit for quantifying the lethal effect of this type of process is the pasteurization unit PU (Holdsworth and Simpson 2007) given by dt10=PU t 0 z )TT( z T ref ref [7] Where t is the time, T is temperature of the product, Tref is the reference temperature, z is the thermal destruction rate analogous. In this study, with the pH = 3, the Sim syrup has to achieve the PU-value higher than 5 min using the Tref = 85oC and z = 8.3oC (Ly Nguyen Binh and Nguyen Nhat Minh Phuong, 2011; Weemaes, 1997). 2.5. Statistical analysis Response surface methodology (RSM) is an effective statistical method based on a multivariate non-linear model, and has been widely used for optimizing complex process variables (Mundra et al., 2007). Using Statgraphics 15, RSM was used to describe and optimize the extraction of anthocyanins from Sim crudes. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Composition of Sim fruit In this study, the sugar content (27.23%), the total acid (0.76%) and pectin (2.76%) of whole sim fruit from Mang Den, Kom Tum was higher those from Phu Quoc, Kien Giang (Nguyen Thi Ngoc Ngan, 2009). The contents were different due to effect of growing conditions. However, the anthocyanin concent (75.46mg/100g) in whole sim fruit from Mang Den, Kom Tum was lower than that (160mg/100g) from Thai Nguyen and Hai Duong (Lai Thi Ngoc Ha et al., 2013). Beside of growing conditions, the method analysis might contribute to the difference of anthocynin concentration. Table 1. Composition (/100g dry weight) of Sim fruit Composition Content Sugar (g) Total acid (g) Pectin (g) Anthocyanin (mg) 27.23 ± 0.25 0.76 ± 0.01 2.76 ± 0.07 75.46 ± 0.73 Optimization of factors to affect syrup production from "sim" fruit (Thodomyrtus tomentosa) (Mang Den, Kontum) for high anthocyanin concentration and good quality 102 3.2. Optimization of concentration of pectinase, temperature and time for extraction of Sim juice. Extraction is an important step to gain high yield of juice containing high concentration of soluble solid concentration and high concentration of anthocyanins. However, Sim crudes with high concentration of pectin are too turbid and viscous which is difficult to filter and collect juice. Using pectinase to break down pectin in the cell wall of fruit, the filtrate would have more yield (Nadeem, 2009), high concentrations of soluble solid and anthocyanins. Optimization of pectinase concentration, temperature and time for yield in the filtrate The surface response shows effects of temperature, time and pectinase enzyme on the yield of the filtrate (Figure 1). There was significant difference of the filtrate yields between different pectinase concentration, temperature and time. When the incubation temperature increased upto 40oC, the filtrate yield increased. Then the yield went down when the temperature was higher 40oC. This could be explained that the pectinase enzyme hydrolyzed pectin of the fruit cell wall to release more juice and reduced the viscous of the crudes to improve filterability (Nguyen Trong Can et al., 1998; Viquez et al., 1981). It is also reported that pectinase enzyme breaks down the link between pectin and cellulose of the cells and tissues to release the soluble substrates (sugar, acid, vitamin and anthocyanin) resulting increase of the yield. It was found that the hydrolysis of pectin could increase the extraction yield 10% more than the control (Wolfbrother, 2011). The response surface could be fitted and described by the model with R2=0.97 as shown below: Yield = H (%) = - 105.90 + 7.16X + 0.54Y + 171.85Z - 0,09X2 – 0.01XY – 0.01Y2 - 717.04Z2 [8] Where, X is temperature (oC), Y is time (min), Z is pectinase concentration (%). The optimal extraction conditions for the filtrate yield (62.3%) was pectinase enzyme of 0.1% at temperature of 40oC for 60 minutes. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Ngan (2009) reported the highest filtrate yield of sim crude from Phu Quoc was obtained when treated with pectinase concentration (0.8%) for 5 hours while the filtrate yield of was only 59.17% when sim crudes was treated with pectinase concentrate (0.6%) for 60 minutes. Chauhan and Gupta (2004), and Le Viet Man et al. (2010) have emphasized the acceptance of any model with R2 > 0.75. Therefore, the R2 of this model and the following models were higher than 0.75 which was acceptable. Shahadan and Abdullah (1995) found that use of 0.04% pectinase enzyme (Pectinex Ultra SP-L, Novozymes A/S, Denmark) at 300C with pH 3.4 was effective to reduce viscosity and improve filterability in the preparation of clarified banana juice. Figure 1. Response surface plots of the yield of the filtrate affected by incubation temperature and time Using the Eq.[8], the values of yield were predicted from pectinase concentration, temperature and time. Figure 2 shows that the predicted yield and actual yield had high correlation coefficient of 0.95. It means that the model (Eq.[8]) could be used to describe the yield as a function of pectinase concentration, temperature and time in the extraction process. Nhân Minh Trí, Nguyễn Minh Thủy, Phạm Thị Kim Quyên 103 Figure 2. Relationship between the actual and predicted yields Optimization of pectinase concentration, temperature and time for transmittance of the filtrate The surface response shows effect of temperature, time and pectinase enzyme on the transmittance of the filtrate (Figure 3). It is known that fruit juice contains a lot of substrates including pectins and protein which cause viscosity and stupidity of juice. The Pectinex can have pectinase and protease which break down the pectin and protein molecules to decrease viscosity and stupidity in fruit juice (Hoang Kim Anh, 2007). The filtration of fruit juice will be efficient, if the juice is pretreated with pectinase (Le Ngoc Tu, 2003) There were significant differences of the transmittance of filtrate between different pectinase concentration, temperature and time. When the incubation temperature increased upto 40oC, the transmittance of the filtrate increased. Fruit juices contain colloids that are mainly polysaccharides (pectin, cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin and starch), protein, tannin and metals (Vaillant et al., 2001). The major problem is that the presence of pectin causes cloudiness during the preparation of fruit juices. The pectinase hydrolyses pectin and separate the complexes of pectin–protein resulting in flocculation of pectin and protein. Many studies reported that pectinase enzyme Figure 3. Response surface plots of the transmittance of the filtrate affected by incubation temperature and time Optimization of factors to affect syrup production from "sim" fruit (Thodomyrtus tomentosa) (Mang Den, Kontum) for high anthocyanin concentration and good quality 104 was used for clarification of fruit juices (Kashyap et al., 2001; Lee et al., 2001). The response surface could be fitted and described by the model with R2=0.78 as shown below: Transmittance = -230.26 + 9.47X + 1.07Y + 612.65Z – 0.12X2 – 0.01Y2 – 1.01YZ – 2382.96Z2 [9] Where, X is temperature (oC), Y is time (min), Z is pectinase concentration (%). The optimal extraction conditions for the transmittance (38.3%) of the filtrate was pectinase enzyme of 0.1% at temperature of 40oC for 60 or 80 minutes. Optimization of pectinase concentration, temperature and time for anthocyanin concentration in the filtrate The surface response shows effect of temperature, time and pectinase enzyme on anthocyanin concentration in the filtrate (Figure 4). There were significant differences of the anthocyanin concentrations of filtrate between different pectinase concentration, temperature and time. When the incubation temperature increased upto 40oC, the anthocyanin concentrations of the filtrate increased. The concentration of anthocyanin increased with concentration of pectinase enzyme. It is known that pectinase can be helpful to extract colorants (e.g., anthocyanin), tannin and other soluble solids (sugar and acid) to enhance the quality of juice (Le Ngoc Tu, 2003; Hoang Kim Anh, 2007; Tadakittisarn et al., 2007; Liu et al., 2012). The response surface could be fitted and described by the model with R2=0.81 as shown below: Anthocyanin = -313.06 + 15.25X + 1.25Y + 503.07Z - 0,19X2 - 0,01Y2 – 1971.41Z2 [10] Where, X is temperature (oC), Y is time (min), Z is pectinase concentration (%). The optimal conditions for anthocyanin concentration (68.52 mg/L ) in the filtrate extracted from the whole sim fruit was pectinase enzyme of 0.1% at temperature of 40oC for 60 minutes. Liu et al. (2012) found that the optimal conditions for extracting anthocyanins from the fruit skin of downy rose- myrtle (sim fruit) were 64.38 °C, 116.88 min, 15.7:1 liquid-solid ratio, with the corresponding anthocyanin content = 4.345 mg/g. The reasons can be that they studied the skin of sim fruit which contains higher content of anthocyanin. Figure 4. Response surface plots of the anthocyanin concentration of the filtrate affected by incubation temperature and time Nhân Minh Trí, Nguyễn Minh Thủy, Phạm Thị Kim Quyên 105 3.3. Effects of pasteurization on quality of syrup and loss of anthocyanin 3.3.1. Effects of pasteurization on safety Food in the cans or bottles has to be sterilized or pasteurized to inactivate enzymes and microorganisms for safety and preservation (Nguyen Trong Can and Nguyen Thi Le Ha, 2009). The sim syrup with the pH of 3.6 was treated thermally with the Tref = 85oC and z = 8.3oC (Ly Nguyen Binh and Nguyen Nhat Minh Phuong, 2011; Weemaes, 1997). The temperature profiles of Sim syrup heated at 85oC shown on Figure 5 are representative for pasteurization of all samples in this study. These temperature profiles of Sim syrup of the same heating temperature (85oC) were heated at different holding times. The temperature profiles at 80, 85 and 90oC were used to calculate PU-values of pasteurization process (PU = PUcoming up + PUholding + PUcooling) using [Eq.7]. The PU-values and total microbial counts of the pasteurized Sim syrup are shown in Table 2. The longer holding times were, the higher PU-values and the lower total counts were. If the Sim syrups were pasteurized at 85 ÷ 90oC for 2 ÷ 6, the PU-values would be 7.8 ÷ 40 higher PU-value = 5 (Ly Nguyen Binh and Nguyen Nhat Minh Phuong, 2011; Weemaes, 1997) and the sim syrups would be safe with the total microbial count = 0. However, the higher PU-values were the more loss of anthocyanin and the lower sensory values. Figure 5. Temperature profiles of Sim syrup pasteurized at heating temperature of 85oC with holding times for 2, 4 and 6 minutes Table 2. Effects of pasteurization on PU-values with z = 8.3 & Tref = 85oC and total microbial counts Product temperatures (oC) Holding times (min) 2 4 6 PU-value CFU/g PU-value CFU/g PU-value CFU/g 80 1.86 8.2x10 1 2.21 9.4x102 3.15 5.0x101 85 7.82 5.7x101 9.18 - 11.07 - 90 20.98 - 33.06 - 40.33 - Note: ‘-‘, no microbial counts. Optimization of factors to affect syrup production from "sim" fruit (Thodomyrtus tomentosa) (Mang Den, Kontum) for high anthocyanin concentration and good quality 106 3.3.2. Effects of pasteurization on loss of anthocyanin Pasteurization improves the safety and the shelf life of Sim syrup product. However, anthocyanin is degradable due to heat treatment during pasteurization. Anthocyanins degrade easily to form unacceptable browning compounds during thermal process (Torskangerpoll and Andersen, 2005; Liu et al., 2013). The thermal process for Sim syrup was applied at 85oC for 4 min to obtain PU858.3 = 9 min, no total microbial counts and high sensory values. The PU858.3 = 9.18 min for sim syrup with pH = 3.5 meets requirement for the juice product (Holdsworth and Simpson, 2007; Weemaes, 1997). If the product is heated with lower PU858.3 = 9.18 min, the product will not be safe. If the product is heated with higher PU858.3 = 9.18 min, the overcooking will cause high loss of anthocyanin and high waste of electricity and time. Figure 6. Change of anthocyanin concentration with temperature and time during pasteurization 4. CONCLUSION Pretreatment of Sim crudes by pectinase could be described by models for yield, transmittance and anthocyanin concentration in the filtrate as a function of pectinase concentration, temperature and time. They could be optimized by using pectinase enzyme 0.1 % at temperature 40oC for 60 minutes to have the highest yield (62.93%), clarity (38.3%, T) and anthocyanin concentration (68.52 mg/L) in the Sim extract. Sim syrup was pasteurized at temperature 85oC with holding time of 4 min to have PU-value = 9.18 min, high safety and high anthocyanin concentration retained in the Sim fruit syrup. This product is a natural and nutritious fruit drink containing high energy, vitamins, and anthocyanin which is able to prevent chronic, and diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Production of sim syrup utilizeingthe wild fruit for new food product development is helpful to increase income for famers living in the highlands. REFERENCES Hoàng Kim Anh (2007). Hóa học thực phẩm. Nhà xuất bản Khoa học và Kỹ thuật. Lê Ngọc Tú, La Văn Chứ, Đặng Thị Thu, Nguyễn Thị Thịnh, Bùi Đức Hợi và Lê Doãn Diên (2004). Hóa Sinh Công Nghiệp. Nhà xuất bản Khoa học và Kỹ thuật Hà Nội. 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